Danny Phantom S2 Episode 19-20 Reaction

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  1. rickie
    6 months

    both shows are heavily influenced by comics and ben 10 is literally made by comic book writers and was originally suppose to be a comic. so them being similar to each other is just cause they have the same framework.

  2. matthew
    6 months

    33:01 ok lets talk for a minute here... all the stuffed teddy bears were humans transformed, sam literally ripped several teddy bear heads off... so she just brutally decapitated multiple attendees...

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      5 months

      I figured since Danny transformed everything back to normal there, I figured that included the ones Sam probably ripped.

  3. Manny
    8 months

    The Infinity Gauntlet was in Marvel comics looong before the movies, you guys

  4. tm0thy_
    8 months

    Unironically Danny phantom the perfect analogy for being trans / gender fluid created by a bigoted a hole

    This special confirms that

  5. Down
    8 months

    Technically Danny Phantom copied Spider-Man. Butch's original pitch for the show was just to make a Spider-Man knockoff. He had very little to do with what made the show good. A lot of the bad parts of the show were because of Butch. One of the reasons the show got Cancelled was because Butch asked for $2 Million to market the future Danny special. He made a Gameboy Advanced game and, some McDonald's toys, these weird live action commercials were he was a boxing referee and had to people dressed as ghosts about to fight, and some other stuff. But he didn't return the investment, I'm pretty sure he only made $50K, and Danny Phantom already wasn't a cheap show to make.

  6. homicidalkoala
    8 months

    If danny phantom was a rip off of anything, it was a rip off of spiderman. Teen with supernatural abilitites that hides his identity from his loved ones while defending his home city from adjacently supernatural threats. American Dragon: Jake Long and The Life and Times of Juniper Lee were disney and cartoon network's respective attempts at the same story model. Ben 10 was similar, but different in setting and supporting cast.

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      5 months

      Spiderman pretty much created the whole "teen trying to balance superhero life with regular life premise" 🤔. From Batman Beyond to Invincible.

  7. agentnu11
    9 months

    My mount rushmore would be Luke Skywalker, Luffy, Geralt of Rivia and Data

  8. Dotty
    9 months

    One of my favorite specials!

  9. StrawbearyHoney
    9 months

    still suggesting yall watch the powerpuff girls ( or at least the ppg movie ) and phineas and ferb , but id also like to recommend chowder !! if you like gumball i think youll like chowder , i was reminded to suggest it to yall bc i saw a comment on the ' ugly lady ' chowder clip that was like " chowder ran so gumball could walk " or however the saying goes , and tbh theyre right srdgfhj !! :o)

    1 replies
    1. Angie
      9 months

      yeah the ppg movie first since it's the origin!

  10. bbenzo.
    9 months

    Highly suggest Yall check out 5 Years Later after finishing Danny Phantom and Ben 10

  11. devontetheenigma
    9 months

    Jake Long American dragon Disney's answer to Danny phantom

  12. Petrichor12
    9 months

    Oh, there is totally a 3rd season! I forgot about that. Over here like wait... I remember the finale differently. Welp, more to watch for everyone!

  13. Darc
    9 months

    You know... Sam ripped up a couple of bears. Does that mean she killed two people before they got changed back 

  14. Afro-M
    9 months

    my mount Rushmore would be  1. Johnny Depp- jack sparrow  2. Jim Carrey- Ace Ventura  3. Ryan Reynolds- Deadpool  4. Robert Downey Jr- Tony Stark

  15. Residentfan 1
    9 months

    Do they remember Freakshow and Lydia? They seemed a bit confused when they showed up at the beginning.

    2 replies
    1. Brandon
      9 months

      boom mentions him being Jon Cryer so I think at least he remembers the character more then the episode

    2. Manga
      9 months

      yeah i think they don't remember Freakshow and Lydia

  16. Brandon
    9 months

    ok, before you get swarmed with annoying comments, season 3 of Danny phantom is not liked by people. similar response as Alien Force season 3 for the most part. The Reason for the quality drop of is very interesting though, 2 things happened, 

    1. Steve Marmel, the guy who put a lot of focus on the story, characterization and everything else people loved about the show left due to not agreeing with a lot of the things Butch Hartman was telling him to change which led to Butch being the sole creative head of the show.

