1. Jhonny
    4 months

    You guys really need to try Final Space 

  2. Estação
    4 months

    there so many good shows you guys can watch besides this list, the only good reacting content is young justice s3, the other 3 are just not that great for a reacting video, specially spongebob. infinity train, harley quin show, batman animated series, courage the cowardly dog are some examples of good series to watch a react

    1 replies
    1. Jakob
      4 months

      Would really like them to react to Dan VS sometime too. Think that would be amazing, just adding to your fine list.

  3. jdetoro
    4 months

    Hoping you guys will react to The  Dragon Prince. the final season is coming out soon and it's by the same makers as Avatar the last Airbender and Legend of Korra

  4. Luminous
    4 months


  5. Eve
    4 months

    Hoping Gargoyles gets enough requests to be voted on at some point. (And longshot but god if you guys could watch ReBoot 1994, if only for the novelty of the first cartoon animated like that)

    1 replies
    1. Of Butterflies and Books
      4 months

      I second Gargoyles

  6. Jessy
    4 months

    You guys should start up SpongeBob again. And I know you said you were done with Fairly OddParents but you should watch the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour specials as well as the episode movie where Cosmo and Wanda had a baby

  7. Keegan
    4 months

    I hope Young Justice continues as season 3 is not as great as 2nd in some areas and I believe 4th is amazing. finishing the series out is awesome especially cause you all seem to like character growth within the series and that the show ages well because they made it later to match the aging audience. 

  8. Minh
    4 months

    I'm still waiting for Ben 10 Ultimate Alien and Infinity Train, recommend Generator Rex too

    1 replies
    1. Exemtpie03
      4 months

      I second infinity train

  9. C1-10P
    4 months

    I already commented about Andor a few days ago, but I’m back with a quick-ish guide to Star Wars, just in case y’all wanna include more shows in the schedule in the future but are still confused about the order.

    Rebels (2014-2018) - Essential viewing. Watch AFTER The Clone Wars.

    The Mandalorian (2019-present) - This show takes place after episode VI - Return of the Jedi. You CAN watch it now if you want, but keep in mind that it picks up on a plot thread that was started in Rebels (which picked up on threads started in The Clone Wars). The show was designed to get casual fans on board without needing knowledge beyond the movies, so if you start it now you WILL understand the plot, but you won’t recognize certain important characters and other things. It won’t stop you from enjoying the show, but you’ll enjoy it even more if you have the background provided by The Clone Wars and Rebels. Also, watching it before you finish Rebels will spoil parts of The Clone Wars and Rebels.

    The Bad Batch (2021-2024) - You should watch it after Rebels.

    The Book of Boba Fett (2022) - Watch it BETWEEN seasons 2 and 3 of the Mandalorian, or The Mandalorian season 3 won’t make sense.

    Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) - You can already watch it.

    Andor (2022-present) - You can already watch it, and you should do it asap! Peak Star Wars, I’m telling y’all.

    Tales of the Jedi (2022) - Anthology series. Watch it AFTER The Clone Wars.

    Ahsoka (2023-present) - It’s basically Rebels season 5. Watch it AFTER Rebels.

    Tales of the Empire (2024) - Anthology series. Watch it AFTER Ahsoka.

    The Acolyte (2024) - It takes place in the High Republic, a century before the prequels. You can already watch it.

    Skeleton Crew (2024) - It takes place around the same time as The Mandalorian, but it’s its own thing. I believe you can watch it as soon as it comes out.


    Resistance (2018-2020) - It’s a lot more kid-oriented than The Clone Wars and Rebels. You can skip it.

    Young Jedi Adventures (2023-present) - Preschool cartoon. Cute way to introduce very small kids to Star Wars, but you can also skip it.

  10. Koopliss
    4 months

    Damn, another month of nothing interesting. i don't mind saving my money but man, i miss when almost every month had atleast 2-3 shows i actually cared about.

    These suggestions feel like screaming into the void at this point, but hey, i might as well throw them out, i've still been ride-or-die for Infinity Train and Samurai Jack. there's probably another one that at this point i've forgotten....

    As for an adult-animated series option... i seen a lot of suggestions here and there for Bojack Horseman and Bob's Burgers, so i'm casting my votes to those as well.

  11. koltoney
    4 months

    Is Tokyo Ghoul coming back?

