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1 day
between thatcher and Winston Churchill, a lot of the most notable british politicians are monsters
1 day
not only have there been other "stragglers" but in the old series, he's had assistants, he's had time lord companions, he's had a robot dog, there was a straggler that wasn't even from the universe, and I'm pretty sure there have been stowaways
10 days
Also van statten is a dutch-coded name. The south African afrikaaners are originally dutch colonizers. Elon Musk is a South African Afrikaaner that thinks he owns the internet. The douche in this episode is a prediction of elon musk. Half Life 3 confirmed
1 replies
1 day
All Van Statten is missing is a nazi salute and a breeding fetish
10 days
"Not willing to fight"
Boom saying that as his major criticism of the fucking dickless dems is all I need to know to see he is absolutely 100% politically based. A genius if you will
I rly hate how liberals capitulate to fascists once rhe fascists start shitting on things before ever considering if another option could be right
1 replies
10 days
I can only hazard a vague guess as to Booms opinion on Schumer ... Kappa
11 days
"you pass butter" sean joke made me laugh lol what is is my purpose
11 days
Yeah are so hard on Rose, lol. She's 19. How responsible were any of you at 19? She grows up as the show goes, so I hope y'all will come to appreciate her. She's in my top three companions, but not number one.
12 days
Thank you so much for dropping these ones quick i missed all of these and the recent stream thx for not making us esit
12 days
Spoiler for series 2 in my reply to this comment:
1 replies
12 days
2:00:54 "That one's gonna go fly into outer space"
Hilariously, he's not really wrong, considering that it's Mickey lol
13 days
I'm pleasantly extremely surprised. Based on the release speed of these the past 2 weeks, yesterday I predicted that we would get episodes 6 to 8 this week, 9 to 11 next week, and 12 and 13 the next, and then not get the Christmas special until the next. Never did I remotely expect to get the entire rest of the season already this week.
1 replies
12 days
They're seriously spoiling us. No complaints here. :)
between thatcher and Winston Churchill, a lot of the most notable british politicians are monsters
not only have there been other "stragglers" but in the old series, he's had assistants, he's had time lord companions, he's had a robot dog, there was a straggler that wasn't even from the universe, and I'm pretty sure there have been stowaways
Also van statten is a dutch-coded name. The south African afrikaaners are originally dutch colonizers. Elon Musk is a South African Afrikaaner that thinks he owns the internet. The douche in this episode is a prediction of elon musk. Half Life 3 confirmed
All Van Statten is missing is a nazi salute and a breeding fetish
"Not willing to fight"
Boom saying that as his major criticism of the fucking dickless dems is all I need to know to see he is absolutely 100% politically based. A genius if you will
I rly hate how liberals capitulate to fascists once rhe fascists start shitting on things before ever considering if another option could be right
I can only hazard a vague guess as to Booms opinion on Schumer ... Kappa
"you pass butter" sean joke made me laugh lol what is is my purpose
Yeah are so hard on Rose, lol. She's 19. How responsible were any of you at 19? She grows up as the show goes, so I hope y'all will come to appreciate her. She's in my top three companions, but not number one.
Thank you so much for dropping these ones quick i missed all of these and the recent stream thx for not making us esit
Spoiler for series 2 in my reply to this comment:
2:00:54 "That one's gonna go fly into outer space"
Hilariously, he's not really wrong, considering that it's Mickey lol
I'm pleasantly extremely surprised. Based on the release speed of these the past 2 weeks, yesterday I predicted that we would get episodes 6 to 8 this week, 9 to 11 next week, and 12 and 13 the next, and then not get the Christmas special until the next. Never did I remotely expect to get the entire rest of the season already this week.
They're seriously spoiling us. No complaints here. :)
Never doubt the worm. Those who know will know