Bleach Episode 43-44 REACTION

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  1. One of the biggest points I’ve heard and kind of agree with for people talking about Bleach falling off after the SS arc is the lack of a bigger overall meaning and understanding from some of the arcs. Stuff like the Wakomundo being so bland (outside of the big fights of course) If you look at the difference between the environment in the anime and even in the manga panels, you can see so much personality from the SS arc from the buildings and structures to the landmarks as opposed to the blank deserts in Wakomundo(even in the manga panels yo can see that a lot of the time it was just blank space in a lot of panels that didn’t give character to the environment at all.) Sure the Arrancar were cool but they just couldn’t carry the whole thing on their backs for the entire arc. The lack of purpose comes from how they’re essentially doing exactly what they just did in SS again in Wakomundo(Friend was taken and now Ichigo and friends have to enter new and unknown land to rescue them from powerful enemies). While the arcs start to progress better afterward they still kinda struggle to find their footing and it bleeds through the cool action happening on screen a lot of the time for people that want more in their Bleach experience.

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