Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action Episode 2 REACTION

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  1. Katie
    1 year

    They replace Sokka's sexism with insecurities and I feel like it will make a decent character arc for him.

  2. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Part of me wants to think the people making this show saw how much more screen time fans wanted of Kyoshi from the animated series and were like, "hold my air bison."

  3. Petrichor12
    1 year

    The confusion I went through when I was like "Is that Ian Somerhalder on Boom's blanket?" Only to remember, "Oh, wait... Bree likes Vampire Diaries. This makes sense!" You guys should make Sorta Stupid blankets! Wear your brands! lolĀ 

    1 replies
    1. Msr9272tce
      1 year

      and shirts

  4. oni.frost
    1 year

    it is awesome , love the changes to make it more consumable to everyone. But actors made it for me.

  5. Itā€™s
    1 year

    So far I love everything... Except Katara. She feels so dull and more of an exposition piece more than a character. I hope that changes soon.

    1 replies
    1. reni
      1 year

      I agree. I had high expectations for her because the actress was in another show I watched and I really liked her acting, but she's not giving Katara yet. We shall see though

  6. Brandon
    1 year

    the creators of this show fucking hated Roku. they gave his most important scenes to Kyushu

    2 replies
    1. Kacey
      1 year

      TBH I really think it will be him that still tells Aang about the Coment and what he needs to do.

    2. 4ndr0meda
      1 year

      I liked it though lol we had enough of Roku in the OG show and barely anything of Kyoshi, not sure if they hate him I just think that they choose to give the scenes to an Avatar that hasn't really been given screen time and people love Kyoshi

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