Disenchantment Episode 3 Reaction

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  1. Darc
    2 hours

    The only thing that bothers me in the show is elfos inconsistency with whether he's pure good or not

  2. Reese
    5 hours

    is it just me or is this show not it or am i just being a hater idk

    1 replies
    1. Darc
      4 hours

      Season 1 is a very slow burn. It was not very popular when it started either

  3. LaLa
    5 hours

    Oona and Luci continue to be absolute legends. 🔥💗🔥

  4. Exzimius
    8 hours

    So we're really only getting one episode a week 🥲

    1 replies
    1. Ant
      7 hours

      I think they’re into but not that into it

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