Fallout Episode 8 Reaction

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  1. fluffythenative
    3 months

    "I wish i could have popcorn that good" man i fkn love watching literally anything you guys put out there, so damn funny and wholesome!

  2. Deli
    8 months

    call it twitter

  3. bloodymariarose
    10 months

    "When she said 'curious', she meant 'CURIOUS'" xD I laughed so hard lol

  4. DKThunder
    10 months

    Thank you for binging this so fast! Absolutely needed to watch it a second time already, and this reaction was the perfect excuse!

  5. Hailey
    10 months

    Would love to see you two react to Sweet Tooth and Lost In Space. They’re both also set in post apocalyptic worlds and they’re very fun to watch.

    1 replies
    1. Hailey
      10 months

      Meant you guys not you two my stupid autocorrect did this again.

  6. Icy
    10 months

    This is the biggest problem there are some big lore errors, since NV makes mention of Shady Sands still in tact, the show can't be cannon since they mention a destruction. Also Vault-Tech being the reason the bombs dropped has several issues but one being them answering a question that had been around about who dropped the bombs since the first game is something they shouldn't have done. By answering the question it removes the mystery that people have tried to figure out and should have just gone un-answered, its fun but has to many holes to be used. The cold fusion idea is nice but it also conflicts with the idea in Fallout 4 that they hadn't even really gotten fusion yet. SO the show conflicts with a lot of canon. I would suggest looking at Oxhorn's video on the lore issues of the show.

    3 replies
    1. Henry
      10 months

      Its been confirmed cannon,also confirmed series set 15 years AFTER Fallout New Vegas so all cannon.

    2. DKThunder
      10 months

      Does new vegas make implications that shady sands is still intact? The impression I got was NCR spread itself thin and was now the most populous post war civilization covering a very wide area across california and nevada. But I dont remember much about the exact state of shady sands itself. Game is big, so there are definitely lines I could have missed.

      The date 2277 is also the 'Fall of Shady Sands' and the image of the nuke was after it. Poor visual presentation, but I absolutely believe that the show writers did not intend for shady sands to be nuked in 2277.

      Nothing makes New Vegas noncanon from the show that I've seen so far, it's more deciding if I think they are going with the House ending or Wildcard ending. Because I cant imagine either of the other 2 at this point.

      1 replies
      1. Henry
        10 months

        Set 15 years AFTER Fallout NV

    3. Icy
      10 months

      Also the games establish that no the experiments for the Vaults came from the Enclave when they took over project safehouse

      2 replies
      1. Havoc
        10 months

        that was said by the most unreliable narrator in the series. seriously everything the enclave president said should be held under a microscope before trusting.

      2. Henry
        10 months

        Which one? Later games establish Vault tech as the ones responsible, so still within cannon

  7. Collin
    10 months

    The "Bethesda hates West Coast/New Vegas Fallout" is a horrible inaccurate rant parroted mainly by toxic segment of NV fanatics. They try and make Todd Howard out to be some cartoonish devil figure when he has said on record he likes NV and the old games even if they don't make the same exact style of Fallout game that they have been obsessed with for decades.

    Also the "New Vegas isn't canon" is a misunderstanding based on the timeline board in Vault 4 in this series. It states the fall of Shady Sands starts in 2277 and then has an arrow indicating time passes and then it gets nuked. The nuked part doesn't have a date assigned(likely because they didnt want to set a hard date depending on how the future of the series/tv show are being shaped) so people started repeating that it was bombed in 2277 which makes no sense for the age of Lucy and Maximus in the show. New Vegas happens in the early 2280's. Basically it's a case of people who went into the series wanting to confirm their conspiracy theory that Bethesda hates NV and clutched at the first thing that could be misunderstood as a retcon.

    All this to say, loved the reaction to this show and already itching for the next season.

    1 replies
    1. Icy
      10 months

      There are isseus with how the show breaks cannon and the board was wrong though since NV mentions Shady Sands still being the active capital as on 2281

      3 replies
      1. Henry
        10 months

        Show set 15 years later and confirmed cannon

      2. DKThunder
        10 months

        Looking at the shady sands wiki page, I do NOT see mentions of shady sands in new vegas. It's a big game, so I get it could have been mentioned, but is there a specific instance of this you can point to in New Vegas?

        Specifically of SHADY SANDS. (aka the first capital of the ncr)

        if there are mentions of the NCR capital in new vegas, while it could have referenced shady sands before, it absolutely does not reference shady sands now.

        1 replies
        1. DKThunder
          10 months

          Ooh I found this for anyone looking for a reference:

          Courier: "What's the Thaler Act?"

          Trent Bascom: "Something the politicians back in Shady Sands came up with. They pay us to move here and farm the land. They even protect the fields."


          Courier: "Do you have a problem with the NCR?"

          Tom Anderson: "I don't go looking for fights with them, but they don't have the best interests of people in mind. Certainly not locals. The bottom line for NCR is productivity and growth. Politicians back in Shady Sands are completely detached from the people actually living here."


