Captain Lazerhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix Episode 1-6 Reaction

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  1. Ernest
    3 months

    Lmao any other artstyle change: “This is the greatest thing ever”Live action: 🤮

  2. Darc
    4 months

    I can thinknof a few reasons nobody talks about this show. The main one is Ubisoft

  3. MountainTrollChief
    5 months

    this show was wild! 

  4. Coco
    5 months

    u should watch scissor seven. Its worth it!!

  5. Residentfan 1
    5 months

    0:07:03 well except for Dante from DMC and every Yakuza protagonist 

  6. striker
    5 months

    One of the episodes got skipped

    1 replies
    1. RoseMetal
      5 months

      Been hoping for this!

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