Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 1 REACTION

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  1. capkyros
    2 months

    I've seen these reactions 3 times now. 2 times on YouTube in the big compilation and individual episodes. And now I'm here to watch the full. Love this show. And love your guys' theories and reactions.

    1 replies
    1. Vort3x
      1 month

      Im glad im not the only one, i love these series, and i love these guys reactions to both series, even to the live action

  2. Katsuki
    7 months

    Please NEVER compare demon slayer to avatar again.  I don't want to hurl. ESPECIALLY comparing Aang to Zenitsu...*shudder*

  3. Ethan
    11 months

    “He sounds like Rufio from Hook.” Lmao yes, that’s because he is

  4. kim.melissa
    1 year

    rewatching after watching the live action with you ♥

    1 replies
    1. Ashley
      1 year

      me too! i have more appreciation for the original now!!

  5. Skulliquid
    1 year


    1 replies
    1. Skulliquid
      19 days


  6. shaquithahawkins.
    1 year


  7. Fabbrizio
    1 year

    "Is that the guy with the downvote on his head?" my god I am glad I decided to rewatch your reactions leading up to the finale. Top tier.

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