Disenchantment Episode 6 Reaction

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  1. Darc
    4 hours

    Zog kinda has a point about Bean being a bit of a train wreck 

  2. grigsy87
    4 hours

    Not my favorite episode, but the next few ones are so much better. 

  3. Of Butterflies and Books
    5 hours

    I vote National Treasure

  4. Vegvisir92
    7 hours

    the original Wicker Man with Christopher Lee is good....the Cage one...awful

  5. maskedmagician
    9 hours

    Please do Futurama, it just gets better as the show goes along I feel

  6. maskedmagician
    9 hours

    Mann yes forgot what day it was hypeee

  7. stephenc1206
    10 hours

    You guys keep watching Show and get Copied strike

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