(Silver) Unhinged Courage Episodes REACTION

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  1. astralea95
    4 months

    How did I watch this as a kid, every day after school lol

  2. ShadowWalker
    11 months

    PLease do more Courage

  3. M
    1 year

    As someone who is easily scared, it's a wonder how I enjoyed courage so much as a kid but I used to watch it all the time lol

  4. Damion
    1 year

    Definite yes to more Courage! It's definitely the one show where I can come back to it all these years later and still enjoy rewatching every season. Truly timeless.

  5. Nathaniel
    1 year

    This was awesome, the call out to Drop Dead Fred ?

  6. Msr9272tce
    1 year

    courage was wild. cartoon network hall of fame though

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