Avatar: The Last Airbender Official Trailer Reaction

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  1. reni
    1 year

    please watch the movie ?

    1 replies
    1. Kacey
      11 months

      Don't Reduce them to that Torture. 

  2. Petrichor12
    1 year

    I think I need "Let me buy a goddamn Blu-Ray, Netflix!" on a t-shirt at this point because SAME!

  3. Juan
    1 year

    1 there are some reservations in hoping the dialogue is good and seeing how the new changes affect the story. But I am hyped!

    2) You all should watch the bad live-action of Avatar to see why everyone dislikes it and why they are hyped for this one/have some reservations.

    3rd) You guys should watch Yu Yu Hakusho. It's such an OG anime, and the dub is funny! Ruff saw some episodes and hoped you guys would be open to it! Great characters, action, music, villains, and story (heart). It is slightly long at 100+ episodes, but it would be worth it. Semblance of Sanity did it, and they enjoyed it a lot.

  4. Andrew
    1 year

    I cannot wait for this to be absolute garbage like the first live action avatar they already kind of ruined a big part of the show which was ozis reveal. I can’t wait to see what else they ruin. It looks great. I just have no faith after the first live action one, and with Netflix history with live action anime.

  5. mint_f
    1 year

    I’m not feeling sokka, but I’m still excited.

    1 replies
    1. Ryan
      1 year

      Why? From the few lines in the trailer, he seems quite Sokka like.....sarcastic and critical. To make a live action like this feel right you can't have the over the top Sokka behaviour or humor you may expect or it would come off as simply too goofy. Much like One Piece didn't have a lot of the wacky humor but just enough to make it work. Cartoons/Anime work differently in real life when it comes to visual gags and emphasis on behaviours.

  6. reni
    1 year

    The actors that play Zuko (Dallas Liu) and Aang (Gordon Cormier), have been doing martial arts for years, so I hope the fight scenes look good, especially the blue spirit combat scenes

  7. Kayla
    1 year

    Also agree with the others, please do the live action movie.

  8. Jazzura
    1 year

    I really hope you guys are able to fit in the M night movie before this comes out so you can just see how night and day it is, also would love to hear your angry rants over it like with shrek 4 lol

  9. Brandon
    1 year

    my only worry is with Sokka. removing the actor lying about his race to get the part, I just don't think he's as charismatic as he should be. I am ok with everyone else but Sokka is not hitting. hey, He's better then the movie at least lol (which you need to watch)

    1 replies
    1. viltramite
      1 year

      I don't know what you're on because Sokka is perfect... I don't Understand what's not hitting LMAO

      1 replies
      1. Brandon
        1 year

        he's just lacking that awkward charisma that made me love Sokka. he seems too cool. also the actor lied and pretended to be Cherokee to get the part with his actual "tribe" being on the official fraud list by the Cherokee and that just rubs me the wrong way.

        2 replies
        1. SauceyRed
          1 year

          Regarding the controversy about Sokka's actor lying about his heritage, I think it's worth reading this Reddit thread, it's not as simple as you think.


        2. Kacey
          1 year

          Dude you've only heard him speak a few lines hard to tell what kind of Charisma he has wait till the show comes out fully and then you can make those comments

          1 replies
          1. Brandon
            1 year

            I could easily tell the vibe of the rest of this cast and easily match them up through the performances. hell, sang in the OPLA trailers spoke just as little and I could still tell he was a good fit.

  10. Ryan
    1 year

    I hoped you guys would squeeze this in your busy schedule. Thank you! I know how much you all enjoyed ATLA and LOK. This trailer really delivered the hype!

  11. riceking997
    1 year

    Now watch the live action movie

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