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4 months
All the Matt and Matt plot hating is getting really annoying. Like, if you don't like the normal human plot points and characters, that's fine, it's not for everyone I guess. But when every single scene with Matt is overpowered with constant trash talking, it makes the show a lot harder to enjoy. I get that it's a reaction, and you're supposed to voice your thoughts, but is there really any value in repeating the same things every single time he comes on screen? At this point it's not really just reacting, it's hate watching
5 months
favorite line " I have to liters of soccer mom in the fridge" by damon talking to stefan lol
1 replies
5 months
6 months
two back to back bonnie-less episodes and me no likey.
6 months
i disagree. i come a buffy background and normal humans can hold their own against vamps. plus she has proven she can take care of herself when not prepared to fight a vamp. imagine if she had prep time? give her some weapons and some training. let the FEMALE LEAD actually DO SOMETHING. im here for proactive characters.
7 months
i love that damon had that " ah shit" look when he saw stephan lol
7 months
lets give elena some credit she clutched
7 months
hope yall are feeling better
Residentfan 1
7 months
RIP Billy
Residentfan 1
7 months
Tbf to Stefan, if someone kidnapped me, tortured me and tried to kill me, I think I’d be pretty angry and would also probably continue stabbing that person.
Residentfan 1
7 months
20:49 Damon is like me when I play Metal Gear. “Oh I have the option to knock guys out? Cool, I’m not gonna do that! I’m a soldier in the military so that option is stupid and out of character!”
1 replies
Residentfan 1
7 months
23:03 hey look it’s the moment where someone finds the body and you have to kill that guy and then the next guy and so on that I run into every time I play any stealth game
7 months
7 months
You guys need to watch the naive man from lolli land and 2 in the am pm on YouTube it’s regular show related
All the Matt and Matt plot hating is getting really annoying. Like, if you don't like the normal human plot points and characters, that's fine, it's not for everyone I guess. But when every single scene with Matt is overpowered with constant trash talking, it makes the show a lot harder to enjoy. I get that it's a reaction, and you're supposed to voice your thoughts, but is there really any value in repeating the same things every single time he comes on screen? At this point it's not really just reacting, it's hate watching
favorite line " I have to liters of soccer mom in the fridge" by damon talking to stefan lol
two back to back bonnie-less episodes and me no likey.
i disagree. i come a buffy background and normal humans can hold their own against vamps. plus she has proven she can take care of herself when not prepared to fight a vamp. imagine if she had prep time? give her some weapons and some training. let the FEMALE LEAD actually DO SOMETHING. im here for proactive characters.
i love that damon had that " ah shit" look when he saw stephan lol
lets give elena some credit she clutched
hope yall are feeling better
RIP Billy
Tbf to Stefan, if someone kidnapped me, tortured me and tried to kill me, I think I’d be pretty angry and would also probably continue stabbing that person.
20:49 Damon is like me when I play Metal Gear. “Oh I have the option to knock guys out? Cool, I’m not gonna do that! I’m a soldier in the military so that option is stupid and out of character!”
23:03 hey look it’s the moment where someone finds the body and you have to kill that guy and then the next guy and so on that I run into every time I play any stealth game
You guys need to watch the naive man from lolli land and 2 in the am pm on YouTube it’s regular show related