Arcane S2 Episode 7-9 Reaction

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  1. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    Weeeeeeell as for new thing coming out to react to, as of me commenting this, creature commandos, james guns new dc show comes out in 2 days, yall couls also watch his "The suicide squad" movie and peacemaker season 1, outside of young justice weve had a bit of a lul in super hero stuff

  2. zackscroggins
    3 months

    Y'all keep saying you want an Arcane or LoL single player, and I've seen a bunch of people recommend a lot of great games in the universe, but how the hell has no one recommend Convergence!? It's a metroidvania where you play as Ekko. You get to run around Zaun, fight Chembarons, Enforcers, Jinx, it's a LOT of fun.

  3. Loki
    4 months

    If you guys want more League lore, you should play "Ruined King: A League of Legends Story" its a fun game and introduces a few characters from several regions. Also it has Braum, the best character in League

  4. Urzu89
    4 months

    It’s pretty much known that jinx is alive they dropped enough hints before and during her sacrifice then all but confirmed it with the airship at the end. I just hope in future shows they drop a cameo that shows she finally found her peace and her family in that timeline. 

    1 replies
    1. jachinsnelson
      4 months

      One of the new shows they announced is in Demacia, which is the home of a Champion named Lux. Who at least in the original lore is pretty much Jinx's best friend

      1 replies
      1. Loki
        4 months

        Your thinking Star Guardians, in the main verse I'm not sure if they've even met

  5. DandyZombie
    4 months

    Actually baffled people didnt like this ending. This was such a great show

  6. Miss_CJ
    4 months

    The daughter at the end is Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork. She's a champion in League of Legends <3 

    I'm so happy we got a glimpse of her. 

  7. Miss_CJ
    4 months

    Mel isn't a champion in League but there are speculations that she will be the next champion to join the game. 

  8. Amvlover
    4 months

    jinx survived there's a bunch of evidence also if you slow it down b4 the explosion it shows a purple line leaving before the explosion also cait was looking at a vent that jinx could've escaped through and in the beginning of the show powder said she wanted to ride one of those ships and in the end there's a ship flying away silco said to break the cycle you sometimes must run away and that's what jinx did to that vi can be happy because she cant see a world where shes happy with cait while shes in her life

  9. Rachel
    4 months

    You guys need to watch the Blood sweat and tears music video, it is sung by Ambessa's voice actress and is about her!

    1 replies
    1. Valentine
      4 months

      While it's not sang by the VA they have similar voices and bothe powerful ass black women

  10. Ruukasu97
    4 months

    Viktor is a character, he was released dec 29 2011

  11. Ruukasu97
    4 months

    caitlyn is probably the most skilled character, she does all this without enhancements, she just has a strong gun

  12. Ruukasu97
    4 months

    The Black rose is a champion too, she is Emilia LeBlanc also known as " the Deciever" shes one of the Black Rose cabal

  13. Ruukasu97
    4 months

    Heimer is a yordle, they are immortal

  14. Darc
    4 months

    To be honest. I'm not surprised that people went from liking arcane in season 1 to not liking season 2

  15. CDMellow
    4 months

    Gotta be honest not a big fan of Viktor being the solution to his own problem storyline. Feels like it cheapens a lot of the story, but what you gonna do. Also these fuckers make it real difficult to be a black rose fan, can we get 1 win. Bro, baby mage Mel overpowering who we assume to be Le Blanc (because who else would it be) is wild. 

    1 replies
    1. Valentine
      4 months

      I think people don't get who Ambessa is, she is teaching Mel with her own life. When she says still a fox she is saying fight me, you are trying to reason your way out and that is not going to work with LeBlanc you can't reason fight to the death .Mel is still priorizing the fox side when she has to also be a wolf. 

  16. Aracely
    4 months

    I would love to see you react to Infinity Train!!!!

  17. FedeZ7
    4 months

    As much as id love to get more animated series from riot playing in runeterra i doubt its gonna happen anytime soon. As they mentioned it took them 5-6 years to make season 1 and in total they blew 250 million USD on arcane which they wont get back through the series alone. Apparently netflix payed them 3mil per episode

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      Was revealed recently that they are already working on shows for Noxus, Demacia and Ionia and they have all apparently been in production for a year now.

  18. greenrob
    4 months

    Well riot is still working on MMO :)

    1 replies
    1. greenrob
      4 months

      And Mel should be a new champion in 2025

  19. Grimm
    4 months

    Unfortunately the creators might not know if they can make more due to budget. That's why its so open ended that they could be a possibility but they are satisfied with this just being the end. Also the Crow at the end is a big easter egg for a character named Swain. He is more scary than Ambessa

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      Was revealed recently that they are already working on shows for Noxus, Demacia and Ionia and they have all apparently been in production for a year now. Also that's a raven, Swain uses Ravens, fiddlesticks uses crows 

  20. DOPE
    4 months

    The playable champions in League that are in Arcane are Jinx, Vi, Ekko, Caitlyn, Jayce, Viktor,  Heimerdinger, Singed, Orianna, Warwick, Ambessa, Leblanc, and Janna, also Mel is rumored to be a champion in 2025!

