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15 days
this movie is so old. It is pretty cringe lol but a laugh and enjoy it cringe when you're not a kid. So I'm confused is their a video somewhere to see these guys playing or was it a you had to be live to see it kind of thing?
8 months
This just made me want to download the app and play again
8 months
You guys need to watch yugioh dark side of dimension
8 months
8 months
I literally watched this movie so many times growing up it's a little sad
1 replies
8 months
Also, I'm jealous that you all have duel disks. Those things aren't cheap
8 months
i would love to watch you guys watch the dub for yu gi oh it would be such a good time
1 replies
7 months
I hope
8 months
7:44 have no idea why it's so damn funny that you said that guy's name is Steve. That's actually a rather big running gag for a good portion of Yugioh Abridged. Highly recommend checking it out, as many have already recommended before me.
8 months
Ruff is correct, Magic cards are a little bit bigger than Yu Gi Oh cards. I wish they made an MTG show like this. I'm honestly just interested in how they'd handle it.
8 months
i think this is the most confused ive ever seen eric lol
8 months
Yugioh Abridged is amazing and is on the same level as Dragon Ball Z Abridged, I recommend watching it.
8 months
Run that 90's movie-throwback train, though! MM Power Rangers the movie, heck it, Digimon the movie, Jimmy Neutron movie before it became a show, and whatever other wild movies out there!
8 months
ya'll should absolutely watch the yu-gi-oh abridged series by little kuriboh
8 months
Watch the camp of the 4Kids-avised version, or watch the original sub after watching "Season Zero" of the anime. I loved the dubbed and it's cooky characters that were shown in this movie, however I would enjoy watching the original Japanese with Eng sub for the first time with y'all!
8 months
What the heck? I never expected you to watch anything yu-Gi-Oh related!
8 months
5ds yu gi oh is the best at everything
8 months
This movie takes place after season 3
8 months
I would definitely watch you guys react to the anime dub. It eases you into some of the concepts more, while still being campy and over the top.
8 months
YES! YES! YES! This is such a treat to see you react to this film! Though it is slightly insane and hilarious to know you guys went into this with minimum to no context. Yeah, this film was definitely made for fans of the game/series and is not a general viewer friendly film.
Man, this was such an event when it came out - as a child, the moment my best friend had the DVD we had a full sleepover blaring that wicked soundtrack and playing along with the duels in the film with our own cards, posing with the duel discs that you guys had, laughing at when the film blatantly got the effects of cards wrong or even just flat broke the rules.
It was awesome! Despite the cheesiness I still love it to this day, and the series/game helped me make some lifelong friends, who I still the play the game with to this day.
The new rules are a bit ridiculous, and the competitive scene is kind of toxic (Particularly to new players - and as a female player myself, tournament scenes and even online games can get rather uncomfortable) but that doesn't you can't enjoy the OG rules or just pick which generation rules you want to duel with in friendly games - when you play with friends to have fun it's still great!
Would love to see you guys react to the series and even the other films if you wanted too! The Bonds Beyond Time film was such a blast and huge fun moment for the community to enjoy! Also, it would be a nice way to enjoy the work of a wonderful creator who did truly believe in heroes and friendship to his core.
Can't wait to see you guys duel!!! I'm so excited! Would love see if any of you find you enjoy the game to see which theme decks you enjoy! My Main decks are Morphtronics, Frightfurs, Stardust Dragon and a Yami Yugi inspired one!
8 months
Kaiba is so butthurt that in one of the episodes of the show, he threatens to jump off the castle roof if yugi attacks him one more time! the show is wild
1 replies
8 months
Didn't he do that because he wanted to save his brother that badly?
8 months
Honestly maybe watch at least the first season of yugioh. not card lore accurate but it’s definitely satisfying saturday morning cartoons
8 months
Yugioh abridged? by little kuriboh ? not the great but it’s the show that inspired TFS
8 months
the god cards only weren't legal for play in the physical game because they had no legal printings LOL. Just promos with no real effect text and miscolored card backs. Later when they did get legal prints with effects and whatnot they didn't really get played aside from Obelisk once in a great while
8 months
Talking of designs and all that got me curious if you guys would check out some Digimon stuff at some point.
