Adventure Time Episode 3-4 REACTION

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  1. drizzt8886
    4 months

    why havent you watched Bill and Ted yet????

  2. Fred
    10 months

    In the originally aired cut of the Tree Trunks episode it ended on the black screen without showing her wandering in the crystal place but it was apparently too dark for their liking and they edited it.

  3. TenaciousCharles
    11 months

    Y'all shouldn't mute Hman like that, shits fucked up.

  4. Other
    1 year

    Why did y'all mute H man?

    I sense a conspiracy.

  5. apple
    1 year

    You know, going back and seeing how they viewed the Ice King in the beginning to the more recent stuff they put out makes it feel refreshing from the outside. I Remember how I felt about it back when I first started watching.

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