Stitch The Movie REACTION

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  1. imrightoverhere
    15 days

    I hope they do leroy and stitch one day, it's really the part 2 to this movie

  2. Andrew
    1 month

    “Hawaiian” pizza is actually from canada 

  3. Ivan
    5 months

    Lilo and StitchStitch movie

    Lilo and Stitch tv Series

    Lilo and Stitch 2

    Leroy and Stitch (Movie and Series finale)

    Stitch! (Anime)

    Stitch & Ai (Chinese series)

    Stitch and the samurai (Manga)


    That's the content I know there is of the franchise, it's curious that Stitch was loved so much on Japan but Lilo was so hated that she's not on the shows they made for Stitch, even she's absent on Kingdom Hearts, it's looks like that Stitch just ended up on Radiant Garden instead of Hawaii 

  4. A_Majikal_Ninja
    11 months

    The egg salad pre watchers tho

  5. Thomas_Stilinski
    1 year

    jumba really pulled the "um actually" and you guys should watch the show when a spot opens up

  6. Nicolas
    1 year

    I would totally love to see you guys react to the tv series!

  7. Victoria
    1 year

    Imma say watch the show before the final movie. Without the show, you would not be lost. However, it is a direct connection right after the show, so does go together. I would watch all those reactions, btw.

  8. GainingGamer
    1 year

    i see high demand for lilo and stitch

  9. Geo
    1 year


  10. Juan
    1 year

    Final Comment: I would still recommend Lion King 2, Lion King 1/2, & Aladin 3 as Disney's better sequels to watch/react too. Treasure Planet, Atlantis, & Dinasour are underrated and my top favorite Disney movies. It would be awesome if you also saw Prince of Egypt, Hunchback, and the Kingsmen movies.

  11. Juan
    1 year

    Yall arn't going to believe me, but I am actually eating a grilled cheese right now after making so many for work at my school. Lol. This movie is the pilot for the TV show and is technically the 3rd film chronologically. I actually had this movie on VHS (Not sure if it is still in my house or if it got stolen when my apt was broken into or if my mom donated it with a butch of other VHSs I had when I went to college).

    The second movie in chronological order (Stitch has a glitch) has a much higher quality in everything (Music, story, etc.). And you can watch that film anytime you want. But this film (Stitch! The Movie) was fun and still enjoyable. It would be cool for y'all to see the show; I enjoyed it a lot as a kid. But if you don't watch it on camera, it's still okay but worth a watch, even if it's off camera. You can watch the 4th film (Leroy & Stitch) just know that it is the final for the show and you won't know right away the names/powers of the other experiments.

  12. Christopher
    1 year

    Guys Stitch the anime is a thing please watch its sooo good

  13. Reaper
    1 year

    I don't think you have enough people telling you to watch the series yet so I'm gonna add to that number.

    WATCH THE SERIES, PLEASE!! I love it so much!

  14. tribalchief676
    1 year

    yall need to react to the kingsmen

  15. iKirbeeburgr
    1 year

    7:21 For the record Hawaiian pizza is not from Hawaii. Someone from Canada named it that.

  16. iKirbeeburgr
    1 year

    Lilo & Stitch 2 (Stitch has a glitch) is a sequel to the first movie.

    Stitch the movie is like the pilot of the TV show, & Leroy & Stitch is like the finale of the TV show

  17. Султан
    1 year

    I vote Treasure Island as the next movie!

  18. Jared
    1 year

    This movie was made after the first but is actually third chronologically and takes place after the second movie and sets up the show that comes after the Lilo & Stitch 1 and 2 movies.

  19. squidkitty.
    1 year

    It will be amazing if you do watch the series but Leo and Stitch 2 is one of my favorite movies I just can't wait for you guys to see it??

  20. PKKite
    1 year

    The 4th movie is just the series finale might as well watch it even after the 3rd (2nd) movie. Skipping the show won't hurt too much.

  21. Kendorable
    1 year

    Lilo and Stitch 2 takes place before Stitch! The Movie. This movie was, as Bree guessed, a pilot for the TV show. After the TV Show ends, the next *chronologically* is Leroy and Stitch. you can watch Lilo and Stitch 2 at any time, just keep in mind it takes place in between lilo and Stitch and Stitch! The Movie.

  22. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    Imagine if Hamsterviel was actually evil, instead of cartoonishly so. Imagine if he went full Shou Tucker on Lilo and Stitch.

  23. Kay
    1 year

    I loved the Lilo & Stitch show as a kid it used to be one of my favorites. You guys are right every episode of the show is just them finding another experiment and finding a place for it and giving it a name. It's fine if you don't watch the show and just get to the movies the only difference it would make would be that you wouldn't know about the experiments beforehand but that's not extremely important cuz you can just meet them in the movies.