    2. Butch Hartman became a born again christian. Nothing wrong with that BUT without Marmel stopping him he started putting more of his beliefs into it which isn't great when you are making a show about Ghosts and you believe it to be sacrilegious for ghosts to be talked about.

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      9 months

      say what you want, I think the episodes were fire. Lots of new ghosts too, I really enjoyed it. 

  17. Iruma
    9 months

    Wow I just thought it but Sam destroyed two teddy bears which were later revealed to be transformed people…did she kill two people.

    Lydia didn’t betray him because the two are lovers. Also I don’t know if you all forgot them but they were from the last episode of Season 1 ‘Control Freaks’

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      5 months

      Were they lovers, I don't think they showcased that lol, Also, it's possible when Danny transformed the gothpaluza back to normal he did the same with the bears Sam seemed to rip 🤔.

  18. Joseph
    9 months

    well the marvel movies and the infinity gauntlet are based off the comic books which have existed way before danny phantom so technically danny actually copied marvel 

  19. Hunter
    9 months

    It would be awesome for you guys to play the nicktoons unite series of games

    1 replies
    1. Iruma
      9 months

      I know right ^^ I’d like them to play after starting Jimmy Neutron and watching the first Jimmy - Timmy Power Hour though

  20. Iruma
    9 months

    If you all play Danny Phantom games, there are two games guys. One on GBA about The Ultimate Enemy special (with Future Danny) and the DS game is based on a season 3 episode . I’d play the GBA game if you’re able.

    1 replies
    1. Krmickey
      9 months

      There was a GBA game for the same episode too.

  21. britti
    9 months

    I would love more Powerpuff Girls reactions from y'all, the best episodes at least. The fighting and some of the villains are peak

  22. Manga
    9 months

    It's a shame, I think they don't remember Freakshow and this girl. In season 1, Freakshow manipulated some ghosts and Danny

  23. Raptor
    9 months

    Only after y’all started this series did I realize THIS was the last episode of season 2. It’s not the worst thing ever, but definitely not a finale. Reign Storm and Ultimate Enemy were far more impactful and one of them should’ve been in its place. I’m sure most people don’t need to be convinced to agree with that, but I wanna just dive into why I think this.

    The biggest flaw is the villain. Dark Danny and the Ghost King were top tier concepts and designs that expanded the lore of the world. Freakshow is just kinda mid. His motives are generic, but it could’ve been better if he were more of a badass. But the man has a spherical bald head and a Doofenschmirtz nose, which is not particularly menacing. His powers are also kind of uninteresting.

    He may have obtained an Infinity Gauntlet with a 3 input password, but they really gloss over the fact that Ghost Writer from the Christmas Special had a keyboard that controlled reality too (as long as he rhymed what he typed). There’s only so much you can allow your villains to do with that kind of power without having them just outright win or stop being interesting to watch.

    The coolest power you can give a villain is mastery of their own strength. Dark Danny didn’t need all 7 Chaos Emeralds of the Triforce. He had the combined abilities of Danny and Vlad’s ghost form, and became one of the strongest ghosts ever building purely off of that. He even has abilities we never see again, but are completely believable that he could have those powers. The Ghost King was strong just because of the amount of power he had being what he was, and didn’t necessarily need the crown and ring to be a threat.

    And obviously reversing the events of an episode or movie in any way has a dissatisfying taste to it, but it’s more acceptable when there’s something that carries over despite unwinding a whole plot. Even though the events of The Ultimate Enemy never technically happened, they let Danny keep the Ghost Wail and Danny knows Jazz is aware of his secret. Showing us that future episodes could’ve been in a world that knew who Danny Phantom really was and then erasing that for no reason other than it’s not what the show’s been about so far was kinda disappointing.

    Season 3 does have some good stuff, just nothing that tops the peaks of Season 2.

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