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8 months
The four elements can be found in the opining if you look hard enough, with new slime and fire ones.
Golb Betty and Ice Thing where born in the chaos.
9 months
Unfortunately, the show WAS canceled while they were planning the 4 part season finale dealing with the Gum War. They wanted to do at least one more season where they would wrap up more loose ends like the Lich hands and his relationship with Golb. They had to basically turn the last 4 episodes of this last season into this SERIES finale instead so it definitely was rushed. They made it work I guess. It annoyed me at the time because I was like "CN really won't give them one more season, cmon..." but then a few years later they announced the Distant Lands specials and then Fionna and Cake also happened. They could've had their ideal final season at that point since there was no reason to cancel the show lol.
9 months
my favorite part of this finale is how the characters and world live on beyond what we see
9 months
I know it's amazing, and not just nostalgia-tinted. This show was one of the most moving media as I was aging, and I love that I was one of those poeple who grew up with this show. I just love it so much.
Nighttime Globe
9 months
Sooo like there was meant to be a season 11 but according to Ted Anderson it was cancelled by BOOM! studios because of "Low Sales". I think they wanted the Gum War to be a lot longer then just a single episode. A lot of people seen that this finale was rushed in some area's but yea i would of liked to seen the extended war but oh well it still was a good ending to the years long series
9 months
I was not an Adventure Time kid. I remember watching it on TV back in the early seasons, probably when it started airing, and I do remember watching quite a bit of it, but it was a much smaller part of my childhood than other shows. I probably didn't watch past season 3 when I watched it on TV.
I don't remember if I tried watching it online on my own any time after, but I did start watching TheFlamingShark's reactions to it some 4 or more years ago, but stopped around season 5. When the Sorta Stupid crew started watching, I saw it as an opportunity to finally watch it in its entirety through them, which I've done with a few other shows I had skipped out on. I've been watching the reactions in bursts for the past few months, but have been focusing on catching up the past week or two, and now I'm here, almost caught up.
In regards to this original finale, I think it was pretty good. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, or one that I'd rank above other shows' finales (e.g. TOH, Amphibia, Gravity Falls), and I will admit I wish they did a bit more with it, and focused less on the drug trip that was the dream part, which I didn't really understand. It did make me tear up, and I love how they ended it with the intro song (which I saw coming when the hole lady mentioned having come up with a song, made me hyped), now with a full version.
Overall, I really like the show. I love the characters and the world, and obviously the overarching story. The songs are good (with a few that are absolute bangers). Definitely glad I ended up watching it with the crew.
It's not a show I'd rewatch, at least without skipping a lot of the episodes. The drip-feeding of the overarching story is much more sparse for my tastes and makes it feel like most of the show is filler (which admittedly is kinda like Steven Universe, but in that show it ramps up each season, and story bits are less sparse than in AT, also it's a much shorter show).
I think I'd rank the show somewhere in my top 10, but I'm not sure.
I'm excited to watch the reactions to Distant Lands and Fionna & Cake, so I'm gonna catch up with the next episode and the three DL reactions done so far.
Thank you, Sorta Stupid, for reacting to this show!
10 months
I grew up knowing about adventure time cause my friends loved it, but I never watched it until you guys started watching it (same with avatar). I'm not ready to say goodbye. 10 year old me would be so surprised by how much 21 year old me loves adventure time LOL. I think my top 3 favorite cartoons are avatar the last airbender, gravity falls, and adventure time, not in any order. So glad I got to watch this show with you all!
10 months
i'm not ready
10 months
Wow the nostalgia watching this hit different it’s been a wild ride getting to relive my childhood getting to watch y’all watch adventure time from start to finish but the adventure is not over yet as you guys still need to watch distant lands and Fiona and cake which also got renewed for a season 2 so even if you watch it all you still have more to look forward too and I can’t wait too see what y’all think of the rest of the story
10 months
Adventure Time is my favourite show of all time, and this finale literally makes me cry every time.
10 months
What an Adventure! I love this show so much! This, Owl House and Steven U are my top tear American animation shows! You should check out the video of Rebecca Sugar (SU creator, and story boarder On Adventure time) sing the song BMO sings (Time Adventure). It's really sweet and has a double meaning cuz she also wrote it about the cast and crew of Adventure Time parting once the show ends. I'd love to see that reaction:) . Oh and dont forget, Distant Lands comes next.