    1 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      3 months


  12. Michael
    4 months

    Imma keep trying with the movie push 

  13. Asheepslife
    4 months

    I think you guys should watch some more obscure movies like the Last Unicorn or something like that. 

  14. Baron
    4 months

    I hope you guys eventually find time to watch the Gen 4 Pokémon movies. They are the wildest ones in my opinion 

    1 replies
    1. Colonel
      4 months

      Believe me, they are not into them. I know guys from my generation.

  15. MannyJ
    4 months

    Generator Rex, imma keep advocating for that goated show

  16. Viktor
    4 months

    I absolutely love young justice but I actually hope they don’t watch season 3 and 4, there are a lot of good elements to the show but to end on the masterpiece that is the season 2 finale is exactly where I would personally leave off. Maybe that’s just me.

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      4 months

      That is very much just you, seasons 3 and 4 are still amazing 

  17. Unstablebeast
    4 months

    God i wish we could see the current voting results, having no idea if young justice season 3 is winning or not is killing me lol

  18. vividlearner744
    4 months

    green lantern the animated series is good and one of main characters appears in yj

  19. trolle6
    4 months

    another thing I just thought of that would be a funny and I think popular reaction, music videos called "Bad Lip Reading", maybe you could start with thier star wars takes.. maybe "bushes of love" or something similar

  20. Sean
    4 months

    SOUTH PARK!!!!

  21. Spooder
    4 months

    You guys should consider watching “Blue Eye Samurai” it’s SO freaking good

  22. loveabblepostion
    4 months

    SPONGEBOB FIRST!! then everything else after :D

  23. grimjowjacrjac
    4 months

    Id be curious to see what they think of once upon a time

  24. lightning63
    4 months

    You guys should watch the Karate Kid trilogy and Cobra Kai

  25. Daniel
    4 months

    South Park would be legit and they'd have patrons for YEARS with all the content to cover

  26. Chris
    4 months

    Should do the Mongrels adult Muppets kinda

  27. zealixtv
    4 months

    Eventually they should get around to phineas and ferb, i feel like they would love that

    1 replies
    1. Mason
      4 months

      Yes! I second this! I’ve been wanting to see there reaction to that show!

  28. C1-10P
    4 months

    Aww, I was hoping Andor would be in the poll. It’s so short and it’s PEAK Star Wars. Please consider it, guys!

  29. Kingwukong72
    4 months

    I think you guy would enjoy the Monsterverse movies series

  30. Noah
    4 months

    “From” is a great show I recommend you guys check it out if you haven’t seen it already

  31. Alexblade
    4 months

    I know it'll never happen but watch voltron

  32. E.j.
    4 months

    If you guys want to get into a live action series that still holds up even by today's standards, look into Babylon 5.  It's unfortunate that many of the actors have passed but if you watch it, you guys might actually like it.  

  33. trolle6
    4 months

    would you guys consider reacting to "Bojack Horsman" its a amazing show and I would love to see your deep takes on the show

    1 replies
    1. Dr
      4 months

      Yes, do BoJack! Be ready for the silliest cartoony humor and the realest takes on depression in a unique blend.

  34. Juju’sWrld
    4 months

    i need more spongebob reactions in my life , i love being a billyyyyyyyy <3 

  35. AniMangaFan
    4 months

    I really hope you guys continue YJ. It might be woke in the later seasons, but the story was still there.

    2 replies
    1. Ant
      4 months

      Not complaining about wokeness while having a pansexual character as your avi😂

    2. rin
      4 months

      “Woke” lmao😭

      1 replies
      1. vixenpopp
        4 months

        fr 😭

  36. Crusty
    4 months

    South Park pls

  37. Ryan
    4 months

    Will leave this in the hands of all you wonderful people as I have 0 interest in any of these shows.   Clone Wars is my jam atm on this channel.

  38. Matthew
    4 months

    I'm really confused, I thought you guys said you wouldn't be switching shows mid-seasons anymore? Or did I just make that up haha?! No hate though guys I've seen your comments saying it's underperforming but I just thought given how much you liked the show you would continue it regardless but I understand this is your livelihoods!

    1 replies
    1. xav98
      4 months

      Technically it’s not mid season i believe as S2 of YJ is a bit weird as depending on where you look the middle of S2 is apart of S3

  39. Swordfish
    4 months

    Once the Young Justice is up, can we consider either Justice League the animated series from the early 2000's or Batman: The Brave and The Bold? Strong DC shows with great characters, plot, and lore.

