Arcane S2 Episode 1-3 Reaction

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  1. Jaya
    3 months

    Man arcane still hitting <3I feel like the only way the authors got away with writing a show this good is if everyone dies at the end... just tragedy all the way down so far

  2. Kiara
    3 months

    Idk Jinx blowing the Gray topside doesn’t upset me that much. They let the undercity breathe that junk for decades 

  3. comrademax1
    3 months

    @1:43:17 dates a cop, becomes a victim of domestic violence less then an hour later

    What did riot mean by this? 

  4. JimTheCactus
    3 months

    Jinx killing Cait's mom isn't the same thing as Vi's parents being killed by enforcers. Cait has always been on the side of the enforcers, but Vi becoming an enforcer is switching to their killer's team.

  5. Dasan
    3 months

    You should watch the blood sweat and tears video it’s a backstory on ambessa 

  6. Loki
    3 months

    So the issue with the smaller games Riot released is they were made by small indie developers that partnered with Riot, and I think the League of Legends tag on them turned a lot of people away off the bat

    As for games, the ones I absolutely recommend are Ruined King, The Mageseeker, and the Song of Nunu, all great games that give you a good taste of the lore and the world of Runeterra 

    1 replies
    1. Mr.Maple
      3 months

      Yeah these games are really worth playing and alot of fun. 

  7. korrasrightbicep
    3 months

    I was lucky enough to see the premiere a week early and half the time, I was thinking about how ready I was to see your reactions!

  8. SauceyRed
    3 months

    Ambessa's whole plan was originally to put Salo in charge, not herself, but after Salo mentioned how the Kiramman name "bewitches" people, she had a change of mind.

  9. SauceyRed
    3 months

    Yesterday I finished the season 1 rewatch reactions and immediately went to watch these first episodes, and oh my god it's so good.

  10. Unstablebeast
    3 months

    So this is the final season of "ARCANE" but theyve confirmed they are making multiple other shows for different places and champions, this is the end of arcane, which focused on vi, jinx, caitlyn, jayce, viktor, echo, and heimerdinger

  11. smilingknight
    3 months

    I'm a Sadist. go play League

  12. DOPE
    3 months

    Arcane has so much potential after this "final" season ends. So many nations, champions and so much lore that they can dive into! Hopefully this isnt the end.

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      Arcane is the story of vi, jinx and jayce, so its the end of that story, theyve already confirmed they are making multiple other shows set in the world of league of legends

  13. Barbara
    3 months

    Dude I love the found family trope, especially for villians lol. all the little moments with the kid, Sevika and Jinx were great

  14. Deondre
    3 months

    The black rose o this is getting good, I love league lore its so much stuff you only notice if you've read up on it 

  15. Petrichor12
    3 months

    Also, apparently they play a preview  trailer for the next batch of episodes in the "play next" auto feature.

    It pops up as the next episode not as an end credits scene, but I didn't learn that until like 12hrs later.

    Totally optional since it's only a week until the next batch anyway.

  16. james
    3 months

    that last song yall should watch the video for it tho 

  17. Petrichor12
    3 months

    We're back! It's time to wreck our whole emotional spectrums!

  18. vividlearner744
    3 months

    the subtitles are cut off at the bottom

  19. Honey
    3 months

    Also, I gotta say. Boom yelling "KISS" or "HOLD HANDS" anytime there's romance a foot has become my favorite thing since I noticed it in the Heart Stopper reactions. (Which you guys should still totally react to as well. btw). It makes me laugh every time. 

  20. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    God when i watched this today i was glued to the screen. Sat still for the full time. Rarely been as invested in a story as this one. 

    1 replies
    1. Mr.Maple
      3 months

      Also i need to say that this is the final season of Arcane. BUT there will be more Shows that play in Runeterra. 

  21. Honey
    3 months

    I am so excited for next weeks episodes to drop!!

  22. Aubriana
    3 months

    What a banger of a way to start of this season! Loved the complexity of it all coming to a head, the hextech core I am so excited to see how that get brought in along with victor. I am loving the plot of jinx taking in this little girl like she was brought in, as well as sivika deciding to try jinx way now. Also omg we got the kiss then it blew up literally, Vi is legit losing everyone no matter what she does somehow. Cait I love how her story is developing having this all been plotted to get her as the leader, will say her trying to shoot the kid cause she is so obsessed was a lot also THE HOUND IS COMING!!!

  23. ikaryzero
    3 months

    We stand by caitlyn's side no matter what in this house!! I cant wait for her arc in the next parts

    1 replies
    1. JimTheCactus
      3 months

      Domestic violence queen

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