Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Movie REACTION

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  1. Alder
    10 days

    I think the best example I can think of off the top of my head that does this sort of TBC ending is Back to the Future. BTTF 1 probably could have existed by itself, but once you start BTTF2 you can't really conclude the story until the end of BTTF3.

  2. Jacob
    9 months

    I’m concerned how nobody has even known about spectacular Spider-Man cameo appearance

  3. Fish
    1 year

    This reaction is old, but for anyone who is just watching this and is confused and scrolled down here to see if anyone commented about it, Miguel isn't actually a vampire, but literally 50/50 of being a spider. His whole entire backstory is very experiment gone wrong/he was experimented on orientated. When he says he's different from all of the others that's literally true, because all of the other Spider-People have spider abilities latched onto to their DNA, or it merged with theirs, while Miguel's got re-written (the scene where he injects himself you can see his blood-cells have spider legs). The stuff he injects himself with is a (street) drug called Rapture, an addiction he had earlier on before he became Spider-Man and one he didn't want, that helps his spider genetics not lose their shit; it helps him not go haywire but you actually can't live without the drug either, so normal people can't wean themselves off of it.

  4. buttholierthanthou
    1 year

    Was truly a pleasure to enjoy this masterpiece through fresh eyes again. that's what reactions are all about. cheers, boys <3

  5. Kristjaan
    1 year

    Yes most Spidermans are from the Comics movies and shows

    There are some alterations done of some of them

    Also some made up ones for the movie

  6. Kristjaan
    1 year

    That woman from store where spot was

    Is from the venom movie

  7. Darc
    1 year

    So there are literally thousands of marvel universes. And then each of those marvel universes can have branches. Like 42-A and 42-B which are almost identical except for certain events being different

  8. Darc
    1 year

    The whole concept of spiderman 2099s team makes little sense. There's no way he could convince all of those spider men that they had to let people die because of "canon"

    Any singular version of peter Parker would beat his ass into the ground for even suggesting that.

    1 replies
    1. SWTobito
      10 months

      Miguel basically only recruits Spider-Men that have already lived through these events. So he basically just has to tell them that it was destined for these bad things to happen to them and it wasn't their fault. Plus he has Peter B. as a corroborating witness to convince people about the canon breaking destroys dimensions.

      It's why Miguel was hesistant about recruiting Gwen.

  9. Darc
    1 year

    I thought more people knew about Spider Gwen's story. She and Peter were super in love, Peter became the Lizard in his world, Gwen accidentally killed him and was a wreck

  10. KingSuno
    1 year

    Quick question, who else would play a Spider Gwen game in the style of the spider man games?

  11. reni
    1 year

    about to watch this reaction for the 2nd time. i think this is one of yalls best videos. also this was my first time seeing this movie, so it was really fun to watch it with yall!

  12. Crankwarrior
    1 year

    Yesss please react to the live action movies

  13. blitz1126
    1 year

    Im pretty sure most of the Spider people are real characters, at least the ones with visible screen time. Some were made for the movie though.

  14. blitz1126
    1 year

    there's not much i can add that hasn't been said that this movie is amazing, but there are some plot elements that truly depend on how the 3rd movie plays out to be satisfying. It was amazing seeing all the cameos like Spectacular and insomniac Spider-Man, though it makes it hard to believe some of them would follow through with the Spider society. Especially since it wouldn't be the first time Peter was against Miguel's plans.

  15. Jared
    1 year

    Great reaction! I don't have a lot of favorite movies, but holy shit the Spider-verse movies are by far top tier for me. Couldn't wait to see it in theaters and can't wait to pick it up on digital. Only bad thing is when I saw it with my friends, one fell asleep within the first few minutes and missed this.

  16. tenacious_armadillo_90846
    1 year

    i'll just say miguel is damaged and has lost his empathy, there is a whole lot of self projection he's doing onto miles with a mix of jealousy - "who do you think you are" , why does miles get to go around thinking he can do this and that, to extents he needs to believe it won't work out for miles and others cause then he's wrong and is issue is his issue as a result of his choices. not only is miles an anomaly making things a whole lot different, just like with gwen's dad quitting and thus no longer being captain there are loopholes to cannon, cannon isn't sacred. Honestly Jess (spiderwoman) is only enabling him, someone needs to tell him to take that chip off his shoulders and actually look at things not from only his narrow minded perspective. He doesn't know for sure and is disdain for miles is more personal and trauma motivated. Not to mention the 42 universe with the other miles still exists despite the change in cannon, its not great but it didn't collapse.

