DanDaDan Episode 6 Reaction

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  1. Pip
    3 months

    Personally, I think sacrificing my balls for superpowers might be a fair deal.

    Also, the argument with your sister about if she asked for mac and cheese or not~ XD

    Always always ALWAYS, when someone asks you to get them food from somewhere, have them give their order via texts. That's what I always tell people, to text me their order. And I order exactly what they text me, and if there is something wrong with their order they can't blame me. There is record of what you asked me, so if you didn't get what you texted me, it was the resturant's fault. 

  2. matthew
    3 months

    The thing i like the most is after every ghost is beaten we get to see a little bit about there past life 

  3. Edward
    3 months

    hearing about your sister in so many of your vids to finally get this is so funny

    1 replies
    1. Edward
      3 months

      the whiffle ball bat with sand had me crying

  4. Brye
    3 months

    From everything I've seen and heard the anime is adapting the manga and the panels very well into the scenes 

    2 replies
    1. Trevor
      3 months

      Yeah, it doea a good job. The art is honestly incredible in the manga though some can be tough to replicate some things to be as good, but it also has pretty great animation. Good voice acting, and music too. And it really plays with color and effects that you just cant get in black and white manga which work really well for the show. Overall, great adaptation imo

    2. SlapHappyGreen
      3 months

      very, very well as far as I'm concerned

  5. hurryupmode
    3 months

    Turbo Granny is eating Yakisoba Pan, bread stuffed with yakisoba noodles. It's carboriffic!

  6. hurryupmode
    3 months

    Hope ms.chosen one is played for laughs going forward like Teruhashi in Saiki K.

    1 replies
    1. SlapHappyGreen
      3 months

      I dont know who that is and not gonna say anything cause spoilers but will say I'm lookling forward af to next weeks episode

  7. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    Love your reactions Boom. 

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