Billy and Mandy Save Christmas REACTION

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  1. Steamed
    4 months

     Guys are dumb for licking polls, speak for yourself Ruff. 

  2. Steamed
    4 months

    Love Billy and Mandy think you guys would love it. 

  3. Kaitlin
    1 year

    As a girl who is also stupid, the tongue on the frozen poll is no joke

  4. KaitouLuminous
    1 year

    How have you guys not watched the Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy? That, Danny Phantom(Which has a pretty great christmas episode too), & Genorator Rex are now the 3 shows I hope you all watch in the future

  5. HeidX
    1 year

    Please watch the show!!

  6. Darc
    1 year

    I love that we gloss over that Billy's family is Jewish and celebrates Hannukah but he still believes in Santa and Christmas

  7. GainingGamer
    1 year

    ed edd n eddy jingle jingle jangle is a great one. forsters a lost clsus, class of 3000 has one kamp kringle for camp lazlo, olive the other reindeer is on youtube (along with the rest iirc.). then you have operation N.A.U.G.H.T.Y. for knd. dont forget muppets christmas carol, the Disney Christmas specials with mickey

  8. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    Next do the Ed Edd n’ Eddy Christmas special

  9. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    I would love to see you guys watch Billy and Mandy

  10. The
    1 year

    Tbh Billy & Mandy, Powerpuff Girls, Chowder, KND, Samurai Jack, Foster’s Home, or Ed Edd Eddy could had all been great reaction series.

    1 replies
    1. ShadowWalker
      1 year


  11. Residentfan 1
    1 year

    09:25 once again, watch SAO abridged. You don’t know why I’m using that timestamp yet but you will.

  12. Ben
    1 year

    Happy holidays guys!

  13. Ben
    1 year

    Something I never noticed before, but the names on Santa's list are all people named in the credits as part of production ?

  14. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    Bro, Ruff is 100% right about Billy and Mandy. Maxwell Atoms is unhinged in his writing and this show is an experience, from beginning to cancellation. I follow him on Tumblr and he's still unhinged, it's great.

  15. MrWanton16
    1 year

    This show dictated a lot of my sense of humor growing up. Be cool for a full series reaction yeah!

  16. Kay
    1 year

    I would love to see you guys do more Billy and Mandy that was one of my favorite shows growing up and I still love watching it now

    1 replies
    1. Kay
      1 year

      also fun fact for those who dont know the guy who plays Billy (Richard Horvitz) is also the guy who plays Invader Zim

  17. Hellfire69
    1 year

    i just realized santa sounds like the voice actor for jafars bird

  18. Jakob
    1 year

    I agree with what others have said. I would love a full series reaction to this show.

  19. UltimateHope101
    1 year

    Yesirr! My top favorite Cartoon Network Christmas special ?

  20. Berserker88
    1 year

    Would absolutely be up for a full Billy and Mandy reaction. It was one of my favorite cartoons as well and I'd love to reexperience it. :)

  21. coco
    1 year

    What a great surprise! I would LOVE to see Billy and Mandy reactions

  22. Trish
    1 year

    Richard Horvitz is just the goat being all my favorite chaotic characters: billy,zim,moxxie,

  23. Trish
    1 year



    1 replies
    1. Michelle
      1 year


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