Ben 10 Episode 2 REACTION

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  1. Aaron
    2 months

    if this came out now, it wouldn't be as popular because it'd use shitty 3d models instead of the classic 2d look

    1 replies
    1. David
      2 months

      I’d disagree because the premise is still great

  2. Daniel
    3 months

    With the classic series taking place in a single summer, and with the number of episodes some of which cover multiple days, the Tennysons are getting into trouble every one to two days.

  3. james
    6 months

    in my opinion the art style in older cartoon is alot better then shows now days it seams like to me that they went back in time on art styles 

  4. Juan
    1 year

    Fun reaction! I saw Ben 10 growing up but never fully got into it. So it's nice seeing it with you guys, even if this recording was from a long time ago. Also, if anyone sees this video on, I think this episode has an audio delay.

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