    1 replies
    1. Maurice
      4 months

      Or Batman Beyond

  40. Mike Dark
    4 months

    I only voted for Young Justice season 3 is a banger 

  41. Jakob
    4 months

    Can I suggest Dan VS for a future poll? May not do well due to not enough people knowing about the show but it would be nice to see it included. It is a great show.

    2 replies
    1. Parker
      4 months


    2. Swordfish
      4 months

      Minorly known, I've never watched, I quote the fuck out of it from random clips!!!

      1 replies
      1. Jakob
        4 months

        It is such an amazing show and deserves more eyes on it.

  42. Unstablebeast
    4 months

    Man i really hope young justice wins, i need that show to continue, and with the movies currently on pause, its the only DC content left on the channel rn.

  43. BattleNet
    4 months

    Would love to see a reaction to Family guy

  44. The Jester
    4 months

    I would just like to recommend LEGO Monkie Kid

  45. OneAutmLeaf
    4 months

    please watch Generator Rex

    1 replies
    1. E.j.
      4 months

      Where can you see it?  I've been looking for DVDs for years.

      1 replies
      1. LaLa
        4 months

        Sadly the only option I have found over the years is 🏴‍☠️

  46. theagames10
    4 months

    My brain is confused when looking at this ballot-like poll.

    How does this ballot version of the poll work? Is 1st supposed to be the required priority? I is confused.

    1 replies
    1. xav98
      4 months

      I believe so

  47. Kay
    4 months

    Family Guy always makes me laugh and I love it when you guys do the specials.  I'm always down for more of it.

  48. upshit
    4 months

     watch close enough 

  49. Clay
    4 months

    Close enough and the boys

  50. Shadow.exe
    4 months

    come on family guy

  51. Thijs
    4 months

    the boys plsss

  52. Kevin
    4 months

    Bring back spongebob 

  53. Danny
    4 months

    New poll please 😭

  54. Danny
    4 months

    Honestly yall should react to Star vs the forces of Evil that show is amazing 

    2 replies
    1. Aaron
      4 months

      yeah, just like YJ, the first two season were great!

    2. 12gageking
      4 months

      Yes I would love that 

  55. Dinamo89
    4 months

    waiting for transformers prime to appear on a poll 

  56. redking581272
    4 months

    I would love for you guys to react to Sym-Bionic Titan. Only has 1 season and 20 episodes total.

  57. AniMangaFan
    4 months

    Fingers crossed The Spectacular Spider-Man makes the cut.

    1 replies
    1. AniMangaFan
      4 months

      One of these days

  58. Sorazure
    4 months

    South PARKKK

  59. solparadox9962
    4 months

    Hope you all do Justice League animated serises 

    1 replies
    1. Dusty
      4 months

      One show I was going to recommend: Jackie Chan Adventures

  60. Toa
    4 months

    I'll be honest, I've no interest in these other shows, but you owe it to yourselves to follow through into Young Justice S3

  61. ardeline
    4 months

    I really hope you guys watch Ben 10: Ultimate Force still this year. 😭🥺

  62. just_jojo
    4 months

    YJ S3 is fine don’t know why ppl hating

    2 replies
    1. Colonel
      4 months

      YJ is probably the best pick yeah. That said, there are MANY shows that are worth reacting to, more than these are.

    2. ZayZillions
      4 months

      they delegated to much time on new characters and left so many unanswered questions

      2 replies
      1. Unstablebeast
        4 months

        Its almost like every season introduces new characters, also they had up to season 7 planned, just because a question isnt answered in the season doesn't mean itll never be answered

      2. Marquez
        4 months

        If only that were true season 3 basically left their new characters underdeveloped in favor of an older character.

        1 replies
        1. xav98
          4 months

          Really? S3 developed the new characters decently well and merged them into S4

  63. xav98
    4 months

    YJ S3 imo is  the best of the 4

  64. Dasan
    4 months

    I low key hope they watch more Yugioh movies one day and also the abridged 

  65. lightning132ttv
    4 months

    The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest is a cartoon I think you guys would absolutely love!!

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      4 months

      Not a shows, but I REALLY hope you four decide to go back to the Conjuring universe, and also eventually visit the Michael Bay Transformers films.