          Angela Williams: "But I know every inch of the power grid from Hoover Dam to Shady Sands. That's what we do here - try to optimize the power output from the Dam. Some of the others are working on an agricultural project, but... truth be told, they aren't making much progress. Not yet, anyway."

          (Angela Williams' dialogue)


          Courier: "You remember everyone who passes through here?"

          Sterling: "Got a good memory for faces. Landmarks and such, too. Comes with practice, that's all. And a lot of scoutin' from place to place. I reckon I've walked every inch of ground between Shady Sands and the Colorado... or close enough to make a man's feet plenty sore."


          While there is no mention that I've found yet of Shady Sands still being the capital, there are certainly politicians who still seem to exist there by 2281. To me, the bombs could have dropped after 2281 (no reason to think it didn't) Sentiments of Shady Sands during 2281 also implies that Shady Sands's reputation has been on the decline for a while. Fall of Shady Sands being in 2077 seems to fit in with this nicely enough.

          In theory, they could have been moving to a new capital, or on their way to doing so either during or after 2281 as well. Personally, I'm assuming Shady Sands was still the capital in 2281, though may have changed shortly after due to personal dissatisfaction of its citizens. Then sometime after... c'est la vie.

      3. Icy
        10 months

        Also it seems like you are just ignoring valid criticism about the show

        1 replies
        1. Henry
          10 months

          Your main "valid" criticism is that it "breaks'' canon. Which it does not as set over a decade after New Vegas AND confirmed cannon by Bethesda themselves

  8. Ringo
    11 months

    If you want the timeline of fallout you should watch "History of the Fallout World (Lore)" by alternate history hub however the video only talks about 1 - New Vegas but it is one of the most interesting timeline videos of the fallout story.

    1 replies
    1. Silverr
      10 months

      whats the point of naming it "Fallout World" if your just gonna do one Game

  9. Dezwolf86
    11 months

    Welp now im downloading Fallout 4 on my PS5, gonna give the game another try after my pc version of the game got broken by mods

    1 replies
    1. Alexblade
      11 months

      Watch young justice

  10. Rift
    11 months

    So the brotherhood of steel does not have cold fusion, they have fusion cores which die after being used a certain amount. They are two different types of energy that the show probably should have been separated a bit more by having a fusion core die or something. 

    1 replies
    1. Colonel
      11 months

      So the brotherhood has "normal" fusion reactors (miniaturized) that need a lot of heat? like the ones we're prototyping in real life (google Tokaman reactor). Maybe I'm just going too deep and the games doesn't really explain how it exactly works?

      1 replies
      1. Icy
        10 months

        Well in the lore it's made clear like in FO4 they are just getting to fusion and the energy is fission they just call it fusion to have the public think they have the tech and the core is really just a big battery

  11. Y0GE
    11 months

    So fallout new Vegas is still canon Bethesda recently confirmed it's still canon.

    1 replies
    1. Doghole
      11 months

      Yeah man, people are blowing it WILDLY out of proportion lol. If Bethesda says it's still canon, then Shady Sands' destruction explicitly does not retcon the NCR's presence in the Mojave in NV. I suspect it'll be more fully explained in the next season. The writers said that they want to avoid canonising any game endings, but I don't think they'll have much of a choice with NV as House was so intimately intertwined with the city that depicting it without confirming if he's alive will be difficult. The same with the NCR I'm sure

      2 replies
      1. Icy
        10 months

        What they have done is an issues and it dose conflict with canon

        1 replies
        1. Henry
          10 months

          No it does not. In anycase it is confirmed cannon and if a few "fans" have issue with it thats unfortunate. Its official cannon,by owners of the franchise. Some "fans" accept it or not doesnt change the tv series IS hard cannon

      2. SonicMcCall
        10 months

        they say they want to avoid cannonising endings yet the prydwin is in the first episode. [SPOILERS] In all but the Brotherhood ending, the Prydwin gets destroyed iirc so the logical next step would be to assume either the sole survivor either chose to join the Brotherhood or they managed to get the ending where the Minutemen, Railroad and Brotherhood are all kinda okay with each other. Since the tv show comes after FO4, that is my assumption at least :)

        1 replies
        1. Havoc
          10 months

          its never called the prydwen. now the thought of the bos having multiple airships is horrifying but it is an option. especially since the show alludes to the main leadership still being in the commonwealth.

  12. Veiled
    11 months

    Gonna do a ghoul playthrough and see how it goes. Wish me luck. 

    1 replies
    1. Icy
      10 months

      so what mod since there is only 1 game you can play as a Ghoul and that's Tactics about 1/4th of the way though

  13. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Day 13 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

    Day 3 of asking y'all to watch The Iron Giant 1999

  14. Connor
    11 months

    I love how the code was the release date of the original Fallout game. October 10th '97.

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