10 months
This end of the show is really fucking with me the fact that everyone else will live on forever whilst finn and jake will die and fade off into obscurity
10 months
i really like that in the song. You can hear it more clearly in the studio version that jake is the final one to sing "and so you and i will always be best friends" to finn
1 replies
10 months
the version rebecca sugar sang at comic con was great too
10 months
I know this might be a bold claim, but this could possibly be the greatest animated show ever made. It's definitely the best one that I've seen. I remember back in late 2009/early 2010, when I was 7 years old, and I saw all these commercials about a new show coming to Cartoon Network, and I was so excited, because it looked awesome! When it finally came out, my younger brother and I watched the absolute hell out of it, and it became one of our favorite shows. We kept up with the show as it aired up until around mid-season 6, which is when we kind of starting watching YouTube instead of TV in general. About 2 years ago, we decided that we should finish the show, and binged the entire thing from "Slumber Party Panic" all the way to "Come Along With Me". Watching this show about growing up and changing and new experiences as I was LITERALLY growing up and experiencing so many new experiences and changes in my life, this show has struck such an emotional chord with me. I know you guys still have the spin-offs, but sincerely, thank you for taking us on your journey through Adventure Time. I hope you enjoyed it. :)
10 months
I'm used to listening to Rebecca Sugar singing "Time Adventure" in a comic con video on Youtube, and I always cry when I hear it. I thought I could listen to "Time Adventure" during the finale and be okay, but noooope--the sobbing was pretty immediate. :')
1 replies
10 months
Wait stop I know the exact video you're talking about haha!
10 months
31:15 MY OTP!!
10 months
Willow Smith plays Beth The Pup Princess and sang the intro for this episode
10 months
I sound like a broken record among others, but as someone that ALWAYS watches franchises in the order initially released, I thank god I watched the third episode of Distant Lands after the fourth. Without any spoilers, episode 3 is the most beautiful conclusion to Adventure Time, and how it was intended to end
10 months
I love how the original Gunther made the wish to be like the ice wizard and became a poor copy because it was based on his impression of him, which is why the crown made the Ice King. But then the penguin Gunther made the same wish based on his impression of Ice King but permanently fused with the crown because of his power. So the new penguin Ice King is basically a messed up clone of a messed up clone lol
10 months
I am so unbelievably excited for distant lands and Fionna and Cake!! They really managed to make them feel like essential parts of the main story rather than just spin-offs, I think you guys are going to love it!
Especially for Fionna and Cake since it’s on HBO Max and is meant for an older audience. I think they made a really good decision to not attempt to promote new adventure time stuff to kids, but rather to people who were kids when AT started and are now in their twenties or older :’) Feels really good to grow up alongside with the show
10 months
Plz watch distant lands ep 3 LAST
It is the intended finale for distant lands and you'll see why,so plz watch ep 4 before watching 3.
10 months
To be clear Gold can destroy universes that's what happened to pillow world and he is above Prismo that's why Prisom can't bring anyone eaten by him back. Also now it's safe to look through the official book "Adventure Time: The Enchiridion & Marcy's Super Secret Scrapbook" Which has lore the show didn't have time to go into. Would love if you all reacted to the deeper AT lore.
Golden Witch
10 months
I’m kicking myself that I never tuned into Adventure Time while it aired. This finale was so beautiful and got me tearing up and shit. At least I got to watch it blind with the Sorta Stupid crew.
10 months
Hey guys! This is very important! If you plan on watching Distant Lands, there are 4 episodes in total. However I highly recommend you watch Episode 3: "Together Again" as the finale instead of 4. Episode 3 works much better as a finale and I also believe that episode was meant to be released as the last episode for Distant Lands but got changed due to some production issues. But this is just my personal opinion but I think most people will agree with me that episode 3 should be watched as the last episode. Love the reactions and its been a long journey with you guys.
2 replies
10 months
Yeah coming in to boost this I said the same thing
10 months
I want to voice my support for this order. Episode 3 definitely felt like it should have been the last of the 4.
10 months
Btw watch distant lands before Fionna and Cake
10 months
They DEFINITELY used part of Lavos's scream from Chrono Trigger in Golb's High Pitched Scream
10 months
so stoked for next week, we are onto Distant Lands!!
