Teen Titans For Gamecube is a MUST PLAY

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  1. beybladeshinobi
    1 year

    You guys should play the other Mario games like the Wii U and the old Mario games and you guys should play some fighting games as well if you decide to do that.

  2. Max
    1 year

    This is legitimately the first video game I ever played when I turned 5 my dad got me a GameCube with this game and a couple others this game is actually so nostalgic

  3. thecowboybandit
    1 year

    They should play Nicktoons Unite! It's also a couch co-op game!

  4. Marquez
    1 year

    I still have this game ?

    1 replies
    1. CobraCartoon
      11 months

      Me too, but for the PS2.

  5. Jarod
    1 year

    I know this isn't really Teen Titans related, more like game related but I would like to see you guys play the One Piece Pirate Warrior series. And the Ben 10 games, they are fun beat-em up games but half of the main series games are single player while the other three are two players.

  6. brianna
    1 year

    i've been WAITING for this one!

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