All Sonic Movie Trailers Reaction – Including Sonic 3

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  1. Daniel
    6 months

    Btw, the Sonic Anime (Sonic X) that you saw among your recommended videos was my childhood. It reinterprets Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 in a similar context to the recent Sonic movies, in that sonic and other anthropomorphs like him come from a different dimension and cross over to earth. Obviously, there are a lot of differences, one of which is that instead of Donut Lord, you get Chris Thorndyke. Who is... controversial to many. But I didn't mind him. In fact, I kind of resonated with his desire to parrot Sonic as a lonely kid myself.

    I recommend the show if you watch it in Japanese with English Subtitles. 4Kids screwed that pooch hard. It's a good summary of the best Sonic moments (except Metal Sonic  rip) with a lot of fun twists like Rouge becoming an operative duo with a cool side character. And I HIGHLY recommend Sonix X season 3. It's worth watching Sonic X just for its 3rd season.

  2. Toa
    6 months

    Shadow's origin story is in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. The same game also introduces Rouge the Bat. Probably worth watching the cutscenes? Also the only Sonic game I bothered to play to completion when I was a kid, the levels are fun.

  3. Toa
    6 months

    Shadow was created by Eggman's grandfather in the games, it looks like his father in this movie.

  4. chance.welch.37
    6 months

    please play the shadow game

  5. strange.happenings
    6 months

    Yall need to check out sonic adventure 2, it will make this make more sense.

  6. Jose
    6 months

    you guys NEED to play sonic adventure 2 before watching sonic 3, it's on steam

  7. Afro-M
    6 months

    sonic underground you got to check it out that was the first sonic show that got me into the fandom

  8. Thomas_Stilinski
    6 months

    i think you guys would love detective pikachu if you havent seen it already

  9. kikko78
    6 months

    Please to the love of god see sonicX SUB PLEASE

  10. DrawingFyreFox
    6 months

    The game "Sonic 06" features Blaze, Silver, Shadow, Sonic, Amy, Tails, Nuckles and Rouge. So it might be a good one to watch if you want to be introduced to most of the Sonic favourites at once. 

    Theres also a hilarious re-dub of the game by Snapcube. All done in one take. Rouge and shadow do weed in that dub. Its comedy gold

  11. Isaac
    6 months

    Sonic Adventure 2. Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. But the shadow game is exhausting so....

  12. deathshallbethelastenemy
    6 months

    sonic adventure 2: battle for sure

  13. Subaru130
    6 months

    Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) is the one you want to watch to see what the deal is with Silver. Though, I wouldn't watch it till at least after you guys do Adventure 2 because Shadow is also a big part of that game.

  14. Cadent
    6 months

    If you wanna learn all there is about Shadows backstory and Project Shadow as a whole, I highly recommend this video from Chaomix. Very informative video. But maybe *after* experiencing the Sonic Adventure games, Heroes, and Shadow the Hedgehogs own game as it'd hit far harder to watch this after experiencing the games stories yourself.

  15. Kayla
    6 months

    Also recommend the snapcube fandubs of the sonic games

  16. cyborggamerpro
    6 months

    This video has all of the Shadow information you need.

  17. Dylan
    6 months

    You definitely gotta do the cutscenes and/or boss fights in sonic frontiers. It's so good

  18. Dylan
    6 months

    I'm disappointed there wasn't like a bonus feature in the blue ray for the first movie to have "ugly sonic"

  19. Adam
    6 months

    you need to watch or play sonic adventure 2 then sonic heroes because explanin shadow origan 

  20. Kaylis
    6 months

    I know so many people have already said it but sonic adventure 1 and 2 are absolute must haves for sonic lore (obviously there are more like Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog that are also v important lore wise)I’m absolutely living for all of the sonic content lately

  21. Petrichor12
    6 months

    Here for more deep dive into Sonic.

  22. TsundereVA
    6 months

    This completely unrelated but you guys should watch the Chip and Dale movie. It has a ,ot of pop culture references, including the human sonic monstrosity. It's still really good but I think you would get a kick out of it.

  23. Pip
    6 months

    Sonic Adventure 1+2 are must plays for knowing Sonic lore. I suppose you could watch the cutscenes, but we'd all really like to watch you guys actually play them. Both are on steam, I'm not sure about PS5. 

    1 replies
    1. Kaylis
      6 months

      Yes’s A12 and 2 are absolutes for them to play

      1 replies
      1. Kaylis
        6 months

        *yess *sa1 and 2 oops

  24. Jose
    6 months


  25. Jose
    6 months


  26. mikehawk
    6 months

    play the sonic adventure games that's where shadow started

  27. rabi
    6 months

    Idk if they are playing sonic heroes but they need to play it

  28. Jamie
    6 months

    also, like another comment said, i once again will be using this time to ask you to react to the Real Time Fan Dubs of Sonic games from Snapcube. they're kind of like abridged series, but completely improvised in real time. (so they all get together in a call, watch the cutscenes muted, and improvise what their assigned characters are currently saying live.) they are hilarious, and spawned a few memes you may have heard of. such as the meme where eggman is saying "i've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitchass mother fucker." 

  29. Down
    6 months

    I really hope you guys watch the cutscene for Sonic The Hedgehog(2006) shadow plays a huge role in it and it is Silver’s Debut game.

  30. Jamie
    6 months

    the old uglty sonic legit looks like when the little boy was turned into a monkey human hybrid in the first Jumanji movie. 

  31. Tj
    6 months

    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is the game you NEED to play!!!!

  32. Roberto
    6 months

    If you want to know about Shadow before the movie you need to watch Sonic adventure 2 cutscenes and Shadow the hedgehog to learn his backstory

  33. Tj
    6 months

    You need to watch the live action chip and dale. You’ll be suprised.

  34. Darksteel78
    6 months

    Have they watched the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie? It's so meta and has some great crossovers, social commentary, and tribute to animation in general.

  35. LaLa
    6 months

    Yes. Yes, absolutely more Sonic. I've been loving your Prime reactions and I think it'd be cool af to see you guys react to Shadow's game debut.

  36. ZayZillions
    6 months

    (PLEASE) watch Sonic X peak fiction 

    1 replies
    1. stitchlips25
      6 months

      In japanese, the dub is a load of garbo 

  37. Darc
    6 months

    So I highly recommend checking out these games for the best story.Sonic adventure, sonic adventure 2, sonic heroes, maybe shadow the hedgehog, sonic generations, and sonic frontiers.


    For cutscenes only maybe go with sonic 06 cause that game isn't worth playing and is no longer canonical because the ending of that game made it so the entire game never happened

  38. Sydney
    6 months

    If you want to learn about Silver and Blaze, you gotta watch the Sonic 06 and Sonic Rush/Rush Adventure cutscenes.  You thought Amy was girl Sonic? Heh.

  39. Kendorable
    6 months

    You guys should react to the very popular improv comedy dubs "Real-time fandubs Games" of Sonic game cutscenes. Basically a group of people (many of whom don't actually know much about the source material) just watch the cutscenes and improv things the characters are saying, and it's lead to some of the biggest in-jokes and memes. The Sonic Adventure 2 Dark Mode one is the big classic one with 20 million views and a great place to start. I promise these would get serious views.

    2 replies
    1. Jamie
      6 months

      i third this. ive been asking them to watch them since they reacted to sonic 1 

    2. Avelle
      6 months

      I second this, it’s basically live improv, and they go crazy with it, it’s one of the funniest dubs I’ve seen


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