Disenchantment Episode 1 Reaction

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  1. SunXBreathing
    1 day

    Super excited!!! Hope you guys decide to do double episodes as well. 

  2. GainingGamer
    1 day


  3. Andrew
    1 day

    The show is really good for like one season and then gets really bad in my opinion. Don’t know who recommended it, but I hope you switch to Futurama or something.

    1 replies
    1. SunXBreathing
      1 day

      Can’t relate. This is easily one of my fav shows. 

  4. samusky00
    2 days


  5. Colonel
    2 days

    Singo and Shocko are the fucking best characters LMAO.

  6. Darc
    2 days

    The amount of problems that would arise from political gladiator winners would be enormous

  7. jules06485
    2 days

    Hell yes I'm here for this!  I admit I got confused at first when seeing it on the schedule. I thought it was the movie but I did not remember you reacting to Enchantment first. 

    But I loved this series. Hope you enjoy it!

  8. Darc
    2 days

    Honestly the show started out on a low simmer, then it got pretty good for a while, but then went back to a simmer. At least in my opinion.

  9. PaperBagedHead
    3 days

    really do hope you can continue this one, it's one of my favorites

  10. SauceyRed
    3 days

    5 seasons?? Damn!

  11. Bomb-Boy
    3 days

    Please watch breaking bad first and better call Saul second I highly recommend it, it seems right up your guys alley 

  12. Brye
    3 days

    I watched the first 2 seasons of this as it came out but stopped keeping up with it. I remember the plot was also really good tho

  13. Barbara
    3 days

    Idk if you guys have mentioned it in the past, but I think you'd really enjoy Bojack Horseman on Netflix, especially Sean

  14. m
    3 days

    unexpected but not unwelcome 

  15. AXELEA
    3 days


  16. maskedmagician
    3 days

    hypee Really underrated show, watched up to S3 until had to drop it cause no free time lol

  17. Kayla
    3 days

    I remember watching the first episode but never continuing it. Also can't wait for you guys to do Sweeney Todd

  18. Kory
    3 days

    Definitely a fun show. I think some would enjoy it’s not perfect but hey if you like fun shows this is one of them.

  19. LaLa
    3 days

    It's been a hot minute since I've watched this show. Turns out I still love Oona and that Luci is even more 2D than the rest of the characters. Also I would want the power of refill. Food or drink low? Automatically refills. Someone annoying me? Refill their bladder abruptly. Bank account sad looking? Refill to healthy amount.

  20. SauceyRed
    3 days

    I remember I watched the first season when it came out and liking it, but I never continued it. Excited for this journey, and to see if I still like it.

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