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1 year
def should play walking dead telltale
1 year
I'd Like To See Detroit Becomes Human And The Walking Dead As Well As Wolf Among Us
1 year
would love to see you guys play Life Is Strange ( and tha prequel , Before The Storm ) if u havent already :o)
1 year
What’s with the oxygen bags?
1 year
Oh! and a small detail I love that I think you guys missed, in that final scene with "Dr. Hill" when he tells Josh "you're all alone" you can hear his voice shift into Josh's voice, which confirms that not only are all of the in-game scenes with Dr. Hill happening inside Josh's own head, but Josh is actually talking to himself; every time Dr. Hill ridicules Josh, it's Josh who is at war with himself inside his own mind.
"Do you understand that this game you're playing... it's not good for you, it's not good for anyone."
"Do you intend to continue in this elaborate self indulgence!?"
"Do you think these poor people are getting what they deserve!?
"Now what the hell have you done to them? What the hell have you done to them!? Psychopath!"
"You had so many people who cared about you, who were willing to help you. But instead, you choose to push them away. And now you're all alone."
These are all Josh's internal thoughts.
1 year
Can you guys play "The Evil Within" at some point?
1 year
Man! you went the first 3 episodes without letting anyone die (excluding people you couldn't have saved) but now, practically the whole cast died! and most of them didn't die in the house fire, which is where that sort of thing usually happens in these let's plays!
So, throughout the whole game there are 4 characters you can NEVER save; Hanna, Beth, Josh, and the flamethrower guy. It doesn't matter how still you are, the game will always kill the flamethrower guy in that exact way. There are only 2 fates for Josh; if Josh recognizes Hanna, Hanna will turn him into a wendigo by forcing him to eat human flesh (which is what happened in your playthrough). However if Josh doesn't recognize Hanna, Hanna will just kill him right then and there. Honestly, I think Josh is the most tragic character in the whole game. That scene where Josh is having a full on psychotic break actually makes me tear up every time I see it. There's actually a game theory video on until dawn that talks about Josh. I'd love to see your guys' reaction to it.
The remainder of the cast can all make it out alive; Matt, Emily, Mike, Jessica, Chris, Ashley, and Sam. That's 7 characters you could have potentially saved. By the end, Matt, Emily, Mike, Jessica, and Ashely were the ones who died that didn't have to, leaving Chris and Sam to be the only survivors. You saved 2/7, or 28.5% of the people you could have saved. You might have also killed the wolf with that explosion, since he was following right behind you. although maybe the wolf just ran away. Since it wasn't shone on screen, we can't be sure whether the wolf lived or died.
As an interesting (and depressing) side note, in the scene where Chris has to choose who to save from the sawblade, Josh or Ashely, the blade will always go to Josh, revealing that Josh fully expected Chris, who was his best friend since they were in the 3rd grade, to kill him in order to save Ashely. Josh did not expect Chris to choose to save him over Ashely, ergo he didn't even plan for it. That is some serious self hatred he's projecting onto Chris. And the game does a pretty decent job at nudging players into feeling more inclined to save Ashely over Josh, so that helps to keep the big reveal less apparent.
1 replies
1 year
josh didnt expected chris to save ashley over him because of self hatred(not denying he has it) but he specifically made the saw that way because he didnt want to actually hurt anyone. It was just part of his plan. If chris chose to save him he wouldve been nicer to him later on, if not he uses it against him.
1 replies
1 year
I'm aware that Josh wasn't actually trying the hurt his friends, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Maybe it isn't self hatred, but Josh still didn't anticipate that Chris would choose to save him, because if you do, not only does the sawblade still cut Josh in half but the prerecorded message still says "I see. So you have chosen to save Ashely". He didn't try to pass it off as faulty wiring, or the "psycho" stetting it up so that Chris would end up killing the person he meant to save as part of his sick game, or anything like that; the sawblade just cuts Josh in half with no explanation. My point was Josh didn't try to come up with some excuse as to why choosing to save him still lead to the sawblade cutting him in half. Josh did not plan for Chris to save him, maybe not out of self hatred, but he still didn't plan for it. He fully expected his best friend to choose to kill him.
I apologize if it's hard to understand what I'm trying to say, I'm autistic and sometimes I don't phrase things properly and people misinterpret what I mean.
1 year
Nice playthrough. Please play heavy rain
1 year
1.The wendigos werent made accidentally. The video was one of the miners already turning.
2.If you cose ashley with the saw, it automatically goes to josh. If it did what boom said it would reveal that it was fake too early since josh was behind the wall.
3.The stranger wasnt the convict. That was a fake wanted poster made by Josh.
4.Josh didnt turn into a wendigo because he was scratched. You can only turn if you eat human flesh over periods of time. Like Hannah did with Beth.
Maybe you could do a short video going through all the clues and totems but especially the Butterfly effects.
1 year
I wouldve loved to see what he wouldve done with Emily's othe storyline.
1 year
Did y’all play Detroit become human before cuz I found a part 4 and I can’t find the rest of the gameplay but I swear I saw a little bit of part 4
1 replies
1 year
Wait never mind I fucking hate myself it’s to early to bullshit lol
1 year
Man, that was going so well and then proceeded into utter chaos! Fun playthrough though! If you guys are planning to play Detroit Become Human that is such a fun game! :)
1 year
Detroit Become Human is an amazing game. The voice actor for Mr. crabs plays an important characterÂ
def should play walking dead telltale
I'd Like To See Detroit Becomes Human And The Walking Dead As Well As Wolf Among Us
would love to see you guys play Life Is Strange ( and tha prequel , Before The Storm ) if u havent already :o)
What’s with the oxygen bags?