  66. SilverFoxx
    4 months

    Avengers of Mightiest  heroes. I feel like you guys would love it

  67. Maliha
    4 months

    Bobs burgerrrrrs. You guys would love it🥹

    1 replies
    1. Starlight
      4 months


  68. Brandon
    4 months

    with this being for the Wednesday show I am still curious on what will be taking Regular Shows place in 2 weeks

  69. sungodluka
    4 months

    Hope they come back to Ben 10

  70. FaalofMan20
    4 months

    Man, I'd really hoped Bob's Burgers would have made the cut on the poll at least!

  71. Parker
    4 months

    Still no Red vs Blue. One day...

  72. JimenezC
    4 months

    Aww man, I was hoping for ed edd n' eddy to be on the poll.

  73. amoorelordz
    4 months

    No Futurama 😔

    1 replies
    1. JetGosling1903
      4 months

      i think they already saw it,atleast i remember ruff saying he did

  74. Sydney
    4 months

    Dang. Here I was expecting Jimmy Neutron to appear after they watched the movie

  75. Kaelin
    4 months

    No bobs burgers 😭

  76. jbirm3
    4 months

    Me after watching their transformers one reaction will now patiently wait for transformers prime to appear on a poll 

  77. LaLa
    4 months

    TBH I only find one of those shows even remotely appealing, but I understand the draw for others.

    I would like to humbly suggest something new and short: Firefly followed by its finale movie Serenity. Only 12 episodes and the movie, but am amazing watch.

    1 replies
    1. Colonel
      4 months

      For real man :( There's The Boys, Mr Robot, Malcolm in the Middle, the first few seasons of THE SIMPSONS even... so many options.

      1 replies
      1. Colonel
        4 months

        Edit: my bad, I see the boys is coming at some point. Still, the other I mentioned are pure gold (specially Malcolm and The Simpsons). 

  78. abuba6688
    4 months

    Pls CODE LYOKO or Power rangers wild force

  79. abuba6688
    4 months

    CODE LYOKO or Power rangers wild force

  80. sombra_hacker09
    4 months

    Def family guy first 

  81. Down
    4 months

    When I refresh and vote again does that overwrite my previous vote? I hope that it isn’t possible for one person to just keep stacking their vote.

    1 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      4 months

      There is not a way to vote twice. It gets removed, if you’re caught trying to vote multiple times your vote gets yeeted altogether 

  82. Aaron
    4 months

    I don't particularly like S3 of Young Justice, and don't get me started on S4's nonsense. But that's mostly writing. Animation, fights, and seeing the characters was still fairly good from what I saw.

  83. Down
    4 months

    I pray for South Park AND Young Justice Season 3

  84. akgbooks02
    4 months

    I love your guys Young Justice reactions. I hope you guys continue them.

  85. shantheman99
    4 months

    EASY South Park 100%. You guys will not regret it. 

  86. Niya
    4 months

    South Park for sure 

  87. Greeny
    4 months

    what happened to reacting to The boys

    1 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      4 months

      we got our own slot that's not polled my dude

  88. darkus
    4 months

    southpark and yj.

  89. elijah5772
    4 months

    South Park season 1 

    2 replies
    1. elijah5772
      4 months

      Or SpongeBob season 6

    2. edwardbutler
      4 months

      Spongebob s6

  90. Kollie123
    4 months

    I seriously hope you guys aren't thinking about dropping young justice despite how much you are enjoying it. 

    3 replies
    1. John
      4 months

      They know the quality drops in S3, it was discussed in their recent reaction. However S4 picks right back up and I hope they stick around for it

      1 replies
      1. Kollie123
        4 months

        The quality drop is exaggerated which is why it sucks that a season I know they will enjoy is on the chopping block and put in a vote against family guy and south park

    2. darkus
      4 months

      i hate the idea of not having yj and southpark

    3. boom
      4 months

      That's why it's on the poll, to see if it's what people want us to continue or not.

      1 replies
      1. Kollie123
        4 months

        I mean there was no poll for continuing the show after season one was there? You're only asking at this point because you've let a vocal minority online put it in your head that season 3 is garbage when its still solid. 