10 months
I cry again
10 months
They never actually named him but creator cinematics refer to Gunther's transformation as being called "the Ice Thing". Personally I love the ending because at the time I felt that it felt the tone of things don't always end perfect but at least you had the good times along the way. That was until distant lands dropped about a year later and it gave me closure to things I never knew i needed closure to. And that's proving to be true with Fiona and Cake!
10 months
Man the finale is always so fucking sad to see I get it but I hate how all Simon and Betty wanted was each other but it could never happen
10 months
It’s so crazy to me that they ended the show and still have so much other material to watch now. I remember when the show originally ended and having that kinda empty feeling bc as far as I knew at the time it was the last time I’d ever visit that world and those characters. It felt like saying goodbye to longtime childhood friends who I’d grown up with. Can’t wait for the boys to watch everything that came out after the fact, it’s all so good and ties up some loose ends while also opening new ones.
10 months
Oh and btw even though we only get the big PB x Marceline kiss in the finale, there are actually hints that they had started dating a few seasons ago. In a shot of PB's room you can actually spot Marcline's sock lying under the bed.
10 months
So, the Distant Lands mini-series next? :)
10 months
i hope hman stays for distant lands and fionna and cake! theyre really good
3 replies
10 months
*spoilers for the guys* unfortunately, Ruff confirmed on the discord that he won't be, It's understandable because as far as they know, those two shows are just spinoffs and the latter is still ongoing.
2 replies
10 months
man that is so lame :(
10 months
It won't be the same without H man ⊂(・﹏・⊂)
10 months
me too! fionna and cake adds a new layer to what we've already seen in adventure time!
10 months
Hard agree Distant Lands is basically season 11 of Adventure Time and also they should be informed of the watch order being released wrong and the actual episode order is 1 2 4 3 for DL
10 months
I am so glad the creators of AT realized that their time was coming and they decided to produce what is honestly in my opinion the greatest finale of a series. Couples of point of note
- Shermy and Beth are the reincarnations of Jake and Finn
- Boom brought up a very good point about the ending being 'and they just lived their lives' which in my opinion is so much better than endings which wrap up almost too nicely and it feels like the world just stops existing after the story finishes. In AT it doesn't. You can even argue that the future we are in is actually more dire than and dystopian so now we have a whole new set of adventuree. In fact that is one of the core themes of the show
'The fun will never end. It's Adventure time'
- I know it's treated as a joke but BMO forgetting Finn's name almost made me cry when I watched the finale for the first time. It's been so long that BMO doesn't even remember the name of his closest friend.
- On the point about the future being not so bright, there is very popupar fan theory that PB was captured by the Ice Thing (name of what Gunther turned into). You can see pink hands grabbing the bars of the jail window in the opening and there is a shot of Marceline who is looking for PB. The Ice Kingdom also seems to have expanded a whole lot more, covering much more of Ooh.
10 months
i hope hman doesnt leave for distand lands and fionna and cake cuz theyre so good
10 months
i loved the finale and i feel that there are bunch of small callbacks that make me happy. You missed some stuff but its understandable seeing the amount of shows you watch
10 months
So excited for you guys to watch distant lands and fionna and cake, it's not understatement that it only gets better from here
10 months
distant lands next
10 months
Excited to see the spin offs!!
10 months
You guys finally made it to the HBO specials! I can't wait to see you react to Distant Lands; on HBO, the specials are listed in release order, but I am going to STRONGLY SUGGEST you save "Together Again" for last and watch "Wizard City" before it. The series is an anthology, so you can technically watch them in any order, but "Wizard City" is basically just a one-off story while "Together Again" is a MUCH more fitting sendoff for the series as a whole, so please keep this in mind!
10 months
I grew up with this show from start to finish, i cried 11 times when i first watched the last episode, just pure sadness that its over and joy from the journey
10 months
Weird to be at the end of the original series. It has been incredible reliving this amazing show with y'all.
10 months
I feel so weird that they weren’t crying and I was I hate myself what is wrong with me
3 replies
10 months
There is nothing wrong with you I was tearing up I wasn't full on crying but I felt all the joy and emotion I felt in one moment while I was hearing that song being played and seeing everybody living their lives
10 months
yeah agree im getting tears whenver i rewatch the finale.
10 months
you aren't the only one its so over for me
10 months
Before y'all watch Adventure Fionna and Cake you must watch Adventure Time Distance Lands
10 months
Oh boy, I am not ready for this. The finale gets me every time. Definitely expecting some tears, either from you guys or from me.
