Castlevania Reaction Season 2 Episode 1 & 2 (Boom Solo)

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  1. Koopliss
    1 year

    Fun fact: The green bird demon and the gargoyle-like demon that did team attacks with it are two reoccuring bosses from the games. The green one is named Slogra, and the Gargoyle-like one is Gaibon.

    In the games, both bosses are usually faithful servants of Death himself, and usually fight together, but some games just have the two as really strong enemies rather than a boss. They usually fight by Gaibon picking up and dropping Slogra spear-first onto the player.

  2. Aileen
    1 year

    Have you finished the series yet? Will you be posting more videos?

  3. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Let's go!!!

  4. The
    1 year

    Yeah! Let's goooo! Castlevania~

  5. Hacerous
    1 year

    Ahh.. so this is why its so cold this morning. Hell is freezing over. LET IT COME! MORE CASTLEVANIA!!!

  6. Avelle
    1 year

    Fun fact, Hector and Isaac are from the PlayStation 2 game Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. I won’t say any more beyond that but I love how this series incorporates characters from the games into the show, it’s so good, glad your enjoying it!

  7. Kemi
    1 year

    Hell yeah I was in a Castlevania mood this morning

    1 year


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