Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 27-28 Reaction

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  1. Zeptier
    2 months

    What's funny about the Ginyu force is that according to Dragonball Xenoverse 2, the Ginyu Force has maternity leave! Yup, that's right, if you are part of the Ginyu force and you are having a kid you get paid maternity leave. Not bad for serving under Frieza. 

  2. Andre
    2 months

    Me and my cousins used to do Ginyu Force poses when we were younger. Its a shame we couldn't see Nail in action against Vegeta because If I am not mistaken, at this point in time, he's stronger than Vegeta by a great bit. 

  3. emperorbelos
    2 months

    I started giggling when the ginyu force showed up I haven’t seen that in so long

  4. Jaystarfrosty
    2 months

    The Ginyu Force rule 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️. Also if I got a power lvl boost imma see what type of super human feats imma pull off.

  5. Jaystarfrosty
    2 months

    Vegeta’s anger while flying scene is definitely one of my favorite vegeta anger moments especially the delivery given by Brian Drummond for the scene when it was the ocean dub. The line read was bone chilling. Although this dub still shows just how pissed vegeta  was. Especially with the no pupils and livid eyes as he was flying.  

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