1 replies
10 months
Idk about them but there sure was a whole lot of tears from me
10 months
10 months
I didn’t care for the finale but adored the follow up content on hbo max
10 months
end of an era. Been a pleasure experiencing Adventure Time from beginning to end with y'all
The four elements can be found in the opining if you look hard enough, with new slime and fire ones.
Golb Betty and Ice Thing where born in the chaos.
Unfortunately, the show WAS canceled while they were planning the 4 part season finale dealing with the Gum War. They wanted to do at least one more season where they would wrap up more loose ends like the Lich hands and his relationship with Golb. They had to basically turn the last 4 episodes of this last season into this SERIES finale instead so it definitely was rushed. They made it work I guess. It annoyed me at the time because I was like "CN really won't give them one more season, cmon..." but then a few years later they announced the Distant Lands specials and then Fionna and Cake also happened. They could've had their ideal final season at that point since there was no reason to cancel the show lol.
my favorite part of this finale is how the characters and world live on beyond what we see
I know it's amazing, and not just nostalgia-tinted. This show was one of the most moving media as I was aging, and I love that I was one of those poeple who grew up with this show. I just love it so much.
Sooo like there was meant to be a season 11 but according to Ted Anderson it was cancelled by BOOM! studios because of "Low Sales". I think they wanted the Gum War to be a lot longer then just a single episode. A lot of people seen that this finale was rushed in some area's but yea i would of liked to seen the extended war but oh well it still was a good ending to the years long series
I was not an Adventure Time kid. I remember watching it on TV back in the early seasons, probably when it started airing, and I do remember watching quite a bit of it, but it was a much smaller part of my childhood than other shows. I probably didn't watch past season 3 when I watched it on TV.
I don't remember if I tried watching it online on my own any time after, but I did start watching TheFlamingShark's reactions to it some 4 or more years ago, but stopped around season 5. When the Sorta Stupid crew started watching, I saw it as an opportunity to finally watch it in its entirety through them, which I've done with a few other shows I had skipped out on. I've been watching the reactions in bursts for the past few months, but have been focusing on catching up the past week or two, and now I'm here, almost caught up.
In regards to this original finale, I think it was pretty good. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, or one that I'd rank above other shows' finales (e.g. TOH, Amphibia, Gravity Falls), and I will admit I wish they did a bit more with it, and focused less on the drug trip that was the dream part, which I didn't really understand. It did make me tear up, and I love how they ended it with the intro song (which I saw coming when the hole lady mentioned having come up with a song, made me hyped), now with a full version.
Overall, I really like the show. I love the characters and the world, and obviously the overarching story. The songs are good (with a few that are absolute bangers). Definitely glad I ended up watching it with the crew.
It's not a show I'd rewatch, at least without skipping a lot of the episodes. The drip-feeding of the overarching story is much more sparse for my tastes and makes it feel like most of the show is filler (which admittedly is kinda like Steven Universe, but in that show it ramps up each season, and story bits are less sparse than in AT, also it's a much shorter show).
I think I'd rank the show somewhere in my top 10, but I'm not sure.
I'm excited to watch the reactions to Distant Lands and Fionna & Cake, so I'm gonna catch up with the next episode and the three DL reactions done so far.
Thank you, Sorta Stupid, for reacting to this show!
I grew up knowing about adventure time cause my friends loved it, but I never watched it until you guys started watching it (same with avatar). I'm not ready to say goodbye. 10 year old me would be so surprised by how much 21 year old me loves adventure time LOL. I think my top 3 favorite cartoons are avatar the last airbender, gravity falls, and adventure time, not in any order. So glad I got to watch this show with you all!
i'm not ready
Wow the nostalgia watching this hit different it’s been a wild ride getting to relive my childhood getting to watch y’all watch adventure time from start to finish but the adventure is not over yet as you guys still need to watch distant lands and Fiona and cake which also got renewed for a season 2 so even if you watch it all you still have more to look forward too and I can’t wait too see what y’all think of the rest of the story
Adventure Time is my favourite show of all time, and this finale literally makes me cry every time.
