Son of Batman Reaction

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  1. Luke
    9 months

    i could have sworn it was Laurence Fishburne (Morpheus) voicing Deathstroke

  2. Gatlocke
    9 months

    Just an FYI in case no one knows

    the Late David McCallum who is the voice Actor for ALFRED in this universe is also the voice actor for PROFESSOR PARADOX from Ben 10.

  3. Asher
    9 months

    On the question of robins, the main other two are Jason Todd and Tim Drake. JT dies and gets resurrected as Red Hood, which I believe you saw a movie about already. Tim Drake typically becomes a stand alone Hero named Red Robin. I think it’s obvious why Bruce wouldn’t have Jason’s costume on display, and Tim may still be using his. No clue if they even exist in this continuity.

  4. Athena
    9 months

    Y’all HAVE to watch Justice League Dark Akopolis

    2 replies
    1. equinox626
      9 months

      i hope thay go on the trip dawn dc movies till dark apokolips war.

    2. Ashes2Ash
      9 months

      I'm pretty sure theyre watching these in order, so we'll get there soon enough. 

  5. Will
    9 months


    2 replies
    1. Matthew
      9 months

      I did not mean to post this above comment as a reply to Will. My B. Sorry Will!

    2. Matthew
      9 months

      So, some comic info that informs some of the specific relationships.

      First, there are four robins, in order:

      Dick Grayson: adopted after his parents were killed in the circus murder. Batman adopted him and solved the case to prevent Dick from growing up obsessed with their deaths the way Bruce is obsessed with his parents. Becomes Nightwing and is a mid point hero inspired both by Batman and Superman. (Nightwing's name comes from Superman lore. Superman is an almost backup dad for Dick, specifically) also, my favorite.

      Jason Todd: adopted after finding him orphaned on the streets. Jason showed enough potential that Bruce figured either train him and make him a better person or Jason would just grow to be a bad guy in Gotham Batman would fight. (Irony) Becomes Red Hood.

      Tim Drake: after Jason's death from Joker, Batman got a spiral of his psyche and was super brutal for a while. Tim, while living with his single dad, investigated batman until circumstance let him figure out it's Bruce. He blackmailed Bruce into letting him be Robin because Tim believed Batman needs a robin to keep him from giving in to darker thoughts. Tim's biological dad later died due to supervillains, and Batman adopted him. Becomes Red Robin (spent the longest as just Robin and got so attached to it, he was the one to mature it into a solo hero persona, though DC is having a weird time trying to go away from that in recent years...)

      Damien Wayne: literally this movie sums it up pretty well. Still Robin, but there is a comic or two of future events where he gets to be Batman.

      There ARE two female robins, but one only exists in the frank miller dark knight returns canon which has never reappeared to my knowledge. The other was Tim's girlfriend subbing in for him while he still lived with his biological dad prior to getting adopted by Bruce. I believe she later became the second Batgirl? I can't remember who she became off the top of my head... But general discussions they typically aren't counted due to being one offs/VERY short lived in the uniform.

      Now, the reason Dick gets brought up a lot. In the comics, Bruce Wayne "died" fairly soon after Damien's introduction. While Bruce was "dead" (lost to time via justice league/darkseid plots) Dick Grayson is the one who became Batman.

      The usual dynamic of brooding batman and lighthearted robin was twisted with instead a lighter Batman and psycho rage Damien Robin, which is one of the more successful Batman and Robin runs in comics on the last 15 years.

      After that run, Dick and Damien both grew very attached and each experience "death" storylines separately. The comic panels when they each find out the other is still alive is THE most heartwarming moment I've ever seen of Damien, dropping all the smarm and literally jumping to hug Dick.

      Other bat family teamups since then are yearly Nightwing/Red Hood teamups, Red Hood working with Damien Robin for a whole storyline, and Tim is constantly supporting pretty much everyone.

      Damien is the one who really drives home that Nightwing/Dick becomes the big brother to all the robins and precursor to a lot of teamups of bat family members not involving Batman. All four "robins" have individual relationships with each other and dynamics.

      But yeah, Dick and Damien are the center of that in a lot of ways is why Dick is very emphasized.

      Side note: each robin is depicted as being better than Bruce at one thing but lesser in other avenues. Dick is better physically, stated faster and more agile, but is easier to manipulate due to his more optimistic worldview. Jason is more tenacious and adjusted to stronger fights and punishment, but is more headstrong. Tim is just as of not better a detective and cooler head, but is the least martial of the four. Damien as the exception is capable of being exactly as good as Bruce, but lacks experience.

      Each has a lot to love, and very different personalities. You guys have mostly experienced Dick through Teen Titans, but that version of him is very different from comics and is almost a precursor/fusion of Dick and what would later be Damien with the angst for him in that show with Slade.

