Dr. Who S2 Episode 8-9 Reaction

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  1. Slasher2
    7 minutes

    Anyone else getting DOOM 3 vibes from these episodes?

  2. overdev
    13 hours

    shooting the guns looks soooo bad in the second episode :'D

  3. dainbramage7
    1 day

    Ruff is Oodphobic. You heard it here first.

  4. hurryupmode
    1 day

    Not sure if you caught the line at the end but Rose tells the Doctor that she heard the beast tell her she "will die in battle"

  5. Vegvisir92
    1 day

    "They were used as a conduit to kill people"  i guess he also wants every soldier dead then too.....

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      1 day

      Not really, it's not just that they were used as a conduit to kill people, but that they were used as a conduit to kill innocent people, and were used by a malicious force. It's much more similar to wanting to kill all Nazis, since they were used as killing conduits by Hitler. Not that I entirely agree, but it's actually a view that I think a lot of people would agree with.

  6. Ram.
    2 days

    It's actually perfectly fine to orbit a black hole without falling in. You just need to be going fast enough. It's when you cross the event horizon of the black hole that nothing can escape even light. They got the science laughably bad in the plot. But it's fun.

    1 replies
    1. gioppdumister
      1 day

      While true, they're in the event horizon. The show just does a bad job of explaining it besides one line. 

  7. Senpai
    2 days

    Fun fact: 'The Satan Pit' aired on 6/6/06.

    2 replies
    1. Fox0
      14 hours

      would've been cool but thats a lie

    2. randomperson3029.
      16 hours

      Aired on 10th June 2006 lol

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