8 months
Definitely recommend checking out the other 2 films,they're hella fun and they actually follow the rules of the game for the most part
1 replies
8 months
Cuz in original Yugioh the reason why you guys felt lost as too what was going on in the duel. is cuz for the most part they were just making up rules,where as later series it's alot easier to follow since they do follow how the game is actually played.
8 months
Yu-Gi-Oh is such a trip. The original manga is pretty much a straight up horror comic for half the time. The Japanese version is your basic run of the mill shonen series made to sell the cards and the 4Kids dub just goes so over the top with the cheesy jokes and friendship spiel. And the funny thing is this first show is the tame one. Later shows like GX, 5Ds, Zexal, Arc V or Vrains are all insane regardless of dub. I'm pretty sure the writers were high on drugs when writing them. Especially when they wrote GX.
8 months
Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged would be a Nice Reaction
8 months
Yo I'd soo be down to watch yall do Yu-Gi-Oh. I loved the show. I stopped watching after the 3rd series because it became too much.
Also Dark side of Dimensions is great and I'd love to see you guys watch it.
8 months
I was so shocked when I saw yugioh I upgraded I was so hype! This reaction is so damn funny especially the way they speak about kaiba. Kaiba is Elon musk if Elon musk slayed. Kaiba has Elon money and he spends it on making everything about card games and I think that’s hilarious. I would love to see you guys react to Yugioh Bonds Beyond Time Abridged! Or even some out of context yugioh dub clips. The most recent yugioh movie is actually pretty good and the animation is fire. Regardless tho this made my day
8 months
Pleaseee react to Bonds Beyond Time!! And more importantly the Yugioh Abridged series!!
8 months
instead of watching individual episodes of the show, I'd recommend watching a video that covers the timeline of the anime(s). I can drop a link to one that's pretty good if interested.
1 replies
8 months
No they should watch the anime
8 months
This movie goes hard. Went hard when I was a kid, I'm sure it'll hold up!
8 months
Please watch the other two movies!
8 months
This would be a great Segway into yugioh abridged
8 months
I would LOVE to see you guys react to all of the YU-GI-OH movies for sure!! 😍❤️🥰
8 months
I hope you guys react to anime as well as the other YGO animes as well.
8 months
I can't wait for you guys to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! The dark side of dimension
8 months
Yes watching the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime Dub is awesome fun fact Yugi and the Pharaoh are both voiced by one guy Dan Green
8 months
Heres the thing, this movie timeline wise, takes place after Season 3.
8 months
This makes me wanna watch the Brednan Fraiser Mummy movies. Well, the first two at least. lol
8 months
Please can we get Yugioh reactions!? It would be so good!
8 months
I hope you guys react to the yugioh you would love it
8 months
Please react to Yugioh abridged, that would be hilarious with no context
8 months
will you guys continue the pokemon movies? you guys stopped right before the best one
8 months
I'd like to point out but at this point Joey was like 4th place in one of the biggest dueling tournaments before the movie takes place and nobody respects him
1 replies
8 months
He also came in 2nd in duelist kingdom, the tournament that awarded Yugi the "King of Games" title.
Residentfan 1
8 months
0:03:00 y’know whether it’s cursed or not, when you really think about it, would this not technically be grave robbing and desecration of the dead but somehow legal because it’s an ancient civilization and not someone who died in the last 500 years?
8 months
I’d be down to watch yall watch all of Yu Gi Oh😂 it’s a vibe I love it just as much as Digimon & Pokémon. Yi gi oh gets real tho lmao it’s surprising how dark it gets
8 months
It's probably best to go back and watch the actual TV shows.
And despite my grievances with subs vs dubs. If you ever watch the GX series you should probably go with the Japanese subbed versions. They're uncensored and actually have the 4th season unlike us poor dub enjoyers
8 months
Welp you gotta watch bonds beyond time now 😂
8 months
Watch Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions
8 months
what about the first movie, Yu-Gi-Oh! the movie 1999
1 replies
8 months
think they used the wrong title also yes to power rangers
1 replies
Residentfan 1
8 months
They didn’t title it wrong. Yugioh the Movie 1999 is a short film that runs for half an hour. This movie is from 2004 and is the movie everyone thinks of when you say “Yugioh the Movie.” Yugioh the Movie: Pyramid of Light is the first feature length movie.
8 months
i was hoping for naked gun 3 but this will do
1 replies
8 months
expect the unexpected I guess, but I do agree
8 months
C'mon Digimon!!!