What an Adventure! I love this show so much! This, Owl House and Steven U are my top tear American animation shows! You should check out the video of Rebecca Sugar (SU creator, and story boarder On Adventure time) sing the song BMO sings (Time Adventure). It's really sweet and has a double meaning cuz she also wrote it about the cast and crew of Adventure Time parting once the show ends. I'd love to see that reaction:) . Oh and dont forget, Distant Lands comes next.
This end of the show is really fucking with me the fact that everyone else will live on forever whilst finn and jake will die and fade off into obscurity
i really like that in the song. You can hear it more clearly in the studio version that jake is the final one to sing "and so you and i will always be best friends" to finn
the version rebecca sugar sang at comic con was great too
I know this might be a bold claim, but this could possibly be the greatest animated show ever made. It's definitely the best one that I've seen. I remember back in late 2009/early 2010, when I was 7 years old, and I saw all these commercials about a new show coming to Cartoon Network, and I was so excited, because it looked awesome! When it finally came out, my younger brother and I watched the absolute hell out of it, and it became one of our favorite shows. We kept up with the show as it aired up until around mid-season 6, which is when we kind of starting watching YouTube instead of TV in general. About 2 years ago, we decided that we should finish the show, and binged the entire thing from "Slumber Party Panic" all the way to "Come Along With Me". Watching this show about growing up and changing and new experiences as I was LITERALLY growing up and experiencing so many new experiences and changes in my life, this show has struck such an emotional chord with me. I know you guys still have the spin-offs, but sincerely, thank you for taking us on your journey through Adventure Time. I hope you enjoyed it. :)
I'm used to listening to Rebecca Sugar singing "Time Adventure" in a comic con video on Youtube, and I always cry when I hear it. I thought I could listen to "Time Adventure" during the finale and be okay, but noooope--the sobbing was pretty immediate. :')
Wait stop I know the exact video you're talking about haha!
31:15 MY OTP!!
Willow Smith plays Beth The Pup Princess and sang the intro for this episode
I sound like a broken record among others, but as someone that ALWAYS watches franchises in the order initially released, I thank god I watched the third episode of Distant Lands after the fourth. Without any spoilers, episode 3 is the most beautiful conclusion to Adventure Time, and how it was intended to end
I love how the original Gunther made the wish to be like the ice wizard and became a poor copy because it was based on his impression of him, which is why the crown made the Ice King. But then the penguin Gunther made the same wish based on his impression of Ice King but permanently fused with the crown because of his power. So the new penguin Ice King is basically a messed up clone of a messed up clone lol
I am so unbelievably excited for distant lands and Fionna and Cake!! They really managed to make them feel like essential parts of the main story rather than just spin-offs, I think you guys are going to love it!
Especially for Fionna and Cake since it’s on HBO Max and is meant for an older audience. I think they made a really good decision to not attempt to promote new adventure time stuff to kids, but rather to people who were kids when AT started and are now in their twenties or older :’) Feels really good to grow up alongside with the show
Plz watch distant lands ep 3 LAST
It is the intended finale for distant lands and you'll see why,so plz watch ep 4 before watching 3.
To be clear Gold can destroy universes that's what happened to pillow world and he is above Prismo that's why Prisom can't bring anyone eaten by him back. Also now it's safe to look through the official book "Adventure Time: The Enchiridion & Marcy's Super Secret Scrapbook" Which has lore the show didn't have time to go into. Would love if you all reacted to the deeper AT lore.
I’m kicking myself that I never tuned into Adventure Time while it aired. This finale was so beautiful and got me tearing up and shit. At least I got to watch it blind with the Sorta Stupid crew.
Hey guys! This is very important! If you plan on watching Distant Lands, there are 4 episodes in total. However I highly recommend you watch Episode 3: "Together Again" as the finale instead of 4. Episode 3 works much better as a finale and I also believe that episode was meant to be released as the last episode for Distant Lands but got changed due to some production issues. But this is just my personal opinion but I think most people will agree with me that episode 3 should be watched as the last episode. Love the reactions and its been a long journey with you guys.
Yeah coming in to boost this I said the same thing
I want to voice my support for this order. Episode 3 definitely felt like it should have been the last of the 4.
Btw watch distant lands before Fionna and Cake
They DEFINITELY used part of Lavos's scream from Chrono Trigger in Golb's High Pitched Scream
so stoked for next week, we are onto Distant Lands!!
