Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. Darc
    5 months

    So DBZ kai is basically the original animation but upscale to "look nicer" while they cut out the filler and do a bit of censorship for the most graphic parts of the series. Also the intro with aliens and bardock I think were added because in the old series nobody knew goku was an alien until raditz showed up 

  2. PJ
    5 months

    Dbz Kai was my intro to anime. I get hate all the time for saying itโ€™s easily the best english dub for any DragonBall series. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  3. Raiyu
    5 months

    I was waiting for dragon ball z Kai. Thisโ€™ll be a fun journey..๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

  4. Msr9272tce
    5 months


  5. Aaron
    5 months

    the theme is different than I remember, if this is a remaster version that could be it, or I'm crazy. But it doesn't sound anything like my memory of it

    1 replies
    1. David
      5 months

      Maybe the theme you remember is bruce faulcner's dbz opening theme?

      2 replies
      1. Aaron
        5 months

        i googled around, it does seem they re-did the theme for the remaster in 2021, that's probably what it is

      2. Aaron
        5 months

        nah, it's the same song and sounds like the same guy; just doesn't sound like I remember. It just feels flat. Idk, I may be crazy but it doesn't sound even close to this.     

        The one that comes to my mind is this one youtube com/watch?v=gJCY9IIZBx8 but it doesn't hit the same highs in this video as it does from even the YT clip I provided

        1 replies
        1. King
          5 months

          This version is sung by Sean schemmel because it was originally sang by vic mignogna

  6. Death
    5 months


  7. Death
    5 months

    LETS GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  8. Zeptier
    5 months

    So, Dragon Ball Z Kai is basically a remaster of the original Dragon Ball Z english dub. It was released in 2009 as part of Dragon Ball's 20th anniversary, hence the intro with updated animation. The animation itself, as well as score, and dialogue is also touched up. The dialogue is more accurate to the manga because the original dub had many mistranslations. The filler was also cut out from the original so now the seasons are about 24-ish episodes long. The exception to this is Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters which did not release until 2015 and still has some degree of filler (that being said the final arc of Z is stupid long in the manga as well lol). DBZA never dubbed the final arc (entirely) so you only got up to Cell, there is one more arc afterwards and THAT is the final arc of Z. FUCK, this comment is way too damn long lol 

  9. strange.happenings
    5 months

    simply put, hell yes!

  10. Narutoanime16
    5 months

    This is awesome really loving these reactions from ya Boom and Sean Schemle as Goku is unmatched DBZ in dub is peak! Can't wait till you get to DBZ Super 

  11. mikehawk
    5 months

    Gohan VA is also Luffy VA

  12. astralea95
    5 months

    its cool that Raditz VA is Kirishima from My hero Academia

    1 replies
    1. Colton
      5 months

      I know him more as Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho, but yeah, Justin Cook is great.

  13. Sarabada
    5 months

    Quick note, the streaming version you are using is semi-censored.

    The video footage is uncut, but the dialogue is the censored version (swears and most direct references to death are removed in this version)

    While this is not too big of a deal in the earlier episodes, it can be a bit distracting when deaths start to occur in the show ;-)

    1 replies
    1. Stridency
      1 month

      Yeah i really hope he took your advice, this is a bit goofy. Some of the edits are rather blatant, too.

  14. Berserker88
    5 months

    Shame you won't be continuing OG Dragonball, specifically BECAUSE not enough people appreciate it. But I've never actually seen Kai, so I'm looking forward to this as well. :)

  15. Brett
    5 months

    Killer, wish Iโ€™d seen the og dragon ball reactions/theyโ€™d continue. Hope this one keeps going!

  16. Sarabada
    5 months

    So fun fact about the Kai music. The first 98 episodes of the Kai OST was composed by Kenji Yamamoto. In 2011 he was fired due to plagiarism in some of his work, so from episode 99 and onward they used a different composer.

    However, since he was fired due to plagiarism they had to replace his soundtrack for the first 98 episodes as well.

    To do that they took about 40 (out of 500) music tracks from the original 80s version of the show and added them in the first 98 Kai episodes where (mostly) appropriate. So be prepared to hear some of those 40 tracks repeated a lot ;-)

  17. Down
    5 months

    How do you keep forgeting that Piccolo and Yami have the same voice actor. you said this in the Broly movie and the DBZKAKAROT playthrough

  18. Zach
    5 months

    Iโ€™m SOOOO Excited for you to watch this series Sean! Youโ€™ll love it!!!

  19. Charlie
    5 months

    god the dub z kai opening is incredible, vic magnolia the og voice for broly and the va for edward elric from fullmetal alchemist sings it

    2 replies
    1. Charlie
      5 months

      ok so for clarity looking into it the op is sung by different members of the voice actor cast of dbz on different episodes, vics is just the most iconic. Highly recommend you check it out cause it makes sean schemmels cover on this ep sound like shit by comparison

    2. Charlie
      5 months

      oh wait that doesnt sound like vic thats weird

      1 replies
      1. Sarabada
        5 months

        There is 8 versions of the Dragon soul opening. One every 13 episodes, sung by a different version each time. Vic is episode 27-39

  20. Down
    5 months

    stick to the dub. it's fire

  21. Down
    5 months

    i hope the others join

    1 replies
    1. Zach
      5 months

      Same they definitely should 

  22. TealeafEri
    5 months

    YOOO! I watched the original dragon ball episodes, but hyped for this too ofc

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