RWBY S3 Episode 3-4 Reaction

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    1. Meh the first 5 or so are basically pointless. Especially at this point. The ones for Volume 4 do give some interesting background info though.

  1. Love the commentary and reactions from you guys! and I can’t wait for the rest of v3 and hopefully the rest of RWBY! Sitting here every week just excited to see you guys experience this world and its characters! Thank you for such an amazing video!

  2. Two of my favorite fights in the volume, if not the series, and the soundtrack that goes hard for both. Qrow vs Winter from the v3 soundtrack is something I’ll regularly put on to listen to

  3. You guys have got to watch the opening for the volume, at least once!
    Also, whenever a new volume starts, the opening is put after the end of the first episode, which is the earliest point at which they should be watched.

    1. While this is the case when binge watching on a streaming service, I think they’re actually watching the blu-ray version/the entire volume smushed together movie style so there’s no opening in between episodes D: 

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