DanDaDan Episode 10 Reaction

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  1. doncastor
    2 months

    Something you may notice if you rewatch it. The kid she said at the beginning that mocked her for the ritual. Is that boy. He is just wearing a cap but the hair color is the same. At least, that's what I associated. I have not read the manga if it confirms it there. 

  2. Lotus
    2 months

    you might wanna fix the audio levels for next time, your recording audio is barely perceptible compared to the  episode audio

  3. T
    2 months

    Only solo reactions for Dan da Dan!?

  4. Dylan
    2 months

    Awesome video as always, dandadan is a really great show, you should do a reaction to Phineas and Ferb songs, they are some of the best songs ever made in my opinion, I STRONGLY recommend:

    Somebody Give Me a Grade

    Robot Riot

    I Ain't Got Rhythm

    Rollercoaster Song

    Summer Belongs to You

    Perry Come Home

    Gitchie-Gitchie Goo

    Watching and Waiting

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