RWBY S9 Episode 1-2 Reaction

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  1. Andre
    1 month

    I was skeptical of this volume before it came out. CRWBY described V9 as a “detour” and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that… Volume 9 ended up being my favorite volume thus far, especially for Ruby herself as a character.

  2. Impactsona
    1 month

    We have entered the peak now. Imo 9 is the best volume.

  3. Mitchell
    1 month

    I was skeptical going into this volume, I even put it off for over a year, but after going back and finishing it, I can confidently say this was my favorite volume. A lot of things you may not pick up on a first viewing were actually set up way back in the earliest volumes.

  4. Chris
    1 month

    I cannot wait for the later episodes this volume really does go hard

  5. Ian
    1 month

    I never noticed before, but when Ruby is telling the Toy Soldiers her story about Penny, their Toy Horses cry tears as well.

  6. james
    1 month

    i love this arc because yea it is rwby depression arc and heavy lore drop but it also a progression arc for all these characters and it also shows every body flaws and how dependent that the team are with each others

  7. zackscroggins
    1 month

    You guys are gonna LOVE this volume, not only is it Ruby's depression arc, but it also a HEAVY lore volume. Would have been great to get this earlier, but still, it is an incredible volume for lore. 

  8. Ameena
    1 month

    React to mummy 2 Please next week this movie is really good 

  9. Raptor
    1 month

    I am a Volume 9 enjoyer, but one of the things I liked about Remnant was that except for a few characters introduced in Volume 1, everyone was a reference to some kind of fairytale or legend without straight up being that character. Even the Grimm. I kinda wish they kept doing that even though this is a storybook world.

    Here, we’re doing Alice in Wonderland with the same subtlety of designing a character based on Sun Wukong and naming him Sun Wukong.Still looking forward to the rest of this though. It has some of the best parts in the whole show.

  10. Miss_CJ
    1 month

    I like that Eric caught on the multiple mentions of ''purpose''. Also, the references to Alice in Wonderland. 

    The ingredients are there, if you know the moral of the story, you'll just see everything tie together and make sense. 

    This volume won't be as action packed as the previous volumes, but it is a beautiful volume in my opinion. Make sure to pay attention to small details. 

  11. Ryan
    1 month

    I won't spoil anything but keep on watching the intros to every single episode for Volume 9. You will see as to why...

  12. ellalushh
    1 month

    So this is basically a filler season. Still good but there won't be a ton of lore until at one point. 

    2 replies
    1. Cyrinil
      1 month

      Taking time for character introspection and growth doesn't make something filler. 

      I suppose you could call it a bottle season because they're largely removed from the external world but bottle episodes are generally made to save on budget.

      1 replies
      1. Patrick
        1 month

        IIRC they did have to cut it down to 10 episodes for budget reasons, so you're not exactly wrong

    2. Patrick
      1 month

      "Filler" implies that it has no purpose, which is most definitely *not* the case here.

  13. SauceyRed
    1 month

    As a couple others have mentioned, do not skip the intros if you can help it, they change subtly over the course of the volume. No changes in episode 2, so that's fine.

  14. SauceyRed
    1 month

    Welcome to the "break" volume! Where we leave the stress and pressure of Salem and the Grimm and move to slightly less stress and pressure, with added silliness!

    This is my 3rd favorite volume after 7 and 8, and yeah it was very jarring to me as well, and I honestly didn't know how to feel about the massive change until I finished the volume and rewatched it. This volume is definitely worth rewatching once or twice, made me appreciate it more and more.

    Also, we got introduced to one of my top 3 favorite enemies, the Jabberwalker (name based on Lewis Carroll's poem "Jabberwocky" about a creature named "the Jabberwock"). My other favorites are the Apathy, the Nuckelavee, and the Hound.

  15. gioppdumister
    1 month

    You guys didn't notice Ruby lagging behind the others in the intro and she's the only one who gets less hopeful as intro progresses. 

    You should keep watching the intro in this season cuz it subtly changes as the season progresses. 

  16. No
    1 month

    You guys have probably seen this by now but one of the cofounded of Rooster Teeth, Bernie Burnes, just bought it. Although, RWBY is still Viz Media's property.

  17. reach17
    1 month

    Watch the intro before every episode, each one has subtle changes based on the episode before it

  18. haggy1001
    1 month

    Let's go. Volume 9 was my favourite volume till your reactions made me appreciate Vol 7 & 8 more.  

  19. Matthew
    1 month

    amazing reaction as usual! btw solo leveling season 2 dropped,  please react to it. And invincible season 3 dropped today as well

    1 replies
    1. Ryan
      1 month

      I'm wondering if they are going to watch the rest of Volume 9 and then do Solo Leveling as the replacement. I think they watch the English Dub so it gives them time before the English Dub drops.

      1 replies
      1. Edox
        1 month

        I think theyre waiting for more episodes to come out in dub first.

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