Oh! and a small detail I love that I think you guys missed, in that final scene with "Dr. Hill" when he tells Josh "you're all alone" you can hear his voice shift into Josh's voice, which confirms that not only are all of the in-game scenes with Dr. Hill happening inside Josh's own head, but Josh is actually talking to himself; every time Dr. Hill ridicules Josh, it's Josh who is at war with himself inside his own mind.
"Do you understand that this game you're playing... it's not good for you, it's not good for anyone."
"Do you intend to continue in this elaborate self indulgence!?"
"Do you think these poor people are getting what they deserve!?
"Now what the hell have you done to them? What the hell have you done to them!? Psychopath!"
"You had so many people who cared about you, who were willing to help you. But instead, you choose to push them away. And now you're all alone."
These are all Josh's internal thoughts.
Can you guys play "The Evil Within" at some point?
Man! you went the first 3 episodes without letting anyone die (excluding people you couldn't have saved) but now, practically the whole cast died! and most of them didn't die in the house fire, which is where that sort of thing usually happens in these let's plays!
So, throughout the whole game there are 4 characters you can NEVER save; Hanna, Beth, Josh, and the flamethrower guy. It doesn't matter how still you are, the game will always kill the flamethrower guy in that exact way. There are only 2 fates for Josh; if Josh recognizes Hanna, Hanna will turn him into a wendigo by forcing him to eat human flesh (which is what happened in your playthrough). However if Josh doesn't recognize Hanna, Hanna will just kill him right then and there. Honestly, I think Josh is the most tragic character in the whole game. That scene where Josh is having a full on psychotic break actually makes me tear up every time I see it. There's actually a game theory video on until dawn that talks about Josh. I'd love to see your guys' reaction to it.
The remainder of the cast can all make it out alive; Matt, Emily, Mike, Jessica, Chris, Ashley, and Sam. That's 7 characters you could have potentially saved. By the end, Matt, Emily, Mike, Jessica, and Ashely were the ones who died that didn't have to, leaving Chris and Sam to be the only survivors. You saved 2/7, or 28.5% of the people you could have saved. You might have also killed the wolf with that explosion, since he was following right behind you. although maybe the wolf just ran away. Since it wasn't shone on screen, we can't be sure whether the wolf lived or died.
As an interesting (and depressing) side note, in the scene where Chris has to choose who to save from the sawblade, Josh or Ashely, the blade will always go to Josh, revealing that Josh fully expected Chris, who was his best friend since they were in the 3rd grade, to kill him in order to save Ashely. Josh did not expect Chris to choose to save him over Ashely, ergo he didn't even plan for it. That is some serious self hatred he's projecting onto Chris. And the game does a pretty decent job at nudging players into feeling more inclined to save Ashely over Josh, so that helps to keep the big reveal less apparent.
josh didnt expected chris to save ashley over him because of self hatred(not denying he has it) but he specifically made the saw that way because he didnt want to actually hurt anyone. It was just part of his plan. If chris chose to save him he wouldve been nicer to him later on, if not he uses it against him.
I'm aware that Josh wasn't actually trying the hurt his friends, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. Maybe it isn't self hatred, but Josh still didn't anticipate that Chris would choose to save him, because if you do, not only does the sawblade still cut Josh in half but the prerecorded message still says "I see. So you have chosen to save Ashely". He didn't try to pass it off as faulty wiring, or the "psycho" stetting it up so that Chris would end up killing the person he meant to save as part of his sick game, or anything like that; the sawblade just cuts Josh in half with no explanation. My point was Josh didn't try to come up with some excuse as to why choosing to save him still lead to the sawblade cutting him in half. Josh did not plan for Chris to save him, maybe not out of self hatred, but he still didn't plan for it. He fully expected his best friend to choose to kill him.
I apologize if it's hard to understand what I'm trying to say, I'm autistic and sometimes I don't phrase things properly and people misinterpret what I mean.
Nice playthrough. Please play heavy rain
1.The wendigos werent made accidentally. The video was one of the miners already turning.
2.If you cose ashley with the saw, it automatically goes to josh. If it did what boom said it would reveal that it was fake too early since josh was behind the wall.
3.The stranger wasnt the convict. That was a fake wanted poster made by Josh.
4.Josh didnt turn into a wendigo because he was scratched. You can only turn if you eat human flesh over periods of time. Like Hannah did with Beth.
Maybe you could do a short video going through all the clues and totems but especially the Butterfly effects.
I wouldve loved to see what he wouldve done with Emily's othe storyline.
Did y’all play Detroit become human before cuz I found a part 4 and I can’t find the rest of the gameplay but I swear I saw a little bit of part 4
Wait never mind I fucking hate myself it’s to early to bullshit lol
Man, that was going so well and then proceeded into utter chaos! Fun playthrough though! If you guys are planning to play Detroit Become Human that is such a fun game! :)
Detroit Become Human is an amazing game. The voice actor for Mr. crabs plays an important characterÂ