  21. Vexxar
    4 months

    10/10 Arcane was pure perfection, "The boys" would be awesome

  22. Toamsz
    4 months

    If you are wondering Mel is not a champion (but there are rumors that she will become one ) the ones who are champions from the game and were in the show were Vi,Jinx,Caitlyn,Jayce,Heimerdinger,Viktor,Warwick(aka Vander),Singed(the doctor),Ekko and Orianna (Singed's daughter)

  23. Toamsz
    4 months

    So to clear something up because I think that you thought that Ambessa is a Queen of Noxus ,she isn't,she was just a general,Noxus doesn't really have a King or Queen,they are ruled by Trifarix the council of three people who are meant to represent the three principles of Noxus (Might,vision and guile)

  24. Vlad3163
    4 months

    1:07:20 "Poor Maddie, she didn't do anything to deserve this."

    1:30:04 "YOU TRICK ASS BITCH."

  25. DeadHubris
    4 months

    "all the non-important people are getting got" lol, lmao even

  26. Grace
    4 months

    God I love Jayce and Viktor's final moment together so fucking much, the swelling music, the extraordinary animation, their persistence to stay together until the last second... it's so goddamn beautiful 

  27. bertzieblu
    4 months

    As amazing as it is, I think they should've gone for 3 seasons instead. There are so much arcs and concepts to explore, and I feel like some of the emotional impacts aren't as strong as it could be because the pacing was quite rushed. Even for some of the main characters deaths, it just happened so quick you don't really get to process what happened and what to feel. It's still a good series  and it has its great moments of course, but it could've been so much more. 

  28. HaveAblast
    4 months

    Jinx is definetly still alive.. you can see a little shimmer ray getting out of the explosion for a couple frames.. Also Cait zoomed in at some ducts in the hexgate wondering if she escaped through one. The last baloon could be jinx leaving piltover. 

    2 replies
    1. Fox0
      4 months

      "one day I'm gonna fly one of those things" Powder S1E1

    2. HaveAblast
      4 months

      Jayce and Viktor also kinda disappeared nothing tells me they are dead. 

  29. Jadzia
    4 months

    2XKO is a fighting game based on League of Legends!

  30. The Jester
    4 months

    It's being theorized that jinx luved at the end, with the schematics caitlyn looks at the end showing there was an air vent where jinx fell. As well as the ship at the end, one jinx said she'd ride some day, showing up at the end.

  31. LishpBoiJew
    4 months

    So if you didn't know that crow in the ending scene is controlled by one of the 3 leaders of Noxus called "Swain" which was a cool touch and maybe a teaser that we are getting a Noxus focused show next

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      That is a raven, swain uses ravens, fiddlesticks uses crows

  32. blacklog
    4 months

    Eric should play the Arcane Aram mode in league lmao

  33. Eric
    4 months

    With respect to future series, this "region" of the runaterras world was probably the most chill to start (a very whise decision from Riot since the others could have been too mutch) cause magic and lore whise it's not too hardcore while still remaining interest (they are others that don't have as mutch magic but they are more boring), but now that they've opened the world with others the posibilities could be endless.

  34. danyellc
    4 months

    Perfection 10/10

    1 replies
    1. Miss_CJ
      4 months

      Honestly, yeah, i'm not sure why people are upset at this season. They ended it perfectly, while setting up for the next story, if they do it. 

  35. Greeny
    4 months

    pls react to the boys

  36. Ramba_Ya
    4 months

    its meh for me why is it meh for me

  37. Asad
    4 months

    My comment on Episode 7

    Ok so a couple of things that are either stated or implied to have happened in the alternate timeline

    1- The most obvious one is that Vi dies during the heist due to the explosion likely caused by Powder.

    2- Marcus finds the kids but seeing Powder hugging and crying over the dead body of her sister, he lets them go.

    3- Since the Enforcers never pursue the kids into Zaun, pressure isn't brought onto Vander to hand them over and Sevika never betrays him.

    4- Either due to Silco finding Vanders letter or not having enough power to challange him due to Sevika's betrayal not manifesting, he eventually reconciles with Vander and they are able to build back Zaun.

    5- Jayce either dies in the explosion caused by Powder or he loses all his research in it which causes him to spiral and commits suicide (we see in S1 that he was suicidal)

    6- Either way since Jayce never makes any progress on Hextech, Viktor dies due to his condition.

  38. Mr.Maple
    4 months

    The deaths and the story just did not hit at all for me these last 2 episodes.

  39. Cameron
    4 months

    This may be my hopium but I'm sure jinx was on that ship at the end since they showed every other character and with caitlyn kind of smiling holding part of jinx's grenade while looking at the blueprints of the tower jinx and vander fell down, and "the end" being in a jinx kind of font

    1 replies
    1. Miss_CJ
      4 months

      If you slow/pause the scene where the grenade detonates, you can see two pink lines quickly exiting (most likely towards a vent). She is definitely on that ship at the end. She followed Silco's advice, and walked away, faking her death so Vi could live and be with Caitlyn.

  40. Asad
    4 months

    Haven't started the reaction yet but putting this here.

    Jinx did not die. If you slow down the scene of the bomb blast you can see a streak of purple running up to the duct. Secondly you can see Cait looking at the map of the ducts and see an opening where Jinx could have escaped. Thirdly in S1 Jinx said that one day she would like to ride one of the airships and we see one in the end credits. Finally during the explosion you see a flashback of Vander watching Vi and Jinx sleeping. Now think about it. Who is having this flashback. Couldn't be Vi or Jinx since they are asleep. Its Vander. There is a possibility that he had a moment of clarity and let Jinx go which allowed her to escape.

    1 replies
    1. David
      4 months

      Also part of "breaking the cycle" for Jinx was to leave/not engage. This would've been a way for her to accomplish that without continuing to confront Vi and/or have Vi pull her back in.

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