      1 replies
      1. Charlie
        9 months

        there have been 5 youre forgetting stephanie brown

  6. korrasrightbicep
    9 months

    I’m so happy y’all love Damian. He’s such a little SHIT and he’s my favorite 😭 It’s hard for me to hate him cuz he’s just a lil guy

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      8 months

      Glad you like him because I don't lol. At least in this continuity, I thinks he's great in Batman vs Ninja Turtles and good in the animated Injustice film 😎.

  7. Swordfish
    9 months

    - So won't lie, personally not a fan of the voice actor for this Deathstroke, sounds just not on point for an aged, veteran assassin.

    - Another major problem fans always bring up with this movie is that the League of Assassins seem so weak by comparison to other versions. Like the League is a world threat, prepared to detect anyone, even if a former member turned outsider, and all they got is bow and arrows and are easily off-guarded  with no detection. They're ninja assassins but they still should use guns and explosives and rockets and such.

    - Jokes have been made continuously about the whole "Damien was behind the curtain while his mom in a skimpy dress was seducing Batman, boobs ready to fall out."

    - Kirk Langstrom is known to become the character Man-Bat, similar to the creatures seen here, in an attempt to make Batman more powerful and effective, from a fan point of you. Lab accident turned him into a villainous creature. The idea in this universe seems that he created the Man-Bat as a clone/mutated army for Slade instead of becoming one himself, whilst also upgrading Killer Croc from being a simple deformed human with rough, touhg skin and self-sharpened teeth into the more Crocodile/Alligator style mutant with a bio-installed tail and juiced up muscles.- If the water towers weren't used, all the apartment towers would be destroyed before anyone would be able to complain about water shortage.

    - Despite the damage done at the Gotham Stadium, it and the fair grounds seem to have been abandoned for awhile now hence no one would care about Batman destroying it.

  8. Deli
    9 months

    i could be wrong, but langstrom might seem familiar because of angstrom levy from invincible

  9. Residentfan 1
    9 months

    The four Robins are all in the same universe in the comics. Sometimes cartoons will skip one because their stories are too gruesome. Jason Todd/Red Hood was skipped in the DC Animated Universe from the 90s and early 2000s because his story was too dark and they went straight from Dick to Tim Drake. In this universe they just straight up skip Jason and Tim and go straight to Damian after Dick. But because this universe hasn’t shied away from dark subject matter, I can only assume the writers are just giant Damian Wayne fans.

    2 replies
    1. Charlie
      9 months

      5 robins actually

    2. Residentfan 1
      9 months

      Something I forgot to mention is that while the DC Animated Universe skipped Jason because his story was too dark, it’s worth noting that they end up giving Tim Drake one of the darkest and most disturbing storylines I’ve ever seen. The stuff that happens to him is arguably worse than Jason being beaten to death with a crowbar. I won’t spoil it but anyone who’s seen the movie Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker knows what I’m talking about. It’s kinda funny that they would skip Jason because his story is too dark and then give us THAT with Tim.

  10. Ashes2Ash
    9 months

    Little not so fun fact, Talia Al Ghul was not always like this. Originally she didn't "roofie" Bruce. He was stung by a scorpion, and she gave him an antidote. They were openly affectionate with one another frequently in Batman comics. Talia was an assassin, but she was still sweet with Bruce and never tried to force him into anything he didn't want. Not saying she never did anything wrong, but she wasn't the character she is in most comics these days.

    However, everything changed when Grant Morrison attacked. In writing Batman and Son (which i believe? this movie is based on), Morrison decided Talia was going to be obsessed with having an heir, had her roofie Bruce to do the deed, then... grew Damian in a test tube? weird to have her essentially rape him if she was just gonna make Damian a test tube baby. She was cruel, manipulative, and deceiptful.

    Talia had 40+ years of being a not so bad person, not really a villain but definitely not a hero, who frequently was shown to be kind and caring towards not only Bruce, but Dick AND Jason (so far as to cry over the news of Jason's death). Grant Morrison himself admitted he /didn't even read the comics/ that he based his whole version of Talia after. He made up a bunch of fake things that never happened and then said it was okay because in comics, an event happened which changed the plotlines and realities of said universes, Referred to as the Superboy Prime Punches (it's. a mess to explain that one.)

    It's a shame to see most modern interpretations of Talia being like this, especially considering its... usually not even treated great. DC comics in general are pretty terrible at having characters be sexually assaulted, Nightwing being a big example, where following his assault he has been hypersexualized to hell and back. Hell, Damian is really the only BatKid who HASNT been assaulted, and thats probably because the poor kid is only like... 13? 14? in comics? i dont even know anymore honestly.

  11. Emma
    9 months

    So fun fact, in the comics, it wasn't damian who took out deathstroke's eye, but his wife adeline instead, I can't remember the exact reason why, but it's either because he cheated on her, or because his work as a mercenary put their son jericho, who you met in teen titans, in danger, and it left him mute.

