Lego Batman Movie Reaction

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  1. There is a Lego Batman Movie game but it’s an add on to the toys to life Lego game called Lego Dimension which idk if you’d guys would play a game like that but that would be awesome! I’d also be down to see you guys play the Lego Batman trilogy games! Especially the 3rd one!

  2. If you guys are interested in Lego theme movies try watching Lego Monkey Kid! It’s a fun TV show and the dub voice actor for Goku in DBZ voices the Monkey King!

  3. highly recommend the Lego Ninjago movie, it’s as funny as the other Lego Movies, and completely separate from the ninjago TV show so there’s no commitment needed to watch it

  4. You guys should definitely watch the Hobbit and LOTR movies. The Hobbit movies take place before the LOTR movie, so you could watch them first. Other might say to watch the LOTR movies first since they were the originals. Kind of like the og Star Wars movies and the prequels. Which ever you choose to watch first can provide 2 entirely different experiences, but I wouldn’t day one is better than the other. It’s up to ya’ll on what you want to start with

  5. All the lego Batman games btw have little to none connection to the lego batman movie besides lego Dimensions which is another lego game you should play but it Costs ALOT OF MONEY

  6. Godzilla would be great, but also some Ultraman would be amazing. Hideaki Anno did both Shin Godzilla and Shin Ultraman, and Tsuburaya has been releasing a bunch of the Ultraman series for free one Youtube subbed (some have dubs too). Recent Ultraman is 25 episodes, so it isn’t too much of a commitment.

  7. Yes, Lego Movie 2 next, finish the set! Definitely check out the Lego Games too, I’ve loved them all that I’ve played, they’re a fun series of games.

    also, the “Well, children can be cruel” line kills me everytime, the movie has so many good lines, but that one is probably my favorite lol.

    also Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill reprising their Superman and Green Lantern Roles as well for the VAs, didn’t know if you caught that lol

  8. Yup Boom’s right, Dick Grayson is the Teen Titans Robin. Dick Grayson is an acrobat belonging to a family troop called the flying graysons, the first Robin, founding member of the Teen Titans, Nightwing, a secret agent, and at one point, he was Batman at first just while Bruce was missing. And when Bruce came back Bruce became a global hero, and Dick Grayson took over as the Batman of Gotham City.

    1. Why not? It’s a really fun highschool Au of the show. It’s def not the same, but it’s definitely not supposed to be, and it’s essentially a really good fanfilm. And I’m a fan of the show, but my love of it comes from it’s potential and the implications, not how well it was executed. 

  9. I would love to see the Lego Ninjago Movie after the The Lego Movie Part 2. Although it hasn’t to do anything with the show itself which is probably as to why people didn’t like it as much. I’d love to see you watch the show although i know it’ll be difficult as it has around 15-16 seasons. 

    1. I wholeheartedly agree! It’s such a good modern highschool au of the show and has a fantastic amount of world building. I wish more people would give it the time of day. Like the show is fun, but it’s it’s potential more than the execution. Although I haven’t gotten caught up with dragons rising. 

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