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11 months
where do i go to find the ova reactions
1 replies
10 months
Same I’m looking everywhere and I can’t find them
1 year
It's funny how you said you didn't predict the titan eating person thing but you almost did, you were like 1 neuron connection away from making it/putting it together before.
1 year
The Levi Scene after it says "Pain" took months to make I'm pretty sure and Nile the Dude Erwin Was Talking with like Married the person Erwin liked or something but he's fine with it because if he had someone he wouldn't want to make them fear if he comes back or not from scout missions.
1 year
Oh yay no more slo-mo Ruff! time to stay up until 5 AM to watch this now :))
where do i go to find the ova reactions
Same I’m looking everywhere and I can’t find them
It's funny how you said you didn't predict the titan eating person thing but you almost did, you were like 1 neuron connection away from making it/putting it together before.
The Levi Scene after it says "Pain" took months to make I'm pretty sure and Nile the Dude Erwin Was Talking with like Married the person Erwin liked or something but he's fine with it because if he had someone he wouldn't want to make them fear if he comes back or not from scout missions.
Oh yay no more slo-mo Ruff! time to stay up until 5 AM to watch this now :))