Vampire Diaries Episode 10 Reaction

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  1. Daniel
    1 month

    Poor Caroline is getting treated like everyone’s personal juice box.

  2. Patpet
    6 months

    Guys , when you want to talk please pause, because ypu are talking on some pretty important stuff, and with thsi show that is packed with vital info, if you don't get a conversation then you get confuse and miss important stuff. 

  3. Manuel
    7 months

    To be fair about Stefan not telling Elana is that he hasn't really had a chance to tell her cause when it happened she said I can't be with you then went in the house then he was trying to help Vicki to killing her then Lexi came then Lexi died then Stefan said he was backing off then said he couldn't be apart of her life no more then to this 

  4. Golden Witch
    9 months

    Wait a god damn minute…… I don’t remember there being a hint to that characters future story arc in season!?

    1 replies
    1. Daniel
      1 month

      are you talking about the moon??

  5. srtburger
    9 months

    love this reactionnn

  6. jemx27
    9 months

    The actress who plays Daphne is Scotts mum from teen wolf, I shouted "Melissa!" When I saw her, Scott would never let that happen to his mum ?

  7. Naya37
    9 months

    these reactions are the best, excited for more!!

  8. Residentfan 1
    9 months

    Apparently it’s not necrophilia because they’re undead. They were once dead but are now alive.

  9. Jesse
    9 months

    cellphones and stuff havent ruined horror really . If ya is a good enough horror driector/writer u can find a way around or to use it to your advantage 

  10. phat_gato
    9 months


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