        1 replies
        1. Joe Ruffler
          4 months

          That's not why at all. That being said if its truly a vocal minority you have nothing to worry about

          3 replies
          1. imrightoverhere
            4 months

            In afairness, you guys did mention that only a few people vote in the polls anyway so I think there's reason to be even just a bit cautious. And even though this poll is open to non members, I don't really think it would change the general turnout, since it's a common problem reaction channels seem to be facing, I did hear of a channel trying a new method of releasing the pilot episode of candidate shows and choosing the one with the highest view count over a couple of days/weeks. Though that would mean more niche but loyal audience shows like Young Justice or Transformers Prime never see the light of day. IMO, doing most, if not all shows, by how much views they get and how much you guys want to watch them while giving patreon memebers either a vote for 1 show and/or movie would be the best balance. But I'm no expert so¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

          2. Kollie123
            4 months

            Oh come on let's not kid ourselves, you guys have obviously heard some bad things about season 3, I've noticed the comments in the videos, you cant really expect me to believe its just a coincidence you have a vote for the show at the season you've heard negative things about? And no, it being dramatically lower in quality being something only said by a vocal minority doesn't mean I have nothing to worry about, because the show could still get low votes on the basis that you've put it up against some absolute monsters in terms of popularity with south park and family guy. Season 3 could be the best season of the entire show and I could still see it losing pretty substantially to South Park or Family guy.

            2 replies
            1. Joe Ruffler
              4 months

              Again you’re incorrect. If we listened to the vocal minority we’d be reacting to she-ra still. So I’ll go through your points 1 by 1. 

              There was a multi year hiatus between s2-s3 that’s a factor. 

              The show struggled to hit our channel average so we switched it to a binge format after 3 days. We had already started s2 before s1 made it to YouTube. That’s a part of why there wasn’t a poll for s2. We had no idea how it would do. Now we have that knowledge we didn’t have before and we know that SIGNIFICANTLY less people watch s3 reactions then s1/s2 this is easily verifiable

              Southpark and family guy have also been completely obliterated in a poll before. 

              At the end of the day, yes I do expect you to leave your bias at the door and believe the truth. 

              That being said believe whatever you want to believe. It won’t change the outcome and won’t change the truth of the situation

            2. boom
              4 months

              Your bias is causing you to box shadows. We get negative comments on literally everything we watch and it hasn’t persuaded us one way or another before. The show underperformed out the gate and also has a lot of episodes. We use these polls to see if our time is better suited to another series. Also it’s a DC property, acting like we set it up to fail against South Park and family guy is silly. It’s actually beating those two handily, currently. 

              1 replies
              1. genericgamer283
                4 months

                Yeah, it's just unfortunate timing that in the last reaction you brought up people not like S3 right before this poll (among other times). It underperforming makes a lot more sense and isn't suprising. As good as the show is, I wouldn't describe it as mainstream, even if the fanbase is dedicated and loyal. FWIW, a big reason I keep my Diamond membership on is for this show and The Clone Wars (both Cartoon Network lol), and I imagine I'm not the only one.

                1 replies
                1. Joe Ruffler
                  4 months

                  And that’s totally cool. If we stop a show you like then absolutely downgrade or unsubscribe. 

                  There is nothing wrong nor abnormal about that

          3. genericgamer283
            4 months

            It just kinda feels like a waste of a vote cause I'd really like you guys to watch South Park or Family Guy too, but now I feel "obligated" to put YJ first. You say it's not because of the vocal minority, and I have no reason to believe you're lying so I'll take your word for it, but OP is right. S2 didn't have a vote, so it just seems a little strange. I will tell you right up front that the hate for the next 2 seasons are exaggerated. They came out almost 10 years after the show ended, and since it was on MAX, the tone of the show definitely felt more adult. I think it's natural for most people who grew up with the og seasons to not really connect with the newer ones. Nostalgia is a helluva thing lol.

            1 replies
            1. boom
              4 months

              We wouldn't really have a reason to lie over a cartoon. We were already doing season 2 when season 1 went to YouTube and underperformed there. We get negative comments on everything we watch from people who don't like stuff, it doesn't sway our opinion. 

              1 replies
              1. genericgamer283
                4 months

                Saw the other reply about it underperforming, which was I figured was the actual reason anyway. It would be a shame if you stopped watching the show since it's so obvious yall enjoy it so much. I enjoy your reactions to YJ especially since there aren't alot of them on YouTube.

  91. Jamie
    4 months

    Family guy gotta win 

  92. Brian
    4 months

    South Park!

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