Ben 10 Alien Force Episode 1 REACTION

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  1. Yagi
    1 year

    Gwen has Bungee Gum??

  2. bbenzo.
    1 year

    Trust Boom, Ben 10 is literally a multi billion dollar franchise, and toy sales are a HUGE part of that. The new aliens and watch were introduced to create a new toy lineup in 08.

  3. bbenzo.
    1 year

    You guys are missing some SERIOUS context if yall ain’t watched the Secrets of the Omnitrix Movie

    1 replies
    1. Yagi
      1 year

      That was the last thing they watched before this one.

  4. BNB
    1 year

    Guys don’t forget to check Amphibia’s Sasha and Marcy theme song takeover

    It’s basically the theme song but sung by Marcy and Sasha

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