Young Justice S3 Episode 17-18 Reaction

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  1. Veritas
    2 hours

    Hope you go back and catch the joke end credits of episode 18, from now on there's an increase in scenes like this one but season 4 especially. 

  2. Kollie123
    2 hours

    That’s crazy you had that many comments saying glad the show ended at season 2. That’s legit wild season 3 and 4 are not deserving of that lol

  3. Riley
    3 hours

    So in the time Young Justice was cancelled, Teen Titans Go did a Young Justice crossover episode, so they paid Teen Titans Go back with the Doom Patrol Go episode, and then also in the time between seasons, a Scooby Doo animated movie used Young Justice character models in scenes as a reference to YJ, so the Scooby Doo reference in this episode was payback for that.

  4. Veil
    3 hours

    I would be so down for you guys watching Static Shock or any of the other DC animated stuff from the early 2000s.

  5. Down
    5 hours

    it was released 3 episodes a week(1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-13) followed by a 6 month break. The second half released with a 3 episode debut, a 1 episode a week schedule, and a 3 episode finale.

  6. Down
    5 hours

    Ruff's never seen AKIRA!?

  7. bbenzo.
    6 hours

    my bad for multiple comments but like Boom said, episode 17 was a Scooby Doo easter egg including some of the Scooby Gang’s VA’s & Mr. Warburton. The teen recording the fight is Daphne, while the “fucking nerd” who dropped her “spectacles” was Velma, the Sheriff was Bronson, & The Mayor of the Blonde girl was obviously Mayor Jones. 

    Reason for the cameo was simply because both shows were WBA/CN series airing around the same time, that were ended prematurely. There’s one more cameo that yall won’t get(cause yall ain’t watched Green Lantern yet), but it exists for the same reasons

    1 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      6 hours

      i also think 17’s weak writing was a direct result of this cameo, trying to insert the lighthearted comedy into a dramatic series this far into the season caused a tonal clash and made the entire Outsiders plotline feel overly serious.

  8. bbenzo.
    6 hours

    i will say, while not the Titans, The Outsiders are the closest 1:1 parallel for them in this universe, being a public youth hero team based out of California.

  9. Narutoanime16
    7 hours

    This season was released 3 episodes a week I feel Batmans whole group is plotting behind the scenes like they had Aquaman there with the outsiders to throw the fight on purpose I definitely feel they got more up there sleeve

  10. isaiahbeasley69
    9 hours

    It was weekly. They dropped the first two episodes out of nowhere. They announced it and it was out the same day. Then weekly there after

  11. Diuque
    9 hours

    teen titans and young justice are the same team, don't exist in the same universe, just acepted

    2 replies
    1. bbenzo.
      6 hours

      Nah they different teams with different members, started for different reasons, but igwys for simplicity 

    2. LeeAnne
      8 hours

      On new earth both teams exist except Tim is on Young Justice and Dick is in the titans 

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