Vampire Diaries Episode 16 Reaction

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  1. rickie
    6 months

    him: googles "how to become a vampire". show: ends on a "cliffhanger" oh him saying he wants to be a vampire. me: gotta do better show lol

  2. rickie
    6 months

    both ben and caroline need to GO! he's boring and she's annoying. i fast forward through their scenes (no offense to you two but i just CANT with them).

  3. Skye
    7 months

    ruff my good man as much as i hate to admit it the high school stuff has literally tied into the plot the whole time that kinda the point of the show. even the b plot stuff ties into everything else even in small ways

  4. Thomas_Stilinski
    7 months

    when it comes to this show bree is eric kinda funny lol

  5. Thomas_Stilinski
    7 months

    think imma just wait for these to pile up

  6. Narutoanime16
    7 months

    I love the music choice in this show its so good and I guess I don't mind the high school stuff cause I watched all of Smallville lol. Elena and the brothers def seems like the main thing idk about everyone else but this is a huge cast

  7. rin
    7 months

    The second hand embarrassment from this episode is unrivaled I just about shriveled away when Matt mentioned making out in the car

  8. srtburger
    7 months

    i love this reaction, i love yall 

  9. Naya37
    7 months

    love these reactions!

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