I cry again
They never actually named him but creator cinematics refer to Gunther's transformation as being called "the Ice Thing". Personally I love the ending because at the time I felt that it felt the tone of things don't always end perfect but at least you had the good times along the way. That was until distant lands dropped about a year later and it gave me closure to things I never knew i needed closure to. And that's proving to be true with Fiona and Cake!
Man the finale is always so fucking sad to see I get it but I hate how all Simon and Betty wanted was each other but it could never happen
It’s so crazy to me that they ended the show and still have so much other material to watch now. I remember when the show originally ended and having that kinda empty feeling bc as far as I knew at the time it was the last time I’d ever visit that world and those characters. It felt like saying goodbye to longtime childhood friends who I’d grown up with. Can’t wait for the boys to watch everything that came out after the fact, it’s all so good and ties up some loose ends while also opening new ones.
Oh and btw even though we only get the big PB x Marceline kiss in the finale, there are actually hints that they had started dating a few seasons ago. In a shot of PB's room you can actually spot Marcline's sock lying under the bed.
So, the Distant Lands mini-series next? :)
i hope hman stays for distant lands and fionna and cake! theyre really good
*spoilers for the guys* unfortunately, Ruff confirmed on the discord that he won't be, It's understandable because as far as they know, those two shows are just spinoffs and the latter is still ongoing.
man that is so lame :(
It won't be the same without H man ⊂(・﹏・⊂)
me too! fionna and cake adds a new layer to what we've already seen in adventure time!
Hard agree Distant Lands is basically season 11 of Adventure Time and also they should be informed of the watch order being released wrong and the actual episode order is 1 2 4 3 for DL
I am so glad the creators of AT realized that their time was coming and they decided to produce what is honestly in my opinion the greatest finale of a series. Couples of point of note
- Shermy and Beth are the reincarnations of Jake and Finn
- Boom brought up a very good point about the ending being 'and they just lived their lives' which in my opinion is so much better than endings which wrap up almost too nicely and it feels like the world just stops existing after the story finishes. In AT it doesn't. You can even argue that the future we are in is actually more dire than and dystopian so now we have a whole new set of adventuree. In fact that is one of the core themes of the show
'The fun will never end. It's Adventure time'
- I know it's treated as a joke but BMO forgetting Finn's name almost made me cry when I watched the finale for the first time. It's been so long that BMO doesn't even remember the name of his closest friend.
- On the point about the future being not so bright, there is very popupar fan theory that PB was captured by the Ice Thing (name of what Gunther turned into). You can see pink hands grabbing the bars of the jail window in the opening and there is a shot of Marceline who is looking for PB. The Ice Kingdom also seems to have expanded a whole lot more, covering much more of Ooh.
i hope hman doesnt leave for distand lands and fionna and cake cuz theyre so good
i loved the finale and i feel that there are bunch of small callbacks that make me happy. You missed some stuff but its understandable seeing the amount of shows you watch
So excited for you guys to watch distant lands and fionna and cake, it's not understatement that it only gets better from here
distant lands next
Excited to see the spin offs!!
You guys finally made it to the HBO specials! I can't wait to see you react to Distant Lands; on HBO, the specials are listed in release order, but I am going to STRONGLY SUGGEST you save "Together Again" for last and watch "Wizard City" before it. The series is an anthology, so you can technically watch them in any order, but "Wizard City" is basically just a one-off story while "Together Again" is a MUCH more fitting sendoff for the series as a whole, so please keep this in mind!
I grew up with this show from start to finish, i cried 11 times when i first watched the last episode, just pure sadness that its over and joy from the journey
Weird to be at the end of the original series. It has been incredible reliving this amazing show with y'all.
I feel so weird that they weren’t crying and I was I hate myself what is wrong with me
There is nothing wrong with you I was tearing up I wasn't full on crying but I felt all the joy and emotion I felt in one moment while I was hearing that song being played and seeing everybody living their lives
yeah agree im getting tears whenver i rewatch the finale.
you aren't the only one its so over for me
Before y'all watch Adventure Fionna and Cake you must watch Adventure Time Distance Lands
Oh boy, I am not ready for this. The finale gets me every time. Definitely expecting some tears, either from you guys or from me.
Idk about them but there sure was a whole lot of tears from me
I didn’t care for the finale but adored the follow up content on hbo max
end of an era. Been a pleasure experiencing Adventure Time from beginning to end with y'all