DuckTales S2 Episode 20 REACTION

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  1. Kyasemi
    2 months

    Even IF they are still alive, that doesn't help lessen the stress of "it can still HAPPEN at *some* point'. It's a possibility that it can still happen and Della hasn't gotten to know and TRUST in Launchpad to keep her children safe. Trust is a two way street, and yes, it is 100% her fault for getting on that plane. But you got to understand BOTH sides of these characters perspective. Della is allowed to be scared for her children bc THEY ARE HER CHILDREN. Not Launchpads.

  2. Ben
    1 year

    I couldnt find anything Google kept giving me AI pics of an elephant and spider mixed ?

  3. Ben
    1 year

    I looked up elephant spider ?

  4. Crimson
    1 year

    I’m pretty sure Della was having some PTSD when the smoke was filling the plane and she said “I can’t see! We’re going to crash!” Wouldn’t surprise me if in her mind, in that moment, she went back to being unable to see because of the cosmic storm she was flying through before she crashed on the moon.

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