    1 replies
    1. Kay
      1 year

      Also fun fact the end credit song of this movie is actually the opening theme song of the TV series

  24. Iruma
    1 year

    If you don’t watch the show, it’d be nice if you watched the crossover episodes at least

  25. Piña
    1 year

    Man the Lilo and stitch movies were some of my favs as a kid. You guys should check out prince of Egypt or hunchback of notre dame after this

    1 replies
    1. Juan
      1 year

      YESSSSS both are epic in their music and story! And I love how dark Hunchback is, one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite villains. He is so evil. I second this request.

  26. Iruma
    1 year

    Aw yes the only other experiment in KH

  27. britti
    1 year

    Don't worry Boom, you aren't alone in finding Cobra hot ?

  28. The
    1 year

    Watch the show! It was pretty good from what I remember and think of it like Pokémon lol

  29. AnimeAngel200923
    1 year

    The movie is the series finale, you need to watch the series first

  30. Darc
    1 year

    Pineapple on pizza is disgusting and you should be ashamed

    1 replies
    1. Taz
      1 year

      Isn't Lilo and stitch 2 before this?

  31. Azur-Wing
    1 year

    Regarding the Lilo and Stitch show. I haven't seen it since i was a kid but I remember it being more fun and funnier than Stitch the movie. From what I've heared from people who have revisited it, they say it is a fun, funny and laid back show. Might need to watch some episodes myself though, to see if I would agree with that or not. I'll respond later to this post when I have watched some episodes. :)

  32. iron pirate
    1 year

    please react to the kingsmen movies

  33. Jose
    1 year

    If I remember correctly the show sets up parts of the movie right? Like timeline wise it's the show then movie before the shows finale I think.

    1 replies
    1. Juan
      1 year

      It sets up the 4th movie which is Leroy and Stitch. And that film ends the series. While the 3rd movie: Lilo & Stitch, Stitch has a glitch, is a "sequel" to the first movie. And I don't think it references the show.

  34. imrightoverhere
    1 year

    ngl, i do actually want you guys to watch the Lilo and Stitch show, mostly because of nostalgia

  35. Q
    1 year

    Lilo and Stitch tv show is pokemon in concept but in my opinion lilo and stitch is better

  36. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    The Ice Cream Guy is the Cabbage Man of this franchise

  37. TsundereVA
    1 year

    I would totally love to see you watch the tv show sinbce this movie was a set up for it, it was one of my favorites! But it's not a requirement before watching the other movies, although they have continuity and you get to see more of 625 (my favorite) and all the other experiments. I neversaw the anime but I think it would be worth it, thanks again for another awesone reaction!

    1 replies
    1. Jakob
      1 year

      I am with you and would love to see them react to the tv show.

  38. nicholas
    1 year

    I hope yall do the show it's super good and filled with like 3 crossovers from different disney channel shows like kim possible also Leroy and stitch is the finale to the tv show the second movie is its own thing so you should be fine

    1 replies
    1. Iruma
      1 year

      There’s 4 crossovers. Kim Possible, American Dragon, Proud Family, and Recess from what I recall

  39. Vilmu
    1 year

    Leroy & Stitch is the finale to the TV show, but it's fine to watch without seeing the show.

    Also, please watch The Lion King 2. It's easily considered one of the better sequels.

  40. shantheman99
    1 year

    You should react to The Iron Giant!

  41. Joseph
    1 year

    this opens up the series whereas stitch 2 is standalone. the final movie is Leroy and stitch which is connected to the series, so its best to see the show before leroy and stitch

  42. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Love this movie. I vote The Lion King 2, Tarzan, or Atlantis The Lost Empire next. I also really enjoyed the Lilo & Stitch TV show.

    1 replies
    1. Internet Zing
      1 year


  43. Zero
    1 year

    Just so you know after this movie is the TV series of lilo and stitch after you watch that is Leroy and stitch the movie which concludes the TV series , lilo and stitch 2 movie is a stand alone from the show but will reference again in the stitch anime.

  44. Harus
    1 year

    Man, you guys got to this quick.

  45. Internet Zing
    1 year

    You should do Lilo and Stitch 2. I like that one better.

    2 replies
    1. Artemis
      1 year

      Don't forget the final Movie 'Leeoy and Stitch.

    2. Stockton
      1 year

      Do this and that’s it no lilo and stitch movie 4

      2 replies
      1. DDude
        1 year

        No, Lilo and Stich 4 movie, let them watch the movies they want.

        2 replies
        1. DDude
          1 year

          Never mind

        2. DDude
          1 year

          Lilo and Stich 4 movie is great, watch that one next

      2. Darc
        1 year

        Leroy and Stitch. The movie that ended the tv series

  46. Raptor
    1 year

    The movie set up one of my favorite series on Disney Channel when I was a kid. I even made my own “Experiments” and created what I can only describe now as absurdly elaborate fan fiction. This franchise has one of the most unique premises out of most other Disney shows and is amazing for it.

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