Ben 10 Alien Force Episode 6 REACTION

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  1. bbenzo.
    1 year

    Most of my information comes from the now defunct forums of the late Dwayne McDuffie. Archives of the forum can be found here ->

  2. bbenzo.
    1 year

    Boom’s right on the money with the Green Lantern comparison, Dwayne McDuffie(who worked on Justice League and several other DC properties) wrote the Plumbers Association with the Lantern Corps in mind, even goin as far to include aliens inspired by the corps in some episodes. Honestly, there’s TONS of DC references in Ben 10.

    3 replies
    1. ariel_warfare
      8 months

      Wait that might also explain why Gwen's powers are so similar to Lanterns, specifically the Star Sapphires.

    2. ariel_warfare
      8 months

      As a diehard Green Lantern fan, this makes me happy. Now I know to keep an eye out for more references.

    3. ArcIX
      1 year

      I always thought Vulcanus looked like somebody. He looks like that one DC villain I can't remember the name of.

      1 replies
      1. Emma
        10 months


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