Arcane S1 Episode 1-3 Reaction

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  1. reni
    2 months

    watched avatar and adventure time for the first time with you guys, now i'm starting arcane with yall!

  2. Unstablebeast
    4 months

    48:48 she is a good shot, but maybe lets not give the literal child a gun lol

    1 replies
    1. Sasonari
      4 months

      honestly feel she would've been better off with a gun instead of her bombs, specifically with the end of episode 3

  3. Petrichor12
    4 months

    Pretty sure Arcane was the reason half my Youtube algorithm turned into reactor channels.

  4. d.richanimations
    4 months

    Why did they get rid of the old reactions 😭 I was literally in the middle of watching them 

  5. Vlad3163
    4 months

    1:44:15 "Yeah, that guy's su-hu-per dead."  Nah, he's just a little... Singed. /shades

  6. Blakwolf
    4 months


  7. smilingknight
    4 months

    I bought the oil!

  8. SlapHappyGreen
    4 months

    This series always had fantastic music, really hope season 2 continues that and looking forward to getting to go thru this rewatch (and eventual watch of season 2) with u guys

  9. Ramba_Ya
    4 months

    Rewatch wooo

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