8 months
i vote yugioh as the next show you guys watch....PLEASE
8 months
KETO SAIBA, ah, yes. The moodiest and most extreme diet ever. The one where you have to purchase their specific supplements MOKUBA tablets to resemble a human being. Sounds like a pyramid scheme.
1 replies
8 months
Keto Saiba, the homeless man who's favorite card is the White-eyes Blue dragon.
this movie is so old. It is pretty cringe lol but a laugh and enjoy it cringe when you're not a kid. So I'm confused is their a video somewhere to see these guys playing or was it a you had to be live to see it kind of thing?
This just made me want to download the app and play again
You guys need to watch yugioh dark side of dimension
I literally watched this movie so many times growing up it's a little sad
Also, I'm jealous that you all have duel disks. Those things aren't cheap
i would love to watch you guys watch the dub for yu gi oh it would be such a good time
I hope
7:44 have no idea why it's so damn funny that you said that guy's name is Steve. That's actually a rather big running gag for a good portion of Yugioh Abridged. Highly recommend checking it out, as many have already recommended before me.
Ruff is correct, Magic cards are a little bit bigger than Yu Gi Oh cards. I wish they made an MTG show like this. I'm honestly just interested in how they'd handle it.
i think this is the most confused ive ever seen eric lol
Yugioh Abridged is amazing and is on the same level as Dragon Ball Z Abridged, I recommend watching it.
Run that 90's movie-throwback train, though! MM Power Rangers the movie, heck it, Digimon the movie, Jimmy Neutron movie before it became a show, and whatever other wild movies out there!
ya'll should absolutely watch the yu-gi-oh abridged series by little kuriboh
Watch the camp of the 4Kids-avised version, or watch the original sub after watching "Season Zero" of the anime. I loved the dubbed and it's cooky characters that were shown in this movie, however I would enjoy watching the original Japanese with Eng sub for the first time with y'all!
What the heck? I never expected you to watch anything yu-Gi-Oh related!
5ds yu gi oh is the best at everything
This movie takes place after season 3
I would definitely watch you guys react to the anime dub. It eases you into some of the concepts more, while still being campy and over the top.
YES! YES! YES! This is such a treat to see you react to this film! Though it is slightly insane and hilarious to know you guys went into this with minimum to no context. Yeah, this film was definitely made for fans of the game/series and is not a general viewer friendly film.
Man, this was such an event when it came out - as a child, the moment my best friend had the DVD we had a full sleepover blaring that wicked soundtrack and playing along with the duels in the film with our own cards, posing with the duel discs that you guys had, laughing at when the film blatantly got the effects of cards wrong or even just flat broke the rules.
It was awesome! Despite the cheesiness I still love it to this day, and the series/game helped me make some lifelong friends, who I still the play the game with to this day.
The new rules are a bit ridiculous, and the competitive scene is kind of toxic (Particularly to new players - and as a female player myself, tournament scenes and even online games can get rather uncomfortable) but that doesn't you can't enjoy the OG rules or just pick which generation rules you want to duel with in friendly games - when you play with friends to have fun it's still great!
Would love to see you guys react to the series and even the other films if you wanted too! The Bonds Beyond Time film was such a blast and huge fun moment for the community to enjoy! Also, it would be a nice way to enjoy the work of a wonderful creator who did truly believe in heroes and friendship to his core.
Can't wait to see you guys duel!!! I'm so excited! Would love see if any of you find you enjoy the game to see which theme decks you enjoy! My Main decks are Morphtronics, Frightfurs, Stardust Dragon and a Yami Yugi inspired one!
Kaiba is so butthurt that in one of the episodes of the show, he threatens to jump off the castle roof if yugi attacks him one more time! the show is wild
Didn't he do that because he wanted to save his brother that badly?
Honestly maybe watch at least the first season of yugioh. not card lore accurate but it’s definitely satisfying saturday morning cartoons
Yugioh abridged? by little kuriboh ? not the great but it’s the show that inspired TFS
the god cards only weren't legal for play in the physical game because they had no legal printings LOL. Just promos with no real effect text and miscolored card backs. Later when they did get legal prints with effects and whatnot they didn't really get played aside from Obelisk once in a great while
Talking of designs and all that got me curious if you guys would check out some Digimon stuff at some point.