  12. Harry
    9 months

    Dick is mentioned because he's first, Jason (Red Hood) is seen as Batman's biggest failure, so he's not brought up, and Tim Drake just got treated like shit this era despite having the longest tenure as Robin in real-time.

  13. wynosaurus
    9 months

    i THINK you guys are confusing Teen Titans vs The Justice League and Teen Titans Go Vs The Teen Titans

  14. Down
    9 months

    For whatever reason, the other Robins (Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Stephanie Brown) were never adapted into this continuity. Though it wasn't the first adaptation to ignore them, and unfortunately I highly doubt it will be the last.

    What really sucks is to my knowledge Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown's robins have never been properly adapted outside of comics. The only adaptation of them I've seen are as Red Hood and Spoiler/Batgirl. I've never seen them as robin

  15. mykanike
    9 months

    It's really frustrating how you don't see a lot of the other robins and batfamily outside of the comics. I don't know if we've ever seen Jason as just robin without him dying in the same movie/videogame. It'd be nice if we could have an animated show or movie(s) with them cycling through. Personally I like them more than batman

  16. Yva Asparagus
    9 months

    I love that you guys are diving into the Dc Universe with all those movies and series. I'm sure someone already told you how many Robins there actually are but it can be confusing some times because not every Robin is always mentioned in the movies. 

    If you wanna know the "right" order of Robins: 

    1. The first Robin was Dick Grayson/Nightwing later on

    2. Was Jason Todd which was the Robin that you saw get killed in "Batman under the red hood" and which is now mostly known as Red Hood.

    3. Tim Drake was the third Robin/ Red Robin later on

    4/5 . So this is where it gets a littlebit tricky. So a short amount of time was Stephanie Brown a Robin as a replacement for Tim Drake before he returned as Robin. So I would say you could  set Damian as fifth Robin. However I have seen a lot of people call him the fourth Robin.

    So thats it an order of Robins x,)

    Please comments don't hate me if I did get something wrong ;P 

    Can't wait to see more Dc related content <3

  17. BakuWolf
    9 months

    You guys should watch Batman Ninja, it was a really cool movie. The plot and art style of it were both great in my opinion.

    1 replies
    1. Aileen
      9 months

      Ive been suggesting this one since they started the DC universe its so up their alley

  18. rin
    9 months

    while Damien is hilarious id need at least 5 packs of cigarettes to deal with him lol

  19. Joseph
    9 months

    there has been many robins throughout the comics and other media the robin suit changes depending on the artist and which robin.  there are 4 main robins you have Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim drake and then Damien, there are other robin but these are the central 4. the dcamu timeline is a little different

  20. Thomas_Stilinski
    9 months

    idk if you guys will see this but theres after credit scenes

  21. Connor
    9 months

    46:32 funnily enough, something like that is a major part of the Batman:White Knight comics.

  22. Residentfan 1
    9 months

    40:17 who wants to tell Batman that vigilantism is a crime whether you kill or not so he and Nightwing are already criminals?

  23. Darc
    9 months

    So the Robin's are Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Tim Drake/Red Robin, and now Damien Wayne. In most continuities Damien joins up once all the other robins are adults, there are alternate versions of some Robin's as well, like that one female robin from some batman v superman movie where they're old men

    1 replies
    1. Down
      9 months

      Don't forget Stephanie Brown

  24. Beasty
    9 months

    Yeah, Thalia is a rapist

  25. wynosaurus
    9 months

    Seeohknee as far as im aware Batman was never IN the league of shadows, outside of the Nolan movies. I could be wrong though, I probably know more about DC superheroes sidekicks than I do about the Main heroes themselves, the young up and coming heroes always interest me more so take that with a grain of salt bcs I'm too lazy to check the wiki

  26. Thomas_Stilinski
    9 months

    This came at a perfect time tekken is getting on my nerves lol

  27. Darc
    9 months

    So in past contonuities, the league of assassins was an all female group of assassins led by 1 man, Ra's al Ghul. Ra's trained Bruce Wayne in the past with the hopes that eventually he would take over as the new leader of the league. But since Batman abhores killing they become enemies. Then Talia al Ghul, Ra's's daughter becomes intimate with batman, and most of the time procures Damien Wayne as an offspring that they attempt to indoctrinate into being the League of assassins leader. This causes Damien to often be very cocky and entitled at times because of how he was raised. However Talia often sends him to Batman so that Damien can learn to be an actual person rather than a monster. Of course this story changes depending on which DC multiverse we are shown

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      9 months

      40:17 who wants to tell Batman that vigilantism is a crime whether you kill or not so he and Nightwing are already criminals?

      1 replies
      1. Residentfan 1
        9 months

        Whoops. That wasn’t supposed to be a reply.

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