Castlevania Season 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)

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  1. ShoheiTora
    11 months

    Super excited! Hoping more of y’all in the Sorta Stupid Squad can watch it as a group! It’s a wild ride.

  2. Kemi
    1 year

    This was so great, I hope you continue the series boom! Season two is where things really kick off. It would be great if the rest of the gang joined in too but I still loved this solo as well!

  3. DandyZombie
    1 year

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I've been hoping to see a reaction to Castlevania for so long! I long this show so much! Hope you continue!!!

  4. Ranginald
    1 year

    Wow entire season at once? Nice

  5. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Eee! I just binged Nocturne today so this is great timing for a rewatch!

  6. hurryupmode
    1 year

    Dang, this feels nostalgic! :)

  7. iron pirate
    1 year

    hey boom are you still trying to convince the boys to watch castlevania?

    1 replies
    1. boom
      1 year

      Told them it's definitely something we should consider

  8. The
    1 year

    Castlevania!! Let's go!

  9. Sly
    1 year

    Hell yeah, been waiting to see this on here. Idc if its all yall or just one. I'm hyped. One of netflix best animated series. Also there's a Devil May Cry series from the same animation team or studio I believe.

  10. Topnotch GamerChick
    1 year

    Have the rest already watched Castlevania?

    1 replies
    1. boom
      1 year

      Nope. The first couple of seasons were from viewer requests on my Patreon a while back

    1 year


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