Definitely recommend checking out the other 2 films,they're hella fun and they actually follow the rules of the game for the most part
Cuz in original Yugioh the reason why you guys felt lost as too what was going on in the duel. is cuz for the most part they were just making up rules,where as later series it's alot easier to follow since they do follow how the game is actually played.
Yu-Gi-Oh is such a trip. The original manga is pretty much a straight up horror comic for half the time. The Japanese version is your basic run of the mill shonen series made to sell the cards and the 4Kids dub just goes so over the top with the cheesy jokes and friendship spiel. And the funny thing is this first show is the tame one. Later shows like GX, 5Ds, Zexal, Arc V or Vrains are all insane regardless of dub. I'm pretty sure the writers were high on drugs when writing them. Especially when they wrote GX.
Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged would be a Nice Reaction
Yo I'd soo be down to watch yall do Yu-Gi-Oh. I loved the show. I stopped watching after the 3rd series because it became too much.
Also Dark side of Dimensions is great and I'd love to see you guys watch it.
I was so shocked when I saw yugioh I upgraded I was so hype! This reaction is so damn funny especially the way they speak about kaiba. Kaiba is Elon musk if Elon musk slayed. Kaiba has Elon money and he spends it on making everything about card games and I think that’s hilarious. I would love to see you guys react to Yugioh Bonds Beyond Time Abridged! Or even some out of context yugioh dub clips. The most recent yugioh movie is actually pretty good and the animation is fire. Regardless tho this made my day
Pleaseee react to Bonds Beyond Time!! And more importantly the Yugioh Abridged series!!
instead of watching individual episodes of the show, I'd recommend watching a video that covers the timeline of the anime(s). I can drop a link to one that's pretty good if interested.
No they should watch the anime
This movie goes hard. Went hard when I was a kid, I'm sure it'll hold up!
Please watch the other two movies!
This would be a great Segway into yugioh abridged
I would LOVE to see you guys react to all of the YU-GI-OH movies for sure!! 😍❤️🥰
I hope you guys react to anime as well as the other YGO animes as well.
I can't wait for you guys to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! The dark side of dimension
Yes watching the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime Dub is awesome fun fact Yugi and the Pharaoh are both voiced by one guy Dan Green
Heres the thing, this movie timeline wise, takes place after Season 3.
This makes me wanna watch the Brednan Fraiser Mummy movies. Well, the first two at least. lol
Please can we get Yugioh reactions!? It would be so good!
I hope you guys react to the yugioh you would love it
Please react to Yugioh abridged, that would be hilarious with no context
will you guys continue the pokemon movies? you guys stopped right before the best one
I'd like to point out but at this point Joey was like 4th place in one of the biggest dueling tournaments before the movie takes place and nobody respects him
He also came in 2nd in duelist kingdom, the tournament that awarded Yugi the "King of Games" title.
0:03:00 y’know whether it’s cursed or not, when you really think about it, would this not technically be grave robbing and desecration of the dead but somehow legal because it’s an ancient civilization and not someone who died in the last 500 years?
I’d be down to watch yall watch all of Yu Gi Oh😂 it’s a vibe I love it just as much as Digimon & Pokémon. Yi gi oh gets real tho lmao it’s surprising how dark it gets
It's probably best to go back and watch the actual TV shows.
And despite my grievances with subs vs dubs. If you ever watch the GX series you should probably go with the Japanese subbed versions. They're uncensored and actually have the 4th season unlike us poor dub enjoyers
Welp you gotta watch bonds beyond time now 😂
Watch Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions
what about the first movie, Yu-Gi-Oh! the movie 1999
think they used the wrong title also yes to power rangers
They didn’t title it wrong. Yugioh the Movie 1999 is a short film that runs for half an hour. This movie is from 2004 and is the movie everyone thinks of when you say “Yugioh the Movie.” Yugioh the Movie: Pyramid of Light is the first feature length movie.
i was hoping for naked gun 3 but this will do
expect the unexpected I guess, but I do agree
C'mon Digimon!!!
i vote yugioh as the next show you guys watch....PLEASE
KETO SAIBA, ah, yes. The moodiest and most extreme diet ever. The one where you have to purchase their specific supplements MOKUBA tablets to resemble a human being. Sounds like a pyramid scheme.
Keto Saiba, the homeless man who's favorite card is the White-eyes Blue dragon.
Keto Saiba
Would be funny if you guys react to yugioh 5ds
Yugioh? You guys are awesome.