I Wish For a Better Fairly OddParents Game…

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  1. genericgamer283
    9 days

    This game was gas when I was a kid. Unfortunately, it seems like time hasn't done it any favors.

  2. ZomForShort
    13 days

    yeah this game isnt as good as I remember

  3. Prinnigan
    14 days

    Shadow Showdown is way better. I loved that game growing up.

  4. Josh
    15 days

    Shadow Showdown is my favorite Fairly Odd Parents game and is way better then this one

  5. Leaf
    16 days

    Yikes, that sound compression. My guess is that the game has so much dialogue (witty banter every thirty seconds) that the devs overcompensated to keep everything under a gigabyte with reasonable load times.

  6. Josh
    16 days

    I don’t know if you guys would be down for it but it’s a game you could all play just like the teen titans one. It’s called Nicktoons Unite. If that one is a bit dated though they made other ones like it if you wanna look into it. It’s a game from my childhood and if I’m honest I think I still have it, and I believe it still works!! Up to you guys though also  idk if other people have been asking for it . Sorry this ran long hope you guys are having a good day!!!!

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