Adventure Time Episode 25-26 REACTION

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  1. TSP247
    3 months

    so this is where the billy was born. :-)

  2. GarageHomie
    3 months


  3. jemx27
    4 months

    I first heard Billy in amphibia and what's funny is I said "oh like Billy from adventure time" guess I'm the ultimate pre watcher 

  4. Juan
    6 months

    Oh this is where the whole billy thing started, nice

  5. James
    7 months

    Now it makes sense billy

  6. Forceable
    11 months


  7. Middyrose
    11 months

    I lowkey thought them referring to "Billy" was like an actual person but now it all makes sense haha

  8. jdyt_69
    1 year

    So this is where the billy's come from

  9. Ryujin
    1 year

    I had a feeling that this was where the Billy bit came from after I found out they react to Adventure Time

  10. Zane
    1 year

    Just now getting around to watching Adventure Time, I'm in a state of absolute shock that this is where the whole Billy thing came from

  11. ygor.m95
    1 year

    Nice to finaly know where the Billy bit ive been seeing in every video started...

    2 replies
    1. Jabriel
      1 year

      lol me too, I thought it was made because of billy from adventure time glad to know I was right?

    2. Berserker88
      1 year

      I just had that same experience.

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