  17. Fabbrizio
    1 year

    What makes these movies so great, aside from just the art style, is refusing to shy away from how batshit insane the comics get, while also telling those stories more gracefully than the comics ever did. Like the comics are a mess, I don't think there's any dispute. There's a reason you read certain runs and skip others, there is zero consistency. But Spider-verse has taken the loftiest concepts from the comics and told them in a way that is as faithful as it needs to be to match the intent, but as unfaithful as it needs to be to actually be a good movie.

  18. GainingGamer
    1 year

    lego movies when?

  19. Kris
    1 year

    This has me hyped for you to check out the other live action Spider Man movies youve missed.

  20. Gestrid
    1 year

    Alright, so this first bit may seem unrelated to the movie, but stay with me.

    So here's something to think about: in the comics, there's an infamous (read: absolutely freaking *hated* by the readers) event called One More Day where Aunt May is on the verge of death after accidentally getting shot by one of the Kingpin's goons. Peter and MJ, who are married at the time, are offered a deal by a villain/ demon named Mephisto: he would save Aunt May in exchange for Peter and MJ's marriage. In the end, Peter and MJ agree to his terms, and the deal is done. What they don't know is that Mephisto meant that *every* potential Peter and MJ marriage in *every* universe would now be erased or would never happen.

    You can see this in Into the Spider-Verse: Peter and MJ's marriage gets dicey because she wanted kids and he got scared, and they divorced.

    *But*, as we see at the end of the first movie, Peter gives his marriage another shot after realizing he wanted kids ("Do I want kids?"). In an ending scene, he rings MJ's doorbell, and she answers. And, in this movie, we find out that his remarriage was successful and that, yes, he does have a kid.

    Miles, being the original anomaly, actually fixed Peter and MJ's marriage, fixing One More Day for at least one Spider-Man and disrupting yet another Canon Event.

  21. Mugiwara1295
    1 year

    This movie is another reason to support the current strike. The animators for this movie were overworked and underpaid and dozens of them left the project bc of hostile work conditions. That caused them to push the release of the next movie from 2024 to 2026 I believe.

  22. Rez
    1 year

    Love this movie sm

  23. rithesh011
    1 year

    Seems like you guys haven't Avengers Infinity War or Endgame yet.

  24. Van
    1 year

    i absolutely love hobie and how he is with mayday. adult mayday with influence from hobie would be amazing.

  25. batfiend
    1 year

    100s of the spiders were made just for the movie: even the ones that aren't, were redesigned in some way :) Designer Kris Anka made most of them, you can see the designs on his twitter @kristaferanka

  26. Internet Zing
    1 year

    What happened to HMan?

  27. Internet Zing
    1 year

    This is the best reaction of Across the Spiderverse I have ever seen!!

  28. Gabriel
    1 year

    I think it would be cool if you guys watched the MCU movies and superhero movies in general. As for the DC movies you should definitely watch the animated ones they are great, also Boom you are right there is a world in DC where Bruce dies and his dad becomes Batman and his mom becomes Joker. I really want you guys to watch the Marvel What if series aswell mainly because it also has to do with the multiverse.

  29. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    Holy shit this movie was crazy

  30. Lily Mrrgglton
    1 year

    Can you wait till AFTER you have seen the movies to give them shit? Disney wasnt controlling Marvel until quite recently either, to add to that xD

    1 replies
    1. Lily Mrrgglton
      1 year

      *was wrong about the takeover being recent, but I still wish you watch the movies before giving them shit, a lot of what I heard you mention you like in comic book movies I feel are still present in quite a few movies released post-Avengers1

      1 replies
      1. boom
        1 year

        We didn't give the movie shit, huh?

  31. Nora
    1 year

    After watching this a second time, I just got the reference to "No Way Home" that Spiderman 2099 said while fighting Vulture in the beginning of the movie.

  32. Lily Mrrgglton
    1 year

    How did you forget about Avengers Infinity War + Endgame? Its like THE CLIFFHANGER

  33. Ranginald
    1 year

    They actually mention No Way Home in the movie and the fact that the MCU is Earth 199999

  34. Golden Witch
    1 year

    So WILD fun fact the Lego part of the movie was created by a 14 year old! The creators saw him do something similar on YouTube and reached out to have him do it for the movie. Also I feel like something so FUCKED up that’s overlooked is how screwed up SpiderGwen’s existence is in the spider city. Not only are the other variants of her a constant fridge-ing device for Spider-Man but her father is as well. Imagine the awkward conversations she must have had with all the Peters there☹️. She’s like a walking ghost and given her outfit design?. Also also I have a theory that the police captain dying is a canon event that has already happened in Miles’ universe given that he was NOT the first Spider-Man. During the whole canon event conversation not once was it brought up that there was already a Peter who solidified the canon events nor do they say canon events must happen more than once in a single universe!

  35. Ben
    1 year

    I would love to see a 5th element reaction, that's one of my favorite movies from back then. You guys would love it I think. This movie was phenomenal. I really like Hobie too he is the best ?

  36. Springtime
    1 year

    Bad new about the sequel, it’s currently delayed Indefinitely because of the strike

  37. hobbes314
    1 year

    Also just mention if you came out of seeing this and think that 'Canon Events' are these immutable, reality-defining things that need to happen, ya weren't really paying attention to anything the movie was actually trying to say. There's a reason why we didn't get Miguel's backstory in this, because he has a roughly similar origin to movie Miles and by his own definition is a fraud too

    1 replies
    1. Darnell
      1 year

      I would say it’s even worse than miles; miles at least has some shared things with Peter and a lot of the other spider-people like the death of a loved one, a period where he gave up being spider-man due to the struggles of being in the comics (spider-man no more), fights a venom/symboite, etc… Miguel has none of that, his powers are so different from your standard spider-man that he’s the only one that doesn’t have a spider-sense (if you notice he just tanks every hit if he doesn’t see it coming like a normal person would), wasn’t biten by a spider, his webs were originally organic in the comics, he never had a loved one die for his origin to cause him to become spider-man and as Peter said, miguel isn’t intentionally funny. The fact that we saw him taking what looks the medicine for the rapture drug that caused him to splice his dna and become spider-man in the first place makes me think that this is a miguel that had most of his canon stories but decided to quit before cleaned up his cyberpunk 2099 New York and chose a world where he could be a family man and thinks that the canon events are his fault (my theory is that the spot is causing the collapses just to mess with Spider-Man and as an effect of him activating particle accelerators and feeding on the dark matter. Oh also that reminds me, alcamax the company where these accelerators are located are the company that miguel worked at and is the bastard heir to.

  38. Kiing
    1 year

    Yall need to watch the easter egg videos there are so many things that were hidden and missed

  39. Night0wl
    1 year

    Love this movie that I saw it three times in theatres. Crazy thing about the Spider from Dimension 42, it was glitching out before it bit Miles so that hinted that it was from a different universe. The writers did a great job of tying all those little things together.

  40. Harry
    1 year

    Also when Aaron throws Prowler the glove, it parallels how he threw Miles the spray can in the first movie. Also, the three Spideys that went looking for Miles are quite the pairing because none of them became Spider-Man/Woman in the traditional sense- none were bitten! This has sparked a lot of discussion about canon events, anomalies, and how accurate Miguel's understanding of it is

  41. Harry
    1 year

    In the first movie, when Miles meets Peter his spidey sense colors change from Prowler colors (purple + green) to Spider-Man colors. These colors also appear on the counselor when she's describing Miles life as coming from a poor immigrant family- and again in other Miles' room to make it immediately clear that it's not the one we saw earlier.

    2 replies
    1. DRedd
      1 year

      To be more specific: Green and Purple are villain colors in general, *especially* for Spider-Men. His colors shifting wasn't just a matter of going from Prowler to Spidey, he went from a destiny that ended in villainy to one of heroism

    2. ShoheiTora
      1 year

      I was going to leave this exact message for the guys but wanted to make sure I wasn’t repeating myself. I did not notice it at all on my first watch-through.

  42. Harley
    1 year

    So from what I've heard the third movie should be out next summer. And yes seeing it in theaters was amazing! When it got to the to be continued part I actually said out loud "RUDE?!!!" apparently fairly loud given I had quite a few people laugh.

    1 replies
    1. Ashes2Ash
      1 year

      Not Next summer! The film in theaters said that after the credits, but many articles released stating that they hadn't even BEGUN the next movie yet, so next year is a definite no. I believe I was seeing 2025/2026 for a tentative release date?

      1 replies
      1. Gestrid
        1 year

        They were working on both movies concurrently. This was originally one movie which was then split in two. Apparently, no voice acting has been completed for it, though.

        It was originally supposed to come out in March of next year, but it's been delayed because of the ongoing writer and actor strikes. No new release date has been announced.

  43. bans4ee
    1 year

    I think i saw one of those other versions, that you all mentioned, as at the 1:56 mark im pretty sure i remember Miles shocking them instead?

  44. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Convinced myself there was an end credit scene, but it turns out that was just Earth-42 test footage and some sort of "deleted scene" or "leak" it's kind of unclear??? Crazy that my brain convinced myself it was fully animated and in the credits. Threw me for a loop.

  45. Dallas
    1 year

    You guy's definitely need to watch the other 2 live action spiderman(tom hollands), they are so good!!

  46. Em
    1 year

    I think it's a really cool detail that Hobie didn't actually modify his watch! He dropped his watch when he quit and left. He made his for Gwen from all the parts he stole from Miguel in that one scene lol. He was already coming up with a backup plan since Miles didn't know what he was getting himself into. Also, it took a rewatch but you can see the number 42 constantly popping up in the first movie around Miles! There's a part where the numbers fall next to him from a building sign after Miles tries swinging for the first time. Then when Peter is trying to tell Miles the computer password, it's one of the numbers he emphasizes. There's more but these are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. These movies are really just so full of detail and new things you can notice after multiple rewatches. I love them!

  47. Andrew
    1 year

    This is actually my first time watching this and wow.. The fact that BTSV might be better, just crazy. Easily the greatest animated movie I’ve ever seen.

  48. Jasmine
    1 year

    This movie was gorgeous! I loved the artistic direction of the entire film. BTW, I'd love to watch you guys react to The 5th Element, it's one of my faves. I didn't know about the ending, so I had a similar reaction in the theater!

  49. logan
    1 year

    infinity war and endgame was kind of like this.

  50. hobbes314
    1 year

    Fun fact the train that you take from the main New York/New Jersey Line to Princeton is colloquially called the Dinkie, cause it's just 1 car that goes back and forth all day

  51. Ashes2Ash
    1 year

    Here's some fun facts!

    Miguel isn't /actually/ a vampire. He wasn't bitten by a spider, his dna was fused with that of a spider (? I believe). So his fangs and "claws" (talons) are physical aspects he has. His bites have a paralysing agent in them, which is why he tries to bite The Vulture. He also, ironically, does not have a spidey-sense, which is how he got hit in the beginning.

    The Spider Society does exist in the comics, and there is a comic run regarding a few of the spider people chosen here, notably Gwen, Hobie, Miles, and I believe Pav is there (Spider-man India). It's not exactly like this though.

    In the shot where the Spot is explaining Spoder 42 came from a different dimension, you can actually see it on it's way to 42!Miles (Prowler Miles) before it's teleported. Thus implying THAT Miles was supposed to be Spider-man.

    The lady in the convienience store that the Spot travels to when he's poking his head into different dimensions is actually the same lady from Venom ft Tom Hardy!

    Donald Glover being the Prowler is not only a reference to people wanting him to be Miles. Glover /was/ Miles in the first animated appearance of Miles. He voiced Miles in Ultimate Spider-Man. It's /also/ a reference to MCU Spider-Man, as he appeared in the first movie, as well as one of the after credits/deleted scenes, which has him calling Miles. Basically confirming he's the Prowler in the MCU, and that Miles exists there.

    In the beginning, Miguel mentions "That one Spoder-Man and Dr. Strange from Earth 19999. That is a direct reference to one of the Tom Holland movies.

    Final fun fact!! The entire Lego segment of the movie was animated by a 14 year old kid. The kid was hired to animate the scene because the crew saw his animations and were super impressed. He has a twitter @FG_Artist.

    2 replies
    1. Gestrid
      1 year

      > The kid was hired to animate the scene because the crew saw his animations and were super impressed.

      Specifically, they saw his Lego animation of the first Across the Spider-Verse trailer.

      His YouTube channel is LegoMe_TheOG.

    2. Harley
      1 year

      Thank you so much for the info! I didn't know or notice most of that. The amount of detail in these movies is insane I love it!

  52. Philbo
    1 year

    YES WE DO lol Please watch the other spidermans, they even mentioned tom hollands spiderman

  53. trapvster
    1 year

    Hobie is real one

  54. Kacey
    1 year

    If you guys react to Flashpoint Paradox, its the movie where bruce wayne dies and his dad becomes batman, and it’ll open up an entire line of movies you guys could watch. DCAU is gold tier

    2 replies
    1. lightning63
      1 year

      It's better to start with the DCAU with Batman: The Animated Series or some of the standalone animated films. While the DCAMU has some great movies, it also has a lot that don't hit the mark.

    2. hobbes314
      1 year

      ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's fine. Better stuff is with the older one off ones.

  55. Crimson
    1 year

    Gotta watch in case you mention this. Peni is voiced by Kimiko Glenn who also voices Lena in DuckTales

    1 replies
    1. KingOfRedLions89
      8 months

      And Nifty in Hazbin Hotel

  56. Trish
    1 year


    1 replies
    1. Kristjaan
      1 year

      Spidercat is also in Spiderman game

  57. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    I was in the middle of rewatching the DBZA 60 finale when I got the notification, and I dropped that so fast! Let's go!

    1 replies
    1. DementisXYZ
      1 year

      Now that I finished watching, I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it as much as you did. This was my "break my no theaters rule" movie...and I did so 3 times. It's so good and I love it. I just kept switching my focus between the 3 of you, waiting for the "Wrong Dimension" to click.

      Also, 2:38:27, can we get those faces for thumbnails now? Those are great expressions.

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