Fallout Episode 6 Reaction

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  1. nick
    10 months

    chills when Lucy holds up the NCR flag and the Fallout main theme plays. sad to see what happened to Shady Sands but the NCR military was spread out over America at this point so who knows how many remains out there

  2. Koopliss
    10 months

    Bit of a fun fact, it's been recently datamined that they will be adding Cooper howard's movie posters from this episode into fallout 76 at some point, as new decoration for C.A.M.P. building.

  3. Michael
    10 months

    There are no patents on human genes, the Supreme Court ruled that genes cannot be patented, so no genes will ever be patented.

  4. AttackRunRepeat
    11 months

    Cyberpunk's Night City becomes more and more realistic when you realize it was built to keep corporations free from government reach. All we need is one Jeff Bezos founded city and we're on the brink.

  5. Collin
    11 months

    Something that you learn in the games is that companies in pre-war America like Vault Tec were up to a lot of shady shit and were well integrated with the upper echelons of society. The bombs dropped in 2077 in the fallout universe and plenty of parties saw the writing on the wall. One allusion to this was in episode 1, the radio said the President's whereabouts were unknown shortly before everything kicked off.

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