Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 48-50 Reaction

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  1. Sean
    1 hour

    Where and when are these streams being done???

  2. Fries
    1 day

    4:17 "caught him shoplifting in a walmart" followed by goku saying "you're the scum of the universe" made me burst out laughing imagining a walmart employee saying that

  3. Cadent
    1 day

    Remember Boom Bulma hasn't had the experience with Piccolo Gohan and the others have had. The only times they ever interacted was when he was a villain. She doesn't have the knowledge or experiences we've had with him.

  4. Down
    2 days

    54:00 keep in mind that Bulma and Piccolo have history from OG Dragon Ball. She had a completely different introduction to him than you did

  5. Down
    2 days

    19:31 Subtle foreshadowing 

  6. Down
    2 days

    14:52 The original Z Funimation dub BUTCHERED this scene. They made it a generic super hero speech and had Goku say something incredibly out of character.

  7. crolicky
    2 days

    Would love to see the whole group react to “Vikings” if they haven’t seen it yet 

  8. Aaron
    2 days

    Goku letting people live is a new thing as of Z(except Majunior of course), he killed his enemies in OG Dragon Ball a lot.

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