Dan Da Dan Episode 1-4 Reaction

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  1. AllThingsNeo
    3 months

    So glad the other guys get to enjoy this show too😭 and excellent choice on the dub, I think the translation is better than the subtitles are. 

  2. Down
    3 months

    Turbo Granny's English VA was the VA for Rita Repulsa

  3. Brandon
    3 months

    while her VA in the sub is luffy, in the dub Turbo Granny is Rita Repulsa from power rangers

  4. technorobo_
    3 months

    turbo granny va is luffy in sub

  5. mikehawk
    3 months

    thank you boom 🙏

  6. Charlie
    3 months

    momos dub va is sooo perfect, its like the younger version of ryuko matois voice

    1 replies
    1. Taz
      3 months


  7. Charlie
    3 months

    ayyy love the dub

  8. kamen_rider_kai
    3 months

    I mean I think the sun is great but it's not my preferred choice to be honest but cool your watching 

    1 replies
    1. kamen_rider_kai
      3 months


  9. deus._.deorum
    3 months


  10. FryLord
    3 months

    Yooo respect for the bullying doubling the dan..>>AND DUB? Hells yea. I heard that while typing and this dub doesnt get the respect it deserves> We out here 

  11. Yasser
    3 months

    Im soooo Hypedddd!!! i watched all the reactions boom did hoping everyone else would join, lets gooooo!

  12. Jacob
    3 months

    I am so happy you are all watching this together.

  13. Kollie123
    3 months

    I ain’t gonna lie, dub reactions are so much easier to get behind. Unless I’ve got a series like memorized it’s impossible for me to multi task with sub reactions

  14. Juju’sWrld
    3 months

    this is my first time watching this anime since i've seen others and also everybody i heard that its a good anime and now my first timer watching this with every single Billy's out there and u guys , i appreciate that u guys are doing dub because some people do have options on Sub Vs Dub and love doing every anime i watch dubbed since it has more emotions to it and if u have right voice actors doing it its amazing , u guys have to finish Fairy Tail Doe  

  15. Ashleigh
    3 months

    Yes! I'm SO glad Boom got you guys to watch! I was enjoying Boom's solo reactions, but the energy is so different when you're all together lol. I hope you guys enjoy it! It's a wild ride from start to finish!

  16. DandyZombie
    3 months

    The dub is so good!! So glad yall are watching it

  17. strange.happenings
    3 months

    Boom. I need you to do this for metalocalypse too, ITS BEEN TOO LONG!

  18. Dan
    3 months

    Awesome dub and group watch! So awesome

    Please Boom!! 😁 have the group watch Moonlit Fantasy dubbed. The author of the moonlit fantasy inspired "that time I got reincarnated as a slime."And since their 12 episodes in season 1 its real quick. 

